By moonphish
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there's a land called cartalija
many miles from here about
where lived a lonely fellow
by the name apoppinout
his father ruled the kingdom
but alas apoppinout
would never be successor
lest a marriage was worked out
you'd think it would be easy
for the lad apoppinout
but you would be mistaken
as you soon will figure out
for nature was unkindly
to that poor apoppinout
this face was made unsightly
by his wildly crooked snout
though lots of lovely ladies
thought they might become devout
they found it quite distressing
when they kissed apoppinout
for one could never figure
where that kiss would finally sprout
it always was deflected
by his wildly crooked snout
in that land called cartalija
that our story's settled in
lived a very charming lady
by the name of poppinin
her father was a smithy
and alas poor poppinin
had never much attracted
many local gentlemen
you'd think it would be easy
for the charming poppinin
but you would be mistaken
as to why, i'll clue you in
for nature was unkindly
to this woman poppinin
her face was made unsightly
by a nose as bent as sin
though lots of single fellows
through that shop had wandered in
they found it quite distressing
when they kissed poor poppinin
for one could never figure
where that kiss would finally pin
it always was deflected
by that nose as bent as sin
a shoe had come unfastened
on the horse apoppinout
had decided to take riding
and he had to figure out
where he just might find a smithy
so it would be right again
and not far he found the father
of the charming poppinin
when her father introduced them
they were smitten, have no doubt
he fell in love with poppinin
and she, apoppinout
for when they started kissing
and their lips met skin on skin
his nose was out a-poppin'
where her nose was poppin' in
and very soon they wedded
and the people all came out
to see the white veiled poppinin
and groom apoppinout
so when you visit cartalija
please make sure you're droppin' in
to see the prince apoppinout
and princess poppinin
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Haven't had a lot to smile
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Poppinin and apoppinout,
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