My Big Boss (Part 5) Tribute 3
By pkroutray
- 287 reads
My Big Boss
(Part 5)
Tribute 3
P K Routray
My Big Boss at the club was my badminton partner
his game was superb, he played as partner senior
To ascertain as to whether his hair is natural black
I was asked to find out the truth on badminton track.
In spite of my best effort, the truth eluded me
Peers and superiors still ask Why I could not see?
To travel by air we intently desired on tour
as comfort, company cuisines there us allure.
To travel to Damanjodi from Bhubaneswar by air
was banned by him to save for company in time and fare.
He desired the officers should travel by night train
next day he could attend office so that the company would gain
I traveled with him once in a train. we both had no reservation
he did not bribe a penny, nor moved to get the confirmation
arguing with TT as to his duty and responsibility to the nation
The T T perhaps surrendered his share out of frustration.
Then presumably he was singled out by all TT on the rout
they spared a sleeper seat for him accepting the losing bout.
He used to sleep on the platform during the waiting hours for a train
within minutes going to sleep snoring loudly blanking his brain
Many long years he repeated this journey arduous
for many such practices bow I to this Big Boss.
The big boss vehemently opposed CISF posting
as compared to other agency much higher was its costing.
To his many such proposals, NALCO board turned a deaf ear.
The complex is the web of decision making he was made clear.
The big Boss scrutinized the TA Bills for any forgery as a routine
called the erring officers if discrepancy found on his scrutiny.
He failed to note when we move by auto or taxi on share
but to excuse then the evil in us to him is our present prayer.
A union once entered into his office squatted for their demands
with his long sermons, they lost patience and left with empty hands.
We found him once in his chamber preaching a contractor’s manager
who came to hand over a small calculator as a gift for the new year
Later the site in charge told me on him, the impact of the boss’s sermon
“I am seeking the Himalayan Asylum for the errs so far I have done.”
(N . B -Honest and Integrity demonstrated.)
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