By the Book - SDD Three
By Pete Maida
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Eight days into the fourteen-day rest period Captain Peter Bushman was asked to return to Righteous to receive a priority message. The six foot tall sandy haired captain entered his ready room to see Admiral Lee's hologram waiting patiently.
"Yes Admiral, how may Righteous be of service?"
"Captain, please switch to encryption Bravo."
"Done sir."
"Captain, as you know S.S.A. has been monitoring the development of the civilization on Beta Apus Three. Its people are remarkably similar to humans. S.D.D. has the task of preventing contact with that civilization by anyone from the Solarian family of worlds."
"Indeed sir, Righteous has drawn that duty several times."
"Well Captain, Beta Apus Three has a major problem."
Pete came out of his ready room with a purpose. Once on the bridge, he got to work. "Jack, sound general recall. Buzz the entire crew. I want Righteous fully operational and out of orbit by 1030 Zulu."
Jack turned to his commanding officer, "Sir, we have 800 people spread all over the colony."
"Use all of our shuttles, and get help from the colony's security shuttles if you have to, but get my crew up here. Pass the word; the last shuttle must dock with Righteous by 1000 Zulu. Tell the pilots that is a direct order from me."
Pete checked the crew roster then asked Jack,” Has my new first officer checked in yet?"
"No sir, but Commander Franklin was dropped on New Baltimore by S.D.D Rooke ten days ago."
"Well she has had more rest than we've had. Signal her and the rest of the bridge crew that I expect them in the conference room by 0930 Zulu."
"What is that damn buzzing?" Mario groaned without picking his head up off the pillow. I told you Mario, never talk to me before ten in the morning” Susannah Franklin's system had not yet purged itself of the previous night's merriment.
"Then shut off that damn buzzer."
The word buzzer finally registered on her brain. Susannah’s eyes shot open as she recognized the tone. "Oh bollix, that's the final recall sound. That thing must have been buzzing for hours."
She rolled out of bed and promptly dropped on the floor. "Damn it."
Snatching her communication link Susannah read the message. "What time is it Mario?"
"It's 0615 we've only been in bed three hours, leave me alone."
"Oh bloody hell, that's 0815 Zulu. You're a lounge singer you can sleep. I have to go to work."
"What's wrong with being a lounge singer? You liked me well enough last night."
"I don't have time for this. Go back to sleep, and pay for the room on your way out."
A tense silence hung in the conference room. No one dared to speak for fear of having Captain Bushman's wrath directed at him or her. The clock ticked to 1005 and with each tick, the fire grew in the captain's eyes.
The silence was broken by the buzz of the communication link. "Captain, the final shuttle has docked."
Pete glared at his operations officer. "Jack, didn't I tell to order those shuttle pilots to dock no later than 1000 Zulu.?"
"Yes sir, and I made it clear to them sir."
"Then find out who piloted that last shuttle. I want whoever it is on report."
"Yes sir."
Five minutes later running was heard in the hall. Commander Franklin all but fell through the conference room door. Her uniform was a bit askew and a portion of her blonde hair was free from its pinning. Composing herself she walked to her seat.
Captain Bushman waited for his first officer to be seated. "Commander Franklin may I have a moment of your time after the meeting?"
"Yes sir." Susannah knew this wasn't a good start with her new captain.
The captain got down to business. "My apologies for pulling you back from your rest period so soon, but we have a job to do. For those of you who are new to Righteous, please forgive the rude welcome. I plan to give each of you a proper welcome before the day ends.
"Most of you know the story of Beta Apus Three. The planet was discovered by a Solarian Space Agency probe ten years ago. Since then it's been the job of S.D.D. to protect the population's development from outside contamination."
"I've been informed by Admiral Lee that there is a planet killer asteroid heading for Beta Apus Three. We must alter the course of the asteroid without making Beta Apus Three aware of our presence. We will rendezvous with Yorkshire at 1800 Zulu. At that time I want to present Captain Roberts and Admiral Lee a solid plan for success."
"The layout of the Beta Apus system is on your consoles. The position of the asteroid and the planet are noted. Are there any questions?"
"Captain, Lieutenant Commander Yasheeka, I'm taking over for Commander Benson at sensor ops."
"Welcome Commander."
"Thank you sir. I assume the asteroid is too massive to be affected by the combined firepower of two nebula class cruisers. Has S.D.D or S.S.A. put any other assets at our disposal?"
"We can't pull any more warships off the line. As far as we can determine the Takelvee have not discovered Beta Apus Three, and we don't want to lead them to it. However, the Galactic Transport Company has decommissioned one of its old star freighters and has made it available. Captain Linda Merriel is coming out of retirement to command the star freighter Deliverer on its final voyage."
"Is that thee Captain Linda Merriel sir?"
"Yes Jack, it is. Commander of the S. D. D. Gallant during the action at Alpha Centauri, and winner of the first contact award for her work at the Solarian/Epsilon station. It will be an honor to have her with us"
Susannah was now composed and ready for work. "Captain, it seems to me that all we need to do is swing the freighter in front of the rock and slam it into one side or another. The anti-matter explosion should push the rock several degrees off course."
"Commander, study the material closer. If we enter the system going anti-sunward, we'll be in detection range of the planet's orbital observatories."
"Oh Captain, what's the odds that they'll be looking at that tiny point in space just as we enter? By the time they react to the light flux, we'll be out of range."
"This is not a gambling house Commander. There will be a chance of being observed, that voids the idea."
"Right you are then. In that case we can come out of hyper-space above the plane of the solar system and dive into the plane out of range of the planet."
"Commander, you are aware of the regulations involving off-plane entry into normal space. It puts a great strain on the ship's hull."
"But Captain, you know . . . "
"Stop shooting from the hip Commander. Study the material and give me a considered opinion in a few hours."
The bridge crew filed out of the conference room, Pete shook hands with the new officers as they left. Susannah remained in her seat.
After the conference room door slid closed, Pete turned toward his new first officer. "Commander Franklin I realize that you had no warning of the recall, none of us did. Because of that I do not consider your actions a reportable offense. The only one to be disciplined will be the shuttle pilot."
"Lieutenant Owens? What the bloody hell for?"
"Those pilots had direct orders to be docked no later that 1000 Zulu. Lieutenant Owen failed to carry out my order."
"Oh don't be so bloody picky Captain, we were only five minutes late."
"He was thirty-five minutes late. Having you on board required that shuttle to be docked by 0930 Zulu. His failure held up the staff meeting."
"Captain, I wasn't waiting for him, he was waiting for me. Fred was on the Titan with me and he owed me a favor. I asked him to wait."
"All the more reason for action. I can't have people who put personal favors above my orders."
"Captain, give me the reprimand. I'm at fault here not Fred."
"All right, just to prove that I am not the stone hearted dictator that you're making me out to be, I'll have Jack cancel any formal action, but Owens is not getting off until I get a couple of things straight with him."
Thank you sir, and I'll try not to have this kind of thing happen again."
"Try commander?"
"It won't happen again sir"
"OK Commander, let's get to work."
Susannah's fleet experience was sound. When Pete gave her the bridge she was ready.
Pete spent most of his time studying possible options, while Susannah controlled the bridge. At 1730 Zulu she buzzed the Captain's ready room.
"Captain, Captain Roberts sends his regards. He said Yorkshire will be at the rendezvous point on time."
"How are we doing Commander?"
"We'll be early sir."
"Very good, buzz me before we enter normal space."
"Yes sir."
As Susannah was signing off, engineering buzzed the bridge. She answered, "Bridge."
The engineer recognized her voice, "By all the fathers in Scotland it is you. What the hell are you doing here woman?"
"Alan, Alan Erskine, you old space dog. Where have you been? I've looked all over for you. Your name wasn't on the crew roster.
"I've been in New Baltimore refitting some of the old buckets. When I heard Righteous had an opening in engineering I jumped for it. Susannah, there's something I need to tell you."
"Not like this love. I have to see you. It's going to get hectic once we rendezvous with Yorkshire. Do you think you can come to engineering now?"
"Alan, the captain is off the bridge. Is it important?"
"Yes love. It’s about where were going. You've got to know before we get there."
"OK Alan, I'll be right there."
Susannah rose from the command chair and looked to operations. "Jack, take the bridge. I'll be right back."
"Commander, where will you be?"
"Don't worry Jack, I'll just be a few minutes."
"But Commander . . ."
Susannah was out the door without another word.
It took a few minutes to get to engineering and Alan was waiting by the door. They hugged and Susannah asked, OK, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"
"It's not my problem this time, I swear. You know I do a little intergalactic trading every now and then."
"I remember. I don't know how many boxes of who knows what were stored in Rooke's supply area."
"And you ignored them all. That's why I love you so much."
"OK Erskine, enough of your sweet talk. Out with it. I've got to get back to the bridge."
"Well I had a trading partner who knew exactly who I should contact to get on Righteous."
"Good for you."
There's more. The reason he knew so much is because he is Matthew Bushman, the captain's son."
"Again, good for you."
"But you see Matthew had a unique source for his inventory, a source that only he dealt with. Matthew got his goods from Beta Apus Three."
"Wow, that could be a headache for the captain. I hope he's not there now."
"Oh, but he is, love. Right before I joined Righteous I got a message from him. He said that he was settling on the bloody planet, and that he has dismantled his little space hopper."
"What the bloody hell for?"
"He's in love. He says the woman is an angel, and the place is paradise. It seems he's had a bit of physical alteration done that allows him to blend into the population. He says no one but his lady friend knows he's an alien. He promises that there will be no contamination."
"Damn it Alan, I don't need this. I'm not on Captain Bushman's good side as it is."
"I heard you made quite a entrance."
"Never mind that. You're going to have to tell him."
"Me! What am I going to say? Excuse me Captain, your son and I had an illegal trade business and he settled on a forbidden planet."
With her hands on her hips she glared at the engineer," And how am I supposed to tell him?"
"You're about the smartest person I know. You'll think of something."
"Again the sweet talk. Let me think about it. If we're lucky, we'll bump this rock off course and be on our way. We'll keep this to ourselves and no one will be the wiser."
Out of the corner of his eye Pete caught the system indicators switch from hyperspace to normal space status. He reached over and snapped on the communication link.
Jack's voice came though the speaker, "Bridge."
"Jack, where is Commander Franklin?"
"Ah sir, she had to leave the bridge for a minute."
"Well, where did she go?"
"Ah . . . well . . .I'm not sure sir."
"You're not sure? Didn't she tell you to contact me before went dropped into normal space?"
"No sir."
"I'll be right there."
A minute later Pete marched onto the bridge. The same stillness that had hung in the conference room now blanketed the bridge, and the same person was absent.
"Well Jack where is she?"
"I don't know sir."
"What was she doing before she left?"
"She was talking to engineering."
"Jack, maintain the bridge. I'll be in engineering."
Before he could reach the door Susannah rushed in and collided head on with her captain. Her five foot one frame bounced off the larger officer and hit the door. The door slid open depositing the off-balance officer on the floor with a crash.
Pete held out his hand to his first officer. "Commander, may I help you up."
Susannah took his hand and got to her feet.
"Are you hurt?"
"Only my pride sir." Susannah rubbed her backside as she answered.
"In that case, please follow me to my ready room. I believe we have something to discuss."
"Captain, I had to leave the . . ."
"Not here Commander, in my ready room."
When the ready room door slid closed behind them Pete got down to business. "Commander Franklin, I don't how they ran things on S.D.D. Rooke, but on this ship the first officer must be the last one to skirt the rules. The operations manual clearly states that the officer in charge of the bridge does not leave the bridge with out good reason, and . . ."
"I had good reason Captain." Susannah broke in.
The captain continued as if Susannah hadn’t spoken, "And never leaves the bridge without letting someone know where he or she can be found."
"It was just a few minutes Captain."
"There seems to be always a little hedge. The shuttle was only five minutes late. It is only a small chance we'd be seen by the planet. Now, you were gone just a few minutes. Commander, why did you come to Righteous anyway?"
"Because I was asked to sir." Susannah stated forcefully. She was not about to cower to the captain. Admiral Deitric told me that Righteous would be starting a tour in the void, and she told me my experience in that area would be valuable."
"And it will be Commander. You're tactics during the Takelvee incursion into the void were superior. Flipping in and out of hyper-space in a one light year cube of space was a bit unorthodox, but affective. The Takelvee thought there were seven warships in from of them. They delayed their attack and gave the fleet time to position the Europa battle group. As you can see Commander, your reputation precedes you, all of it. The work in the void put you in line for your own ship, then came the screw ups. Your record is full of brilliant work on the bridge and simply dumb antics off the bridge. Its like you take you take a giant step forward, then knock yourself back."
"Excuse me Captain, but may come as a shock to you, but not everyone dreams of commanding a star ship. I do tactics, that's what I do."
"Not good enough Commander. As first officer, you must have the confidence of the crew should something happen to me. Your days of relaxing in that tactics chair are over. If you don't want the job, I'll see that you are reassigned right after this task is complete."
"I don't run from my duty Captain. I'll do this job."
"Fine then do it by the book. By the way Commander, I intend to offer your suggestion for dealing with the asteroid. After taking the time to think about it, you came up with an excellent solution. This is another upside for you. Please avoid any down sides. At least for a while."
The discussion was interrupted by a call from the bridge. "Captain, Yorkshire has come out of hyper-space and the star-freighter Deliverer is right behind her. We'll rendezvous in five minutes sir."
Pete looked over to his first officer, "Well Commander, shall we get to work?"
The conference room aboard the Yorkshire was filled to capacity. Officers from all three ships gathered to discuss tactics. Admiral Lee stood led the applause when Captain Merriel entered the room.
When things settled down Admiral Lee started the meeting. "Ladies and gentleman we have a world to save. How are we going to do it?"
Several suggestions were presented, but everyone agreed that Susannah's plan had the best chance of success.
Admiral Lee made the announcement, "Then it is agreed. We will adopt the Franklin tactic. Thank you Commander for coming up with a sound solution."
Susannah bowed slightly in the admiral's direction.
As the meeting broke up, Captain Karl Roberts moved over to congratulate Susannah while Linda Merriel sought out Peter Bushman.
"Captain Bushman."
"Ah Captain Merriel, It's an honor to meet you, and please send my congratulations to your husband. Getting command of the first dragon class destroyer is quite an accomplishment."
"Thank you Captain, but I'm getting a bit jealous of Raven. Matt can't say a sentence without his ship's name in it."
"I know the feeling and I'm sure you do to. You must have a different feeling on this trip."
"Yes indeed. When I first took command of Deliverer I didn't like it much. It certainly was not a flagship like the Gallant. But that changed. It will be hard to see her go. To change the subject Captain Bushman, you must be quite happy to have Commander Franklin as your first officer."
"I'm sure I will be."
"I can tell by your tone that I struck a nerve."
"She just came on board today and . . ."
"And she's already thrown the rule book out the window."
"Several times I'm afraid."
"Oh Captain, I could tell you stories of her years on Titan. She drove Captain Thomas crazy at times, but she can handle a star ship and she is the best tactician in space. My advice Captain is to keep on her, but don't give up on her."
"As I said, today is her first day."
Two days later the three ships flashed into the Beta Apus system. Sensors indicated that the target asteroid was on its predicted course. The large meteor now known as "Franklin's Cue Ball" was falling sunward behind at a twenty-degree angle to the planet killer.
Captain Merriel and her crew said their final farewells to Deliverer and transferred to Righteous. She, and her crew of three, would pilot the freighter’s final mission from the cruiser's auxiliary control room.
Captain Karl Roberts brought the Yorkshire into position on a parallel course to the cue ball. Its firepower will be used to adjust the course of the meteor. Righteous would guide Deliverer into the meteor from behind. The freighter’s ant-matter system was triggered to explode on impact. This combined with a powerful volley from Righteous would send the cue ball accelerating toward the planet killer. The impact would adjust the asteroid's trajectory and take safely away from the planet.
Captain Bushman gave Susannah control of the bridge. The short blonde first officer opened communication links to all parties, and then began. "Tim, I want a full volley from Righteous as soon as the sensors register Deliverer's impact with the cue ball, and I want the volley to impact exactly the same spot. When I say exactly, I mean exactly. Can you do that?"
"Yes Commander, fire control is linked to sensors and on immediate response. You'll get the hit you want."
"Very good Tim. Captain Merriel, please send Deliverer in."
"On her way Commander." Linda Merriel turned to her first officer, "Steve check the course, and release the safeties on the anti-matter.
"No Captain." Stephen LaGrande put his full six foot five inch frame to attention as he responded.
"Steve? What is the meaning of this refusal?"
"Captain, you were the best skipper Deliverer ever had. Miri, John and I have automated the process. Everything is set. Please do us the honor of flying Deliverer solo."
Linda Merriel was surprised and touched by her crew's tribute. "When I first walked on that old tub I never thought that I would come to love it and its crew so much. Thank you. This is one of the hardest things I ever had to do."
She shook the hands of the crew then stepped to the control console.
Things began to move quickly. A full arsenal volley from Righteous instantly followed the immensely powerful blast caused by Deliverer’s impact on the cue ball. Captain Roberts' navigation officer reported, "Course correction required on the cue ball in 30 seconds sir."
Karl turned to his weapons officer, "OK Jim, put some English on it." Yorkshire fired multiple glancing shots at the cue, until it was set on its planned course. Now all they could was wait.
Captain Bushman handled the security aspects. He had his communications officer continually monitor news reports coming form the planet. The computers did their best to translate the alien language. "Sarah, are you getting any reports about celestial events?"
"No sir, and I serious doubt that we will. Every news source is reporting that the military powers on the planet are edging toward a thermal nuclear confrontation. We may be saving them so that hey can commit suicide."
Sarah's words got Susannah’s attention. She went straight to the captain. "Captain there is something we have to discuss."
"Yes Commander?"
"Please, Captain, may we step into your ready room."
"Is it important Commander, I really don't think we should leave the bridge right now."
"This is very important Captain. Please, it will just take a few minutes."
"Very well Commander, Jack take the bridge, we'll be in my ready room.”
The door slid closed behind the senior officers. Pete sat on the edge of his desk,
"Commander, your plan has worked to perfection, congratulations. What's on your mind?"
"Captain, we must go to the planet."
"Out of the question Commander no matter what your reason is."
"Captain please listen . . ."
"There's nothing to listen to Commander, end of discussion."
"Captain, Matt is down there."
"Matt who?"
"Your son Matt."
Peter Busman caught his breath before speaking again. The room went silent for a moment. He mumbled under his breath, "So that's where they sent him."
"Captain, did you say something?"
"No, now if you will excuse me I have work to do."
"Captain, make bloody sense for once, this is your son we're talking about, not to mention a planet full of people that are in danger."
"If they destroy themselves, it will be their decision. We can't interfere, and I can't change the rules to suit my needs. Please return to the bridge Commander."
"I can't believe this. How can you contaminate a bloody planet that's going to blow itself up! Captain, listen to reason we can . . ."
Commander, you're dismissed!"
Susannah was rushed out of the room. The door closed behind her and the crypto lock snapped on. She didn't return to the bridge. That wasn't her way.
A few minutes later she rushed into engineering. “Erskine, where the hell are you?"
The big redheaded Scotsman came around the corner. "What are you so bloody flustered about women? You're the damn hero of the day. In fourteen hours the cue ball will pop that big rock off course and we'll be out of this system. No worries love."
"Erskine can you open the shuttle bay doors from here?"
"Sure, but why would I want to do such a thing"
"Because the idiots on that planet are going to destroy themselves and I'm not going to let the Captain's son go with them."
"Susannah, you don't know Matt, and you barely know Captain Bushman. Why so desperate?"
"You know Matt Bushman, do you want him to die?"
"No love, but why doesn't his father send a strike force after him. I know where he is, I can tell him."
"It's against the bloody rules. The man's neck is so stiff that it must hurt. Erskine, I'm going to get his kid because Captain Bushman may be stiff necked, but I like him. I don't have the foggiest idea why, but I like him. Now I'll give you one beep on the communication link when I get to a shuttle, and you'll get the shuttle bay open."
"No, Susannah, we're going together. I have used a million systems like this one. I can transmit control to the shuttle bay and we can leave together."
"Look Alan, I'm taking the chances here. Tell them I transferred control when you were away and that . . ."
"Susannah, you're forgetting something. You don't have the slightest idea what he looks like."
"You must be able to give me a picture or get one from the database."
"But he was surgically altered. I'll know him. Besides, do you think that you're the only one who has a right to bin their career? I go or the shuttle bay stays closed."
"Erskine, you've always been a stubborn bastard. OK, wreck your career, see if I care."
Peter Bushman walked onto the bridge and stopped in his tracks.
Jack gave him an update, "The cue ball is on course. It should collide with the asteroid in thirteen hours and twenty minutes, but it looks like it was a waste of time. The military powers on the planet have had several battles. Nuclear strikes seem inevitable."
Pete wasn't listening, " Jack, where is Commander Franklin?"
"We thought the commander was still with you."
A light on Jack's panel caught his attention. "Captain, someone is taken a shuttle craft out."
"Stop them!"
"I sorry sir, control has been overridden."
"I should have known. That woman is a loose cannon of the first order. Sarah, get me a communication link to the shuttle."
"We're linked sir."
Pete walked in and sat in his command chair. "Commander can you hear me?"
"I'm sorry Captain but it's insane to leave your son's fate to people who intend to blow themselves to kingdom come."
"Commander, if you do not return now, I'll press formal charges. Your career will be over."
"Oh bin my bloody career, see if I care. If I’ve spent my life working for a service that will let a planet full of people die because of some stupid rule, then it’s about time I left it. This shuttle is going to full throttle now captain. The only way to stop it is to destroy it."
"Damn it Susannah!"
The captain turned to his weapons officer, "Tim lock the forward lasers on the shuttle."
"You heard me Tim, lock the damn lasers!"
"Yes sir."
Jack, reported, "The shuttle is pulling away sir."
"Tim . . .never mind, she called my bluff. Stand down on the lasers."
Tim let out a great sigh, "Thank you sir."
Sarah reported to the captain, "Captains Merriel and Roberts are asking about the shuttle."
"Tell them to I have something to discuss with them. Transfer the communication to my ready room, and put a crypto lock on it."
Alan locked the course in then turned to Susannah, "Need I remind you woman that you put my old arse on the line also with that 'go ahead a shoot' line.
"Erskine, don't be a ninny, he wouldn't kill his own crew."
"You are amazing. You've known the man all of three days and you have become an expert on his character."
"Forget it, how long before we get there, and where is the captain's son hold up?"
The good news is that we will be there in less than eight hours; the bad news is the Matt Bushman is living on an island in the central sea. The island is one in a chain of islands that are at the center of the dispute. Units of both armies are present in the area. I don't know if they're near Matt's location."
Eight hours later the shuttle dove into the planet's atmosphere. Alan produced a palm computer from his pocket and studied it closely. "Matt is right where he's supposed to be. We'll be there in forty-five minutes."
"What do you mean, where he's supposed to be and why did he give you personal track capability. I didn't think you were that close. Alan, what's going on? I'm getting the feeling that you've been feeding me a load of crap."
"Not now Susannah. You better activate the shuttle's defenses. It looks like the western army is fortifying Matt's island."
"Are you telling me that we'll have shoot our way in?"
"And probably out love. You're the tactician study the sensors, and there's no time for a plan."
"There's always time to plan Erskine and this what we're going to do."
The shuttle flew into the night sky over the island. With its shields reversed it had no emissions, not even light. But it was also blind. Only Alan's tracker was working. "Well love, I can lead you to him and even guide us to a clearing, but bless me if I know who else will be there to meet us."
"That will have to do. When we set down, use the communication system to fire out a hypersonic pulse. That should knock out anyone within a mile. By the time they wake up, we'll be gone."
Shall we use body armor and lasers?
Yes, Alan we don't want to kill these people, but we have a job to do."
A soldier stood guard on the porch of the cabin in the jungle. A cigarette dropped from his lips as he stared at the black blob set down in front of him. A moment later the soldier lay face down on the porch. The shuttles system shut down and it appeared on the ground. Two robot-looking figures made their way out of the shuttle.
"OK Erskine, where is he?"
"Fifty yards to the right, in the jungle."
"Well let's haul him to the shuttle and get out of here."
They found Matt, but he wasn't alone. A woman was with him.
Alan threw his gloved hands in the air, "Now what, we can't take both of them."
"Then we take him, let's go."
As Alan reached for the man lying on the ground, the man stirred and looked up.
"Alan, it's about time you got here. The woman along side him also began to stir.
Erskine, you bloody Scotsman, what's going on here?"
No time to talk. If these two are reviving, they all are."
The woman recovered from the shock of seeing Susannah and Alan in body armor, but she remained quiet and close to Matt. The group made its way to the shuttle in the darkness. They stopped in the jungle just outside the clearing. The shuttle was was bathed in light and surrounded by soldiers.
"I can divert them." Alan volunteered, "Those weapons won't go through this armor. The rest of you get to the shuttle and send out another pulse."
Matt whispered, "Alan, they may be primitive but their . . ." Matt’s response was interrupted.
Soldiers appeared around them. The squad leader barked orders and Matt translated, "As I was saying Alan, they're not stupid, but at least they're Denura's people. The squad leader said to put our hands on our heads. Alan, kima in ten seconds."
Alan and Susannah slowly raised their hands while Matt argued loudly with the squad leader. This gave Alan the cover he needed to whisper, "Susannah close your eyes."
"What?" Susannah asked, "Why?"
"Susannah for once in your life just shut up and do it!"
Susannah closed her eyes tightly and a second later a blinding flash fired from a mechanism on Matt's wrist. Susannah, and Alan fired stunning laser bolts and subdued the soldiers around them.
"OK," Matt said breathlessly, "he armored will bracket the unarmored and let's get to the shuttle. Alan, open the door and fire up the engines."
Soldiers came at them from all directions, as they dashed through a hail of gunfire. Alan knocked soldiers out of the way with his armored fist as the four approached the opening shuttle door. Once inside Alan turned and fired at the advancing soldiers. Matt jumped into the pilot's seat and the shuttled lifted off. Susannah got to the communications station and sent out another hypersonic pulse. The soldier's guns went silent. The shuttle's shields went up and it sped away from the island.
After taking off her armor Susannah stared at the two men in the cabin. "So, how long have you two been SPINTEL agents?"
"A thousand pardons my love." Alan said, "but it was the only way."
"Only way to do what Erskine, get Matt Bushman and his girl friend off this rock? I should think SPINTEL would have easier ways of fetching one of their agents,"
Matt smiled at the blonde commander, "No Commander, my welfare is not that high on SPINTEL's priority list, but the survival of this planet is. SPINTEL has learned something very interesting here."
Alan joined the conversation, "Don't you notice anything special about Matt and his friend Susannah?"
"No." Susannah answered, then it hit her, "Wait a minute. He has not been surgically altered, and the lady looks like she could have come from a small shire in England."
That's right, Alan said, "and it's no trick. These people are human!"
At that moment the sensor alarm sounded. Everyone stared at the report and Matt made the announcement. "It's a missile launch from a submarine."
Susannah asked, "Is it a surface to air missile?"
Matted dropped back into the pilot's chair. "No," he said then looked into the commander's eyes. "It's a thermal nuclear weapon. They've done it.” Matt translated for his friend and she began to cry.
Susannah stared at the sensor report in disbelief. "The fools.”
The shuttle became silent.
Finally Matt said, "It's up to Dad now."
Susannah looked at Matt Bushman, "What?"
As if on cue the communications station came alive, "Commander get all you can out of those engines, you have thirty seconds to make orbital velocity."
"YES!" Matt Bushman cheered, "I knew my old man would make the right decision."
As the shuttle raced out of the planet's atmosphere, the cruisers Righteous and Yorkshire hunted down and destroyed every nuclear missile that was sent airborne. After a furious display of firepower the last missile was destroyed.
All hostilities on the planet stopped as the stunned population turned its eyes to the sky.
The shuttle set down inside S.D.D. Righteous and its occupants raced out of its door. Security officers chased the four down the hall yelling, Commander Franklin, Chief Erskine, you're under arrest!"
Alan yelled back, "Arrest us later, right now we have to get to the bridge."
They burst onto the bridge and Pete jumped to his feet. "Commander, Matt!"
"Dad, "Matt called to his father as he gasped for air, "we haven't much time, get communications set to all upper kilohertz bands and all lower megahertz bands."
Sarah stared at the captian."
Pete responded, "Do it Sarah."
"Done sir." Sarah quickly reported.
Matted turned to his companion. In her language he said, "Denura, the world is yours."
Denura stepped to the communications station and Sarah showed her where to speak. She began softly and Matt translated for the bridge. "People of Felona, all people of Felona, we have waited through our history for our big brother to appear. Our big brother has chosen to appear at the time of our greatest insanity. We thought that we would make our big brother proud of us when he appeared. We have not. As your shock ebbs and your rage calms, you will be left with one emotion, embarrassment. Use that emotion to end this madness once and for all. Our big brother saved us from ourselves. He will not do it again, and he will not make himself known to us again until we have come to our senses.
As a citizen of Felona I thank him for what he has done. I will return to Felona tomorrow. You will not know who spoke to you. I am not an emissary or any kind of link to our big brother, I'm just one of you.
Today Felona died and was reborn. Its up to us to determine what happens next."
Captain Peter Bushman gathered the four in his ready room. After hugging his son he turned to the mysterious alien yet human woman. With his son translating, he spoke. "Madame, there are so many things I want to ask you. You're very existence is a wonder."
"Sir," Denura responded, "to the people of Felona our big brother's greatness is a wonder, but your existence is not."
Pete took a breath, "Wow, I'm going to have to think about that one." Then the captain turned to his crewmembers. Before speaking he clicked on the crypto protection. "First, Alan, how would like to be addressed, as Chief Erskine, or Colonel Erskine? SPINTEL tells me they are quite proud of you. Normally the captain is informed when a SPINTEL agent is assigned to his or her ship."
Alan smiled, "Begging the Captain's pardon sir, but this was a special case."
"Special case indeed Colonel Erskine." Pete grumbled, "Admiral Lee was not happy at all with the decision we captains came to behind his back, but there doesn't seem to be much he can do about it. This case is so special, Commander Franklin, that a level five security rating has been clamped on it. That means no charges can be filed because no one can know that this has happened. That goes for both you and me Commander. However, considering our incapability I will not block any request you make for transfer."
"Oh Captain we're not incompatible," Susannah said with a smile. "I have no intention of leaving Righteous, and I promise to do everything by the book from now on."
"Of course." Pete tried desperately to respond with a straight face. "Ladies and gentlemen I think we all deserve some rest.
At that moment the communication link buzzed, "Captain, the cue ball has struck the asteroid, and analysis indicates a bull's eye sir. Projections show the asteroid will pass the planet at a safe distance."
"Cheers went up in the room. Matt translated the events to Denura as they were leaving the room and tears of joy came to her eyes.
As the group filed out Pete stopped Susannah, "Commander, may I hug you?"
Susannah smiled, "By all means Captain."
Pete put his arms around his first officer, "Thank you for saving my son."
"Thank you for saving a world." Susannah answered.
Pete stepped back and spoke as they left the ready room. I don't know what missions Righteous will draw Commander, but I know, with you on board, they will not be dull."
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Another very good one - but
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Another very good one - but
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