Emotion and Compassion
By pkroutray
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Emotion and compassion
P K Routray
Without grace
with wrinkles on her face,
beauty mutilated by pox marks,
gaits constrained due to hard works,
bent walked she not because of age
but because of misfortune and its rage.
A frightening figure to my child’s eye
because of my elders’ blatant lie,
as the lady was introduce to me by my elders as a witch
sucking the blood from healthy people under the cover of darkness like a leech.
She was a witch to many grownups also who sucks blood at night
the strongest among men has to surrender as her he cannot fight.
With this impression I looked at her out of fear psychosis with disdain
my childhood mischief troubling my family, because of her did wane.
But when I grew up and discovered inquisitively her real story
shocked was I and overwhelmed with compassion for her untold misery.
When she was born, to her ill luck within few days she lost her father
nourished and brought up in wants and poverty by her toiling mother.
As per tradition she was given in an early marriage
leaving her mother she came to husband’s village.
But there also she lost her husband by an epidemic
she was a bad omen to society thus said many an idle gossiping village critic.
Surviving lethal small pox and tolerating all criticisms and tortures of life
She lost her emotion and her tears dried up in her attempt to survive.
She was looked upon down in her in-laws house
given lowly works with scanty food and cloth with day in and day out abuse.
To feed herself she had to do all types low menial works in the village
many people muck at her at their whim to retaliate she had no courage.
At this age I look with sigh at such victims of superstition
those throb my hearts and humanity only generating remorseful compassion.
Here the victim was void of emotion because of her misfortune and social injustice
and a compassion in vain from a conscious man who acted as a tool is a helpless though critical to the practice.
(N . B A true story. Epidemic like cholera and small pox were rampant. Child marriage was tradition.)
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