Cara Sust-7
By prozacdolls
- 612 reads
Introducer: "Aww, izn't our Aubrey zo adorable? You'll be an actrezz
zomeday, I promize. You're abzolutely ztunning up on stage. But,our
next pre-zenter iz actually a zibling of our much beloved 'boo boy'.
Zhe haz decided to grace uz with her prezence tonight, and give uz
zomething new to lizten to. Cara, would you like to come up,
(Cara shuffles up onto stage. Her walk is very similar to that of her
brother's, yet they look amazingly different. She is 24 years old, dark
haired, dark eyed, and very tan; thin, wispy, and quiet looking. She
wears a light pink tanktop, and jeans. She looks mature, and
"Hello, you've
already had
my introduction,
so I don't need
to reiterate
I know my brother
is a "comic relief"
to all of you regulars,
per say,
So I decided to come
and read to you
some of my poetry
to show you my view
on audience members
who decide to attack
the ones who have less talent
than they think they do.
So, before I read,
brace yourself,
you ignorant jerks.
'I Hate You All'
By Cara Sust
Design another regulation,
Make it useless,
Give me mental constipation.
Put another wire in the works,
Keep the manual for
But make it pointless first.
Carve in deep a made up name,
Nothing more
Than something to blame.
Design the rules for use,
And then burn them so you have
No control to choose.
Call it anything you will,
It doesn't matter anyway,
Microwaves are designed to kill.
Get my body bag prepared,
Instead of succumbing to
I'll send my face beyond repair.
Designed it all for regurgitation,
You treat us all like
Plastic cups for amountless vocation.
But I'm ending it here.
No, your bombs won't catch me
No, your bony fingers
Will never touch
I hate you all far too much.
And I'm ending it here."
The Audience Reaction
They booed. And not just any kind of boo, but that boo that builds into
an amazingly strong crescendo..and then drops abruptly into silence as
soon as the plaintiff as exited the stage.
She smiled at all of the audience members, grabbed her brother's arm,
gave the audience a final rude gesture, and walked out, smiling
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