By rabipalat
- 250 reads
The Children's Day Gift.
It was the children's day tomorrow. Anne ,14 and Beethovan alias Beth, 10 years old were expecting a special gift from their dad .They had sounded their desire several times to Dad . Beth had also prayed to the almighty to make Dad get them one . In a lighter vein Anne consoled him by saying that it would fall down from heaven as they sat grazing at the stars and the moon which seemed to linger and then hide behind the clouds in all its splendor. Suddenly a flash occurred as though the Gods had heard them and it seemed to come down near them.
The next day they got up early to put on their new dress to go to school to celebrate children's day .After wishing everyone with sweets and cakes they rushed home to get the special gift which their father had promised. The door was locked.They got in using the spare key and found a letter kept on the dining table . "Darling ,mother and me had to leave in the morning to visit your grandmother admitted in the hospital. Dad will bring the gift in the evening. Take the lunch kept in the fridge and dont forget to put the waste in the trash can outside" . Beth 's face slumped and he sat with a long one . Anne did not find words initially to comfort him. She was more practical and finally said " Dad will buy the best for us. We will get it in the evening"
Both then trudged outside to throw the waste in the trash can . As they neared it ,they heard a whining sound and found a small dog that looked very different . Beth wanted to take it home as a gift ,but Anne felt that it was an unknown street dog and was reluctant . She refused and led Beth home . She had to drag him and at home he refused to eat his dinner and kept sulking . Beth promised that he would leave the dog after he got dad's gift .So, she agreed and both opened the door to go to the trash can to secure the dog.
They found the dog in their veranda near the door .It had followed them back . As Beth sat to talk ,it jumbed into his lap . He took it to the garage and washed him with soap and water as he had found it near the trash can and gave him milk to drink . It started playing with him and obeying all Beth's commands . Beth showed Anne that it had a sort of double antenna in its head ,like an alien. Beth started liking it and Anne knew he would not part with it , even if dad got him a wonderful gift. Beth said " I wish there is no antenna . Others might regard it as an alien and snatch it from me or the dog catcher will catch it for scientific experimentation. " A bump could be o.k and not prominent " added Anne . And lo and behold the antenna became a bumb. Both were surprised at the sudden change .
They kept the dog tied and every time it removed its leash and followed them every where. Beth wanted to kept it hidden from the prying eyes of his parents.
By evening father came with a beautiful gift .It was a labrador puppy which Beth had been asking for a long time. Beth was ecstatic of the double delight. They took the puppy to introduce to perhaps its progeny .The labrodar took an instant liking and was licking it everywhere. Anne and Beth named them Ben and Ten and called them together as Ben Ten. Ben Ten became very good friends.Both were of the same age and looked similar except the bump.
The door knock sounded loud. Beth told Ben to hide itself .Anne went to open the door .Mother came in ,saw the labrodar and left satisfied . Ben was not seen anywhere thereafter. It seemed to have vanished. Beth was searching it everywhere and then started crying . Anne then noticed it .Ten has a distinct bulge in the head. As Anne and Beth watched with atonishment ,Ten suddenly changed into Ben and vice versa. So now it was really Ben Ten. The children were happy as thay need not worry about having two dogs and their parents confusion regarding it .
Anne and Beth took Ben Ten to school and it became a small toy dog in Beth's front pocket.Sometime it vanished and Anne could feel it in her pocket .They could only see the dog .It was invisible to others.
There was a Bully in the school and disturbed Anne often and Beth being small could not retaliate much. As they were leaving school he accosted them .Anne spoke to Ben ten and while he was roughing her up ,the bully found his pants been pulled down exposing his underwear . He became the laughing stock of the school children and when he threatened Anne ,he tripped down and fell and he was found running with pain clutching his leg where Ben ten had bitten with his teeth. It was invisible to others.
The children returned home and their play with Ben ten acquired a newer dimension after discussion.. As Ben Ten responded to all their request ,Beth wished several things and he changed accordingly. Beth wished that it should change into a cat,sheep, tiger and lion and instantly it metamorphosed into one. He inadvertently uttered the word 'an elephant' and the whole room vibrated with its size and chairs were thrown about and the wooden ceiling had a dent in the middle .All the lamps broke down . Its size could hardly fit into the room. Its was moving around breaking everything . Beth cried out "Don't move ...stay ". The elephant stood still on its hind legs as it was and it broke down the roof of the room and peeled the intervening cement .
Anne cried out " Not on hind legs ".
The elephant stood still in its front legs " . Parts of the front roof came tumbling down in front.
Beth shouted " Not on you front legs " Before it changed legs Anne shouted " On both your four legs ,for heaven sake " The elephant stood still on all four.Their mother on hearing the noise ran to the garage and knocked at the door. Beth ran to hide and called out to BenTen to do the same .Anne opened the door ready to be reprimanded. It was better to confess the mess. Their mother opened the door and wanted to know about the noise. Anne with eyes closed pointed to the ceiling said " The roof came tumbling down because of the elephant" .
" What is wrong with the ceiling and where is the elephant" " she questioned .Anne opened her eyes to see that there was no dent on the roof and all the bulbs were intact .The chair was in their places and Beth and Ben ten were curiously watching them. The elephant had vanished."The noise must be from the neighbors house" said Anne. .Their mother nodded with surprise lit large in her face . "What is happening with both of you" she asked with concern.They smiled and feigned ignorance .All signed a tone of relief and also laughed at all the mess they had created. After mother left Beth wanted to see a dinosaur .Anne told him to wish for a small baby dinosaur. The moment he said ,Ben ten changed into a baby dinosaur The children touch it with fear initially and then embraced it and felt very happy playing with it for some time. Then they wanted their Ben Ten back
The next day was a Sunday .They were sitting and eating breakfast when the TV announced a special bulletin. There were many robberies of houses and banks in the district and requested the denizens to be alert and report any suspicion .
They all decided to go outdoor to the beach and the children and Ben Ten got ready . As they motored ,and entered the town all the traffic was stopped. The police had cordoned off the area near the bank . Some thieves had broken into the bank, robbed it and were holding the bank staff hostage . Anne spoke to Ben Ten and they got down to watch . After sometime Ben ten was not seen . A police officer of the negotiating teams was in constant contact with thieves who wanted a safe passage to the Airport with the hostages. As everyone was watching ,the door of the bank opened and all the thieves were ushered out handcuffed. Anne and Beth could see Ben ten among them. The bank officials said that a police officer came in and spoke to the thieves and handcuffed them .The thieves appeared dazed and immobile and were meekly handing over the weapons to the police officer casually .They only found a dog entering in before the event. .The negotiating team were surprised as none of them had ventured near the bank . Everyone were in the horns of a dilemma for none could decipher what happened and transpired between the police officer and the thieves. Anne and Beth knew that it was the machinations of Ben Ten . He changed into a police officer who by his mesmerizing ability neutralized the robbers .
After they returned Beth asked Ben Ten to don the role of the police officer . He changed fully with all his gear which included a gun. " How did you do it " asked Beth"
"I immobilized them ,removed the weapons and handcuffed them .After a few minutes ,they woke up and meekly followed out "
It was late evening and BenTen became a boy with a bump. He told Anne and Beth that it was time to leave earth. He said he would be back next year the same time to meet them . It was the greatest gift and a worthy one anyone could provide to the children on children's day . He wanted to say good by .Anne and Beth were reluctant and were shedding tears ,They accompanied Ben Ten to the trash can and he disappeared.
They returned home unhappy that the gift they got on children's day had left them for good till next year .As they entered their house the labrodar dog given as gift by Dad was waiting wagging its tail. Beth ran and carried it . Anne knew it was only Ten and Ben had left them.
A year later on children's day Anne and Beth got up early morning . They searched near the trash can and did not find the dog . Their father had also promised them a gift .Anne and Beth had grown up by now .She consoled him " Let us accept dad gift and be happy with it" .Beth grudginjgly understood the futility of expecting an alien every year on Children day ,though Ben ten had promised them .Ten ,the labrador was now big enough to give them company .
As they were waiting ,a truck stopped in front of the house. Dad got out from the front seat .The huge back door opened and a beautiful pony stepped out . Beth was ecstatic as he had asked for one. They took him to the garage washed and fed it .They arranged a small saddle and both rode it slowly with Ten following them. As it reached the meadows ,it suddenly raised itself and was flying in the air .Both caught hold of the saddle for dear life .As it rode in the air ,it said " I am Ben and this time on children's day I have come as a pony as per Beth 's wish " They both embraced the pony and rode the skies and flew near the clouds. They felt the pony was a better gift than last year's. Their happiness knew no bounds.
In the evening the pony said good bye and flew away promising to come next year .The children started counting the months and days for the next year children's s day. Both were sure that Ben would come in some form or other. Now they were contend with Ten ,the labrador.
They were also sure that there would be more wonderfully gifts that they hoped God would gave them every year for the Children's day.
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ben-ten day, what a gifr.
ben-ten day, what a gifr. Never look a gift-dog in the mouth.
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