A man with no peer

By pkroutray
- 526 reads
A man with no peer
At my fontanel
reverberates a yell
that Kali is an angel
not a man, mortal
sent with a mission
as a man common
to demonstrate
for the fellow beings to emulate
the values and ethics
within divine-set yardsticks
to arrest human degradation
in this age of deterioration.
All, we hail, “He did wonder
succeeding in every sector
with his angelic
and prolific
thoughts, words and deeds
what the society now needs,”
scoring over time, set
may it be the project date
or growing his family tree
luxuriant, vibrant, dirt-free
or binding men in a social knot
securing in each heart a slot.
Suave, sober and sweet
determined to thwart a defeat,
superbly skilled,
hurting ever none
despite commanding tone
with smiles of his own
ever ornamenting
never deserting
his brown face
glittering his grace
that captivated
and crafted
an aura
to dispel any trauma.
bonding us all
him with love Kali we call.
-a name nectarous
and stimulates us.
Hailed him in public
as, to Krishna, did a Gopi, rustic
his spouse, Sabita in his presence
lauding his credence
that made us jealous
“Never a hubby has heard thus.”
As a student
he was brilliant.
After days at alma-mater
poured on him, offers.
Preferred he a career
in a giant public sector.
As a PSU engineer
excel him, could no peer,
with honors, showered
assured was his march upward,
on the managerial ladder.
He could capture
the post of general manager
to the pride of our Alma-mater
Superannuated he
from the company
where initiated, he, his career
-an acclamation, to cheer.
His ability and success,
covetously could asses
the wizards in the power sector
with tempting offer
obtained his assent
to join their top management.
There he did wonder
inflating their exchequer.
Daily year after year
the strain he could bear
for more than forty years.
Steps umpteen to negotiate
amidst pollutants in spate
heat, noise abnormally high
hazards numerous to vie
braving those all
the target set for Kali did never fall..
Blessed are we few
as with him we grew.
Besides his kith and kin
his favor, we could win.
as his classmates since a teen.
we was ever on his inner scene.
Rec seventy
is a batch well-knit
Joining their web
propelling never to ebb
spouses with their partners
made life agog with pleasures.
Annual trip of merrymaking
many hearts together it could bring
to forget oldage with teen agers’ joy
Kali was the kingpin to make the ploy.
Golden jubilee meets
all get-togethers’ treats
Sundarbana, Gauhati, Kerala Srtilanka trip
all their success was under his captainship.
Kali! I don’t shy
at my loud cry
like a child for its lost mother
as shock made my vision blur
embarrassing all present
from your grandkid to neighbor, distant.
Instead I consoling your progeny
the scene was made an irony
before your grandkids your daughter
consoled me back to composure.
the outburst was not mine
something divine
lying within me latent
seeing you, silent
burst on its own
to me, it is not known
as if it is the sound of all hearts
mutilated and torn to parts
or it met you at ether
on your way to next harbor
to His abode, as we pray so
and prayers of all. you, who know.
Your WhatsApp to me
often now I see.
that indicates me, your assignment
for a lifelong commitment
seeking a life certificate for you
I shall wait for next week due
as was fixed by you as week next.
Tell me friend How was it hexed?
Preserve I your last WhatsApp
as prasad in my heart with strap
Tears will come often
hearts will scatter broken
till our sigh continues to run
lost we of this life with you living fun
No Kali will be there, us to marshal
Rec 70 cannot sustain this blow lethal.
But finally for absolute good
you,assure we should
as thus
from us.
Hey Kali! Wiping out our tears
you, we bid adieu with cheers
so that desert you must
us at earth crust
on your mission
with Lord, your union.
Hey Lord! We pray for pardon
his om hission and commission
if at all done
under mortal discrimination’
as those are only for us
Bless Kali for his deeds glorious.
P K Routray
in the service of Lord
(To me Kali’s lastWhatsApp
: Dear Prasant,
I am sure, you must be submitting life certificate for your pension, can you you help me in getting life certificate ? I am getting a pension of ₹1364/ per month.
Let me try some time next week.)
(K C Panigrahi was my class mate in Engineering wef 1965 to 1970 and since all these years we stayed bonded with around 150 classmates. He departed us on 30/11/2021. This is a tribute to my friend
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