spirit, soul and body.
By pumadelta
- 387 reads
I’ve been idle for too long
Like stagnant water in a
Foliage littered stream
Give me air, let me breathe
I’ve procrastinated like a song
A needle stuck in a groove
Not moving forward
Just a hiccup a hiss
Play the music please
I’ve been rebellious,
Well now just a minute
Wait there just hold on
Unable to see the wood
For the trees,
Blinding headaches
As I bang my head against
A concrete wall
Open wounds that won’t
Heal from the bleeds
I’ve been proud for too long
Wise folk tell me something
Objectively to help
I say blah, blah, blah
I’ve heard it all before
Now here’s something
You may not know about me
I’ve been saved by his grace
For 18 years.
And still the fleshy mindedness
Is the evidence that I’m
Bound by chains of sin
And I’m no different
Than a non-believing thief
When I christened the baptismal pool
In my crisp white baptismal gown
I thought I would be a new creature in Christ
Not plagued by besetting sins
Now 18 years on it’s just dawned on me
That the part of me that’s changed
Is my spirit man, he died he rose
Was justified and was changed
My soul, mind my intellect and emotions
Stayed cold and very much the same
No change was made
Then I heard the word sanctification
I thought, wait a minute
Would someone please explain?
I’m made of spirit, soul and body
The stoics knew this 2000 years ago
Quite right fatalism was their disposition
But justification by Christ was as foreign
To them as a real omnipotent God
I have two choices
Follow the spirit or the body, flesh
Don’t stop reading, let me speak
Indulge me this opportunity to sound like a fool
The carnal impulsive nature
Or my senses long for identity
Saying in greed feed me, feed me please
So the natural inclination
Is to feed, feed, and feed
Like a sautéed lord at a banquette
Gorging the flesh on flesh
The flesh on lust, the flesh on whatever
You please.
The body is looking for identity
Through the 5 senses wherever it goes
So our souls stay unregenerated
Base and out of control.
But hold on there’s hope
It takes great will and renewing
Of the mind feeding on the word of God
Enlightening your intellect and mind
With wise words in different life situations
A true blue print from the hand of God
Once our thoughts have been renewed
Our natural minds been changed
Remember the word mind is interchangeable
With intellect, will or soul
By the washing purifying activity
Of words with strength on every page
Then we have to act on them by will
And put practice in its place
Renewing of a realigned mind
Will line up with our justified spirits
Then if we continue in diligence our
Flesh will line up with the two
The justified spirit, the realigned mind
Two on one it’s really up to you
Our flesh our body or carnal nature
Will line up with our spirit and mind
Instead of being led by our five tangible senses
And now we’re led by our justified spirits
The sanctified mind in line
Our actions decide to follow
As two on one is a majority rule
It has no option to coincide.
So take your choice it’s up to all
Follow the carnal nature
And unregenerated soul
Or line up the soul, the mind the will
With the living word of God.
It’s serious and I’m no preacher
But I’m getting better every day
Sometimes I slip but dust off get up
And carry on His way.
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