Reasons to be Raging - Pt 3

By purplehaze
Sat, 28 Sep 2024
- 279 reads
- Best laid plans to spend the summer months painting the wee weird door and wee weird windowsill on the kitchen exteriors ganged aglay, mostly as I was shingling instead.
- Was also preventing Lyme disease. Having been gaslit into not cancelling the cottage on the West Coast, within a week of shingling starting – ‘You’re not infectious by the time the rash appears’, ‘You look fine’, I drove to Argyll and Bute. AKA, tick central. The local pharmacist said ‘Don’t worry they are tiny this year it’s been such a bad summer, so they’re unlikely to bullseye’. Ten days later, back home, one bulls-eyed. I called 111. A series of click-1-for-yes questions got me hung up on, phone your GP. Phoned the GP, couldn’t get through. NHS website advice – three weeks of antibiotics. Phoned the GP, the bitch, sorry but she is, receptionist scoffed, ‘The doctor wouldn’t see you for that, and we wouldn’t test this early’, I said I didn’t want a test, I wanted preventative antibiotics as per the NHS website. I forget what she said before she hung up on me as I was so upset and shocked. I went to the pharmacist, she couldn’t prescribe this time, but it did look like bullseye rash to her. I walked to the surgery where the receptionbitch said, ‘I can’t speak to you, you have to go home and phone in’. By the time I got home I was in tears on the phone, luckily the nice receptionist answered and I got the prescription. Hopefully, not Lyme disease.
- A coach driver drove into my garden wall, displacing corner stones, lied about it and, despite photographs and witnesses, contested my claim.
But last week, the church clock chimes were fixed after a year of silence.
And the energy changed.
Credit: ‘To a Mouse’ Robert Burns. 1785
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That all sounds very rough!
That all sounds very rough! Glad the church chimes again, dispelling badness. I didn't know about getting anti biotics for ticks without needing to see a GP
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