Who is better off?
By pkroutray
- 478 reads
Who is better off?
P K Routray
Four things are bare essential,
for existence of both man and animal.
They are food, sleep, procreation and protection,
To lead a worthy life love peace and freedom are intended addition.
Man is superior and improvement upon all other animals,
with intellect, memory and wisdom on the earth they have no equals.
To meet their bare needs for sustenance,
animal and man nave different methods as per their strategies and preference.
As to food animal eats as per and up to the physical need.
Nothing more and nothing less, straight from the source and raw fresh feed.
Man’s greed and taste dictate man’s power of consideration,,
Physical and health need is secondary and go to oblivion.
Artificial, stale and junk foods are created and enjoyed by man the sensuous,
With diseases, malnutrition and illhealth, the results are obvious.
It is too difficult to find an emaciated and diseased animal from among animals in freedom,
Without footing doctor’s bill and medication a man we find seldom.
As to sleep, animals sleep as per their nature,
Needing sleeping pills and all luxurious comfort man remains in torture.
Similarly for self protection animals take care of themselves with their physical caliber,
In the same forest rabbit exists, dear exists so also the tiger.
Man kills man using his intellect and wisdom,
They are threat to everybody on the creation even to an atom.
For procreation animal has reason and season,
For his lust and sensual pleasure a man can acquire the qualities of a demon.
Love is artificial today for human race,
With man’s selfishness love loses its divinity and its grace.
For peace and bliss the man runs after,
But it eludes him in this life may be life after.
To get all the above man users his fertile brain in making and braking rules and laws,
Only to lose and curb not only his freedom but also of others suiting to his temporary personal cause.
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