By moonphish
Thu, 23 Mar 2017
- 318 reads
embarking on a field trip
was my junior high school class
a jaunt to an amusement park
we had an all day pass
tremendously excited
with our hearts about to pop
that's when the bus let out a moan
and sputtered to a stop
the bus could not continue
it was finished for this drive
and they had no idea
when a replacement might arrive
we glumly grabbed our lunches
when the verdict was revealed
and had ourselves a picnic
in a nearby empty field
we watched as dancing butterflies
made patterns in the sky
watched movies of the clouds we saw
as they went rolling by
we found a little winding creek
that led us to a pond
a few of us went swimming
but we left our clothing on
the world of mother nature
will eclipse the realm, man made
we learned that lesson very well
although, at first dismayed
today we took a journey
as by now, i'm sure you're hip
and yes, we only saw a field
but man, it was a trip
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