A Knight In The Apocalypse
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 1601 reads
The Intro.... Horray.
The year is 2019 and the world was ravaged by a chaotic virus, nuclear fallout, and many unexplainable things. Hard as balls to explain! But as your interactive author I usa ve an obligation to try. A small monarchy took over after all the government officials and soldiers left America behind to relocate in switzerland. Yeah, if you think the government doesn't care about you now.... Well you get the point.
The United States disbanded, no state was left untouched. Zombies, kimono spider-dragons, giant scorpions... You name it. There was even a weird fusion of a man, a dog and a turtle... Yeah... Hard to explain but not impossible! Unknown to everyone, someone walked their dog on the beach unaware of weird radioactive material. A small army of armed people showed up and cleared a fair amount of and, and built a fortress.thus ending the intro to not give spoilers away, enjoy!
Chapter One: A Knight And His Dame
Steven Knight had been walking in what used to be the southern part of Tennessee. Carefree with a smile on his face and a modified backpack on his back. He stumbled on to find a beautiful blonde woman running into the playground. She was hiding from something, danger was close. A rare sighting then appeared, when a zombie began to search for her.
Zombies had been thought extinct by starvation or by being killed. Rednecks and gun owners emptied all ammo reserves until the last one was dead. At least it was the last one they've seen, because this one was out hunting.
She made a run for the school, evading the zombie. Her leg was visibly hurt, and the zombie pursued her. Her beauty seemed familiar, like... her... Steve ran as fast as he could, as she entered the Elementary school. heading to her right, not knowing there were over grown scorpions infesting that place, but she didn’t stop. She was in pain, and he decided to hurry. Taking out a machete and a baseball bat in his backpack, he charged. He saw a couple scorpions head for him and he jumped over the heater then jumped over the scorpion. In a machete back swing he had hacked the tail off a bit and the scorpion chased. He then heard a shriek and he knew she was cornered.
He hurried up the steps, but the scorpion kept trying to go after him. The stairs led to a hallway on the left and the zombie had just smashed the door in. Guess he had a reason he survived. Stephen threw the bat at the monster, followed with machete to its head, but the zombie moved.
It tried to smack Stephen but was quickly blocked. Then with a swift kick he pushed the zombie to the wall, and pressed the machete horizontally on the zombie's throat. struggling to decapitate it, he kneed it in the stomach. Then it was over, Stephen had won.
The smack to his arm took a toll, it hurt as much as being hit by a baseball bat. “Are you all right? can you stand?” She rose and wiped herself off. “Yes, I didn’t think I’d make it, I thought I was going to die." ”Well, not on my watch, Ms. Ashland.” She was surprised, most of the people that knew her had already died. She barely even had family left, not since the outbreak of the zombies.
“Well, whoever you are, thanks.” Ms. Ashland desperately trying to figure out who this person was, and then he came closer to the light. “Really? You don’t remember me? I thought I was harder to forget than that! Oh well.. Nice to see you again.” She knew a guy once who had this kind of personality. One who loves to be a joker, so in this situation preferred not to make any serious statements. “Stephen? I thought you were dead, I haven’t heard from you in a long time, the last I heard you were shot in the leg fending off raiders.”
He remembered that day, how unholy the massacre on both sides had been. If he hadn’t mined the entire area inside the camp, he would’ve died. He lost Wade in that battle.
“What’s a shot to the leg, I’m Stephen Knight! I don’t die THAT easily.” She interrupted him there, “But you were surrounded 23 to 2, I heard Wade got shot trying to draw fire from you.” He hated to be serious, it meant remembering all the hardships he’s endured. All the pain of losing those who are precious to him. “Well lets not bring that up, we got some company ahead, and its not likely to be happy I hacked one of their boys downstairs.”
Stephen told her to go near the window after they barricaded the door. He jumped onto a tree, almost broke his leg. It hurt like hell, but was better than the small tree he landed in. She couldn’t escape by those means so he had to bust open a van. Luckily the keys were in the ignition, unfortunately the corpse was locked inside with a death grip on the wheel, literally.
“Fuck… the things I’ll do for that woman…” He crashed the backseat window and opened the driver’s side door. Removed the body, but his hands remained on the wheel. No time to fuck around so he had hacked them off. Dumped the body and drove it while they were still stuck to it. Though he put the van on neutral, I should say pushed.
The scorpions broke in and were closing in on her, their tails were on par with the height of a 5’10 man. So you figure out the rest. She saw him and jumped onto the van, with a loud thunk! She lazily rolled off the van and into his arms, not exactly a comfy bed to break her fall. As they got in the van and turned it on, more scorpions came after them.
They sped away from them, “Shit that was close!" "So how come you’re here? You were supposed to be near Florida. When I heard you ummm… died I guess.” she then rolled the windows down because the car stank. “Here, take this gun, shoot without mercy when we get to the checkpoints. You may die if you don’t, they aren’t fond of residents leaving, especially with a foreigner.”
She remembered his British background, so she pushed the gun away. “Why do we have to kill them, they’ll lose track of us if we go by foot and sneak past them.” She had a point, a weak point, but a point nonetheless. Stephen wasn’t hungry for blood, he just liked to minimize the risk of dying. Especially with her on board. “Listen, I thought it through, they set traps and hounds near the exist. Stupid fucking move if you ask me, but the results always come out the same. If wade was here we could do it, sadly he took several shots by the time I got to him… Just do as I ask please, I don’t want to leave you by the side of the road.”
She became a little hesitant but that went away with a little bit of rage. “What the fuck do you mean by the side of the road?! You save me only to leave me stranded with more fucking monsters than there were in that school? You’re last name should be douche-bag asshole instead of Knight!” He wasn't exactly fond of this particular conversation, so he kept his cool.
“For one: I meant that I don’t want you to get me killed, there are more people I need to rescue. Second: You were going to die if I hadn’t come along. Third: If you want to debate this matter, please feel free to do so after we get through the check point."
"Yeah, but-" " This place is not safe! The zombies weren’t a real threat, they exhausted their ammo. The purist assholes are shooting on site in hopes of looting dead bodies for more ammo. Stupid move, but still, we need to get out of here!”
He said we, not I... Meaning it was an empty threat. He didn’t think of his words when he had said that, but his objective was almost complete. All he needed was her and a couple more people. “You lied, you planned to get me, what do you want?” First thought: shit. Second thought: Fuck. Third thought: well… she was bound to find out. “I came here for you, Mitchell, and Ian. I... could never forget you. So when I heard you were still here I couldn’t help myself and I know that I probably sound selfish or stupid... But I’m trying my best not to get us killed! Erica, I know I suck at speaking to you normally, but look at it my way. If we survive this we can find safe haven. I cleared a Wally-Mart for all of us to endure everything.”
She wanted to argue and tell him they died but she was astonished to see a blockade of purists looking remarkably like them. “they faked their deaths, so they could join the pure bloods, those assholes do a background check. I could’ve killed them by name association.” Then they came close to the door, they knew he was to show on this day. So they didn’t shoot first and ask questions later. “Guys, get in! we need to find shelter and burst through the blockade. We’ll die if we try sneaking. I killed three snipers before I snuck in, almost got blown up in the process.” They opened the Van door and sat in the back. Not on the first seats, because they still had glass on them. “You stopped for her? God damn it man! I get that you never stopped liking her, but this damn crush might kill us all!”
Erica was about to open her mouth to say something, but Stephen tapped her thigh lightly and shaked his head no. “Listen, I understand your concern, but the one leading this parade is me. And as gay as that sounds, it holds water. You can either stay and die, or follow me." They went quiet, they knew SOMETHING was coming. People with paranoia always had some truth to their fear. “Now we’ll need some armor so this can withstand some bullets. As an ex-engineer, Mitchell you take charge. As a mechanic and ex-student in car designs, you are to tell us how to do what we need to do Ian. Then Erica and I shall be your helper monkeys, seeing we know shit about cars.”
She didn’t respond well to this, "no one said anything about heavy lifting!” Stephen chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll carry the heavy, you just need to do the small stuff.” She was looking to be relieved, “you still didn’t have to call me a helper monkey.” Stephen grinned, “come on, just a joke, you know me.” With this settled they rode to a cop station, but what awaited them was going to be harder than a couple scorpions and a zombie.
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A boring apocalypse 3/10
Now Miguel, if you're going to do a story about Fallout, just admit it at the start. As it is, this is just a bad rippoff with no positive additions. The so-called 'joker' protagonist doesn't make any jokes, the woman is a typical damsel in distress (you even made her a blonde) and the setting is just dull. You also seriously need to work on your dialogue layout, in fiction people talk like this.
'Hello.' said the man.
'Hi.' said the woman.
Not like this.
'Hello.' said the man. 'Hi.' said the woman.
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