The Quiet Queen
By pkroutray
- 386 reads
The Quiet Queen
From His abode
views the Lord
as an audience
the performance
of each and every soul
it,to judge to dole
its next destination
on a drama of His fun,
that he scripts and directs
what a soul effects
during its mortal stay
on its own way.
“Sure it is” to tell
our inner voices yell
that Lord is captivated
the way Shanti acted
on her mortal role play
absolving on the way
pardhas of all her births
on all planet earths
in His cosmos, infinite.
by her daredevil fight,
her rare human valiance
enduring all the ailments
that baffled human ingenuity
proving it as only fools’ vanity
for over more than a decade
bringing to her, tearful accolade
from all, terrestrial and celestial.
Ended her role, the pandemic lethal
forbidding the mortal man
to reach her as friend and fan
as she was received by Lord
to escort her to His abode.
Cry our hearts to part
being a pal’s spouse apart
with all, Shanti had won over
as a daughter, sister, mother,
grandmother in her family tree
whose architect is she,
as in-laws and companion
and to all in her profession
students, colleagues superiors
menial workers to co-actors
served them, she fondly and sincerely
besides onrush duties of her family
rearing up children single-handedly,
as the eldest daughter-in-law of family
To the students ardent
excelling as a teacher competent
on stage and off stage, a vibrant player
with all social duties thrust on shoulder
she performed with incredible merit
earning points positive to her credit.
Perceive we a missed vision
on her bangles and vermillion.
Dangle her bangles, rock hard
in it a woman’s vanity is being heard.
On the forehead, the vermillion proudly blaze
at it, with malice women-folks gaze
a longing instilled in human by scripture
as on such a death soul liberates forever.
Drum beats unique and rare
that the gloomy nature took care.
After all Lord has escorted
a pious soul befittingly awarded
a place in His own abode
on its way stood bowed
celestial beings seeking liberation
to witness and applaud it in elation
prior to the merger of a soul with Almighty
the way it travels as per Hindu philosophy.
Fifty years back
the news took us aback
as a girl from Burla
hooked our best boy, Lala
a genius with caliber, rare
then a heartthrob to sex fair
but proved Shati no less
relieving Lala from family stress
giving her hubby to wander
fields many, his talents, to trigger
ensuring her talent to lay latent
as a true Hindu Lady of era ancient.
Her service to her hubby, sweet
it, no better half could ever beat
even from among those of yore
that I can always vouch for
being as an eyewitness
on Lala recovering from illness
Shnti a science professor
to hundreds, a career shaper
nursing him with devotion
it, could match, her peers, none.
The day, reminisce I
with gratitude of sigh
As to Lala’s script
her role earned credit
even Nina Gupta at her days
over her, could never blaze.
Lala must come out
on two talents’ bout
as classmates’ fun play
to listen to her spirits’ reply
sharing a bed and a life
with struggle and strife.
sure I am it is shanti’s greatness
giving chance lala to harness
his talent was never latent to us
But “Madam yours stayed mysterious.
developing family tree to vibrantly grow”
With all in her family tree, her, we bow.
Hey Madam ! As Lala’s companion
we seek your pardon
for making up his negligence
on family, his fatherly absence.
But Madam! Listen to us
to you, his love glorious
in all his thoughts deeds and voice
you reigned as his only loving choice
from Priti to Lata, in each such drawing
I perceive your face peeping
while you were ailing
comedy song he could not sing.
We are certain of it
as you exhibited in our last meet
hugging him tight
in full view of our sight.
that brings each of us tear
reminiscing the scene dear.
That was the scene last
you and Lala were in cast.
Time has robbed of our hay days
that with you in stage often blaze
bringing tears to our old eyes
with you. Llala lost his catch, prize
sure, Him your soul will bless
Llala, to recover from the duress.
Hey Madam shanti! Your pardon
we Lala’s friends seek in the person
not being able to be with you
to bid you our final adieu
as destiny forbade us to bear
at this age the parting tear
and see your hubby broken
at the breakage of bond golden.
Cherish I the day
you made your way
to my house
with your spouse
elated were we. Hey Madam!
as if Krisna came to Sudama
A truth of my heart, I spell
But Alas! Now I had to yell
an occasion ladst for us to view
with Lala you the divine souls two.
Us, you motivated
to stay closely knitted
inspiring our spouses all
who rose to your call
to be part of REC 70
sharing with us the booty
plundered from our Alma- mater
to her, as mom’s pleasure
Propelled, you your spouse
to lead our meets without grouse
despite he being your ailing need
with tears for you our hearts bleed
reminiscing your agility and talent
to make our woman folk vibrant
to make the life at advancing age
an agog life never drab at any stage
but destiny stood on its way
as stunned us to dismay
the news of your illness
bewildering doctors, famous.
At such tearful moment
when our hearts lament
with ter-blurred view
while bidding you adieu
from among us
for your journey glorious
Me, it appears
through tears
of your departed parents
and dear hubby’s laments
you, as ‘their Quiet queen”\
staying off the scene
their hearts, you still reigm
even you are in different domain.
For us, your friends and peers
your dears and nears
you are a quiet queen
as silenced a queen on her scene
the cruel destiny
with His direction being its plea..”
P K Routray
In the service of Lord
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