Sorces Of Love
By pkroutray
- 324 reads
Sources Of Love
P K Routray
The eldest of my generation,
my elder brother “Prasanna”
as a spokes person of our clan
with seventy years of analysis and scan
before bidding us his final adieu,
as if the time to go he perhaps knew,
came to me and asked me to convey
to his dear auntie, whatever did he say.
The words were words of gratitude coming out of heart
also from a soul which was called by destiny to depart.
I was a mute witness and instrument of the transmission,
a message from a clan to our dear auntie in wrecked condition.
Gratitude before death from the eldest of a clan while on throne
speaks of Mushiapa, the auntie and her, how much this clan adorn.
Conveyed to Mushiapa lying sick on the bed, the entire conversation.
Hardly listening to me, with tears rolling roared the helpless lioness as “Prasanna, Prasanna”
Her eyes and facial expression were revealing her love and affection
Only the man on the scene can see in it, the love’s divine definition.
I used to listen from childhood many tales centering round her
as to the strength of her will power to act as a son not as a daughter
to control the wayward laborers, younger siblings and to serve the poor
that she continued till the Almighty snatched away her as to Him she was dear.
I had seen her married and nurtured her family with devotion
but her love and affectionate control on all others found no alternation.
Both my brother and Auntie Mushi apa have left for their Heavenly destination
making it certain that love is exchanged between hearts and souls both in unison.
( N. B it is a personal experience on two departed souls related as nephew and auntie. I was the mute witness and messanger of exchange of love and gratitude
Prasanna is nephew’s name. Mushiapa as the auntie was known.)
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