Home Read Write Forums Blogs The Interview By pepsoidThu, 06 Jul 2006 1329 reads So what do you do then? I'm The One. The One what? The One! The One! Saviour of the Universe! You don't look like much of a "One" - bit runty, truth be known. I'm out of practice. Can you flip a burger? I am The One! I can do anything! Certificate UStory50-wordersHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
The Interview By pepsoidThu, 06 Jul 2006 1329 reads So what do you do then? I'm The One. The One what? The One! The One! Saviour of the Universe! You don't look like much of a "One" - bit runty, truth be known. I'm out of practice. Can you flip a burger? I am The One! I can do anything! Certificate UStory50-wordersHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments