Fizz, King of Pop! (The little flea with BIG dreams! of being an X factor Star!)
By rae1
- 790 reads
(First Two Chapters).
He was a little guy with big dreams; A flea who knew, that he too, one day would walk that red carpet donning Versace shades. And a flea who would one day have a voice. A voice that could actually be heard! His name was Fizz, (King of Pop!)
And somewhere, not too far away right in the heart of New York City,it was another ordinary day in the ordinary town of Springville, based within the centre of the human’s mattress. Or as the fleas named them, ‘Big People’. And there,
tucked safely out of sight of the Big People, lay a whole country of teeny people. Better known as the ‘Fleamans’.
‘’Allow myself to introduce you to the one and only, the greatest star of all… Fizz Fleaman!’’
Little Fizz stared back at his tiny reflection from the even teenier mirror next to his bed; the minute mirror made from the ring pull of a cola can.
Eighteen year old Fizz was a flea who had big dreams.
‘’Hey Fizz! Keep the noise down why don’t you? Some fleas are trying to get some sleep around this joint in peace!’’ Snapped his older sister Flo snuggling down in her spring.
‘’Teenagers, huh!’’ Sighed Fizz.
‘’I already told you!’’ Continued Flo.
‘’To be a star you have to be a BIG Person! I mean whenever did you see a flea have a
number one hit single? Or even cutting a record in a studio?’’ She laughed.
‘’Get real, little guy! You ain’t leaving Springville Town. And that’s that!’’
Poor, little Fizz sighed. Like a flea who really did have the weight of the world upon his shoulders.
‘’Come on everyone, it’s breakfast time.’’ Mother Fleaman called, interrupting his thoughts.
‘’Okay mum. Just coming. What are we having?’’ Called Fizz,sliding down the spring and bouncing over to the table.
‘’Oh, I thought I’d rustle up some blood porridge, dear.’’ Replied Mother Fleaman,
serving up steaming a pot. And quicker than you could say, ‘tick’, the table was
crowded by sixteen family members, father Fleaman sitting at one end, Grandpa at the other.
‘’Hey Felicity! This blood soup sure looks good, honey!’’ Beamed uncle Fredrick.
‘’Porridge, Frederick! It’s porridge dear!’’ guffawed mother Fleaman, her nose a little out of joint. And one by one, ladle by ladle, mother Fleaman served the entire Fleaman family with a bowl of her home made porridge, each one in turn handing her their bowl.Except Fizz.
‘’Fizz, come on dear. Give me your bowl, sweetie. You’re never going to be big if you don’t eat your breakfast! Isn’t that right Grandpa?’’ Mother Fleaman winked over to Grandpa.But Fizz, covered his bowl with both hands as all eyes were upon him. Silence… fact, you could hear a pin
‘Crash!’ The whole of Springville Town vibrated as in fact, one of the Big People did drop a pin right there and then.
‘’Yikes! Run for cover everyone!’’ And in the blink of an eye, the Fleaman family darted beneath the springs for shelter.
‘’Goodness me! These Big People and their constant noise really is no good for my ticker!’’ Grumbled Grandpa Fleaman, placing a hand over his chest.
‘’One of these days I swear I’m gonna report those guys to the authorities!’’
‘’They are the authorities, dear! Are you forgetting that those big people happen to work for the president of the United States?’’ Stated Aunt Fi Fi, Grandpa shaking his head in annoyance.
‘’Okay everyone, the shows over! Back to your chairs!’’ Commanded father Fleaman.
But mother Fleaman was concerned about young Fizz.
‘’Come on Fizz. You have to eat something if you want to grow big and strong,
son.’’ Her eyes wide with worry.
‘’Well, well, that’s just IT!’’ Began Fizz.
‘’I’m never going to be big or strong, am I?’’ Aunt Fi Fi stopped eating, her
mouth wide open in shock as silence once more descended upon the Fleaman
Mother Fleamans eyes twitched.
‘’I’m sorry everyone. Sorry, Mum, Sorry Dad. Grandpa Fleaman.’’ Fizz hung
his teeny head.
‘’But it’s just that….that I want to be a big guy. I’m sick of being a flea!’’
A loud gasp radiated around the room as aunt Fi Fi fell off her chair.
‘’Quick! Someone get the smelling salts!’’ Yelled Grandpa.
‘’She’s a strong woman your aunt, but I mean, there’s only so much she
can take, Fizz.’’ He continued as the other fleas rushed to her aid with
a matchstick stretcher.
‘’Jeepers woman! You always have to be so dramatic!’’ Tutted Father Fleaman.
‘’Typical woman!’’
‘’Thing is Mum.’’ Fizz continued.
‘’You and dad, you always taught me to stand tall and walk proud.’’ He climbed
down from his chair, passion rising in his voice.
‘’That I can be the flea I want to be. And as long as I aim for the top, some day
I will be able to move mountains. Make big things happen!’’ He teeny arm
punching the air with pride.
‘’Yes but Fizz, I meant…’’
‘’Yes Mum.’’ Interrupted Fizz.
‘’You meant, for as long as I remain within Springville Town. But you see, here I
will never be the flea I want to be. I want to do great things Dad!’’ His eyes
filling with momentary tears.
‘’I want to make you proud. I want to make my mark on this earth. And some day
I want to be a star! I don’t want to be a little guy any more. I want a voice with which
I can be heard. I want to be Fizz, King of Pop!’’ And just as a speech from
‘Gone with the Wind’ there that day, the Fleaman family applauded the tiny
flea who had stood on his own, two feet. (Or six as happened to be the case).
One by one, each of them clapping the little guy who had dared to speak out as poor
aunt Fi Fi who was just coming round collapsed once more with shock.
‘’Bravo, big guy!’’ Yelled Grandpa adjusting his glasses.
‘’If I can fight in a war, you can certainly go for it young Fizz.’’ He encouraged.
‘’Did I ever tell you about the time..’’
‘’YES GRANDPA!’’ The whole table replied.
‘’I did?’’ He looked up from his blood porridge scratching his head.
‘’Oh! I guess I must have.’’ He continued.
‘’Look! Let’s have some order here.’’ Started Uncle Francis standing up.
‘’Fizz., well, I mean, he is a Flea with a difference. He’s got guts. He’s a flea
who wants to realise his dreams. Reach for the stars. Isn’t that right Fizz?’’ He
looked over at young Fizz who beamed a wide smile back at his uncle.
‘’It’s just a big, bad world out there son. Your dad and I, we’d be so worried about
you, that’s all.’’ Said mother Fleaman placing a loving arm upon his shoulders.
‘’But mum, dad, when have any of you ever been outside to actually know what it’s
like?’’ He shrugged. More silence.
‘’Well, actually young Fizz, that’s how I lost a part of my leg, way back in 1963 when
I decided to venture out one day.’’ Began Grandpa.
‘’Did I ever tell you that story? The one where I got trodden on by one of the Big
‘’YES GRANDPA!’’ The whole table chorused.
‘’Oh…I did?’’
‘’YES GRANDPA!’’ Grandpa Fleaman scratched his head with confusion.
‘’Mum, Dad, the thing is’’ Continued Fizz,
‘’I’m all grown up now. I need to learn to be a man. Stand on my own six feet.’’
His eyes all wide and knowing. Mother Fleaman nodded her head.
‘’I want to be famous. I want to be a star! And no one ever said that Fleas
can’t be big!’’ Fizz was a flea who knew his own mind and the group listened
‘’I’m going to find the man that can make all of my dreams come true, guys’’
He asserted.
‘’Simon Cowell! Mum, I’m going to be on the X Factor!’’
‘’Jeepers, Fizz! You’re going to mix with one of those humans?’’ Began Fiona.
‘’Don’t you know they carry all sorts of germs and bacteria? Just the thought of it
makes me itch!’’ She shivered, scratching herself.
‘’I know son.’’ Continued his father.
‘’You’re all grown up now and for as much as we really don’t want you to leave when
when are you thinking of going?’’
‘’Tomorrow.’’ Replied Fizz.
‘’TOMORROW?’’ gasped his mother.
‘’TOMORROW?’’ Cried his father.
‘’TOMORROW?’’ Chorused the whole table in shock.
‘’Hey, come on everyone!’’ Chirped Uncle Francis.
‘’The little guy’s leaving tomorrow! What are you fleas thinking? Let’s throw a
leaving party!’’
And there that day, the ordinary afternoon in Springville Town became an extra
ordinary day as the Fleamans celebrated the beginning of an amazing journey for the
little guy with big dreams. And as mother Fleaman served up blood punch, the family
danced the afternoon away to ‘Shout to the Top’. And one little flea had been given a
voice that was finally starting to be heard.
The next day came all too soon for most of the Fleaman family as Fizz packed some
of his valued possessions into his teeny orange rucksack. And there was barely a dry
eye in the mattress as he made his way down the spring, on this day that would go
down in flea history.
‘’Be sure to wear your high visibility jacket, son.’’ Began Mother Fleaman, already
pushing his arms into the sleeves.
‘’You need to be seen out there. I mean, who knows what dangers lie ahead?’’
‘’Sheesh, woman! Give the guy a break! He’s a big man now.’’ Interrupted his dad
raising his eyes to the ceiling.
‘’It’s her hormones son. They do funny things to women when they get to a certain
age.’’ He whispered behind his hand.
‘’But where will you live Fizz? I mean, you’ve never been to a pyjama party, let alone
ventured off into the unknown!’’ Worried his mother
‘’Hey! I can do this thing! Just
let me show you. If worst comes to worst, I’ll find
myself a hostel for homeless fleas for the night. But it won’t come to that. Us fleas
are very resourceful you know. And I’m not afraid to go out there and show the world
who I am!’’
‘’Three cheers for Fizz!’’ Yelled Grandpa.
‘’Hip, hip,’’
‘’Hip, hip,’’
‘’Hip, hip,’’
And for a little guy with a big plan, the dream was only just beginning.
New York can seem like one of the biggest places in the world.
Especially when you’re a little guy. Or even worse, a guy who cannot be seen at all.
But this was the start of something major HUGE even! And in actual fact it was the
first time that little Fizz had ventured out into the world beyond Springville Town.
The start of an amazing voyage.
‘’You know where we are if you need us, son.’’ Said his dad, shaking
his sons hand.
‘’Please Fizz, be careful!’’ Pleaded his mother.
‘’Hey Mum! I’m gonna make you proud of me!’’ Began Fizz, excitement rising
within his voice.
‘’You’ll see!’’ He beamed a wide smile.
‘’And when I return, it will be as a man!’’
And with his little rucksack, young Fizz began to make his way down to the edge of Springville Town as both family and friends escorted him to the start of his great adventure. And as he turned to say his last, ‘goodbye’s, there wasn’t a dry eye in the mattress. But all fleas need to spread their wings and fly (or all of their legs
and bounce and crawl) just as young Fizz did this day too. Because the time had come for him too, to flea the nest. Or in actual fact, flee the other fleas.
And so off he went, the beginning of a journey of hope and determination. And the beginning of being a man that would one day, move mountains. And speaking of mountains, he had never banked on the idea of literally having to scale his way down
the outside of the mattress.
‘’It’s a good job I listened to Grandpa’s army stories.’’ He muttered to himself, looping a tiny piece of thread around the headboard, being extra quiet so as not to be heard by the ‘Big People’ in case they were home.
And having scaled his way down, young Fizz was in awe of the site that met his eyes.
‘’Wow! The world is so much bigger than I ever imagined!’’ he began, taking in the
vastness of the bedroom in which he now stood. And boldly making his way, where no flea had been before, he bounced out of the door, and along the landing towards the red, fluffy carpeted staircase.
‘’Blood coloured flooring? EEK! These big people sure have some funny ideas about style!’’
And a few jumps later, he had made his way to the doorway of the great beyond.
Slipping under the gap beneath the front door, young Fizz gasped with excitement and
yelled at the top of his voice,
‘One day I am living in a mattress, the next, I could be a star on Broadway’.
Imagined the little guy as he carried on at the start of his journey.
The world seemed like such a vast place. And actually, when you’re a flea, it is
pretty gigantic! Yellow cab engines roared past him and the enormous feet of Big
People thundered towards him, he ducked and dived under the cover of teeny cracks
in the pavement. And then….came the rumbling…so loud that the earth began to
shake; looking up, little Fizz noticed that the sky had in fact turned black. Black and
angry looking as cruel faces in the clouds,
seemed to stare down at him from a million miles away.
Faces that were twisted and ugly and….and TERRIFYING. The tiny flea began to
quake and tremble with fear. SUDDENLY, vast, watery missiles fell from the sky;
BANG, CRASH, …exploding in front of him and right beside him. And even the Big
People were running for their lives, using anything they had to shelter their heads
from the missiles that were now attacking them, as vast, watery monsters. Poor, little
Fizz shivered and shook, as he bounced for shelter in a nearby doorway.
‘’Oh goodness! Oh my!’’ He uttered in a miniscule voice, filled with concern.
‘’It must be the end of the world!’’ And pulling his six legs in tightly, he squeezed his
eyes shut tightly.
‘’Please don’t let the world end today! I’m just not ready to die…’’ Trepidation
filling his voice as he cowered alone in a corner.
‘’Mum. Dad! ‘’ He called.
‘’Please mum, I wish you could hear me. I wish someone would answer me now.’’
Tears filled his eyes as he tried to blink them back as just then….
‘’Little guy, the world is not going to end today. ‘’ Came a voice from above as in
an instant, Fizz looked up once more towards the sky. A soft, delicate and calming
voice. An angel???? It was an ANGEL!!! Sent to deliver the good news, surely?
‘’ What? You’re real! You’re really REAL!’’ He gasped, clasping his hands together.
‘Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I mean, there are like a million things I have to
see! A million things I have to do….like…like…’’ He paced up and down, and as he
did, caught site of the most beautiful rainbow that now smiled down upon the people
(and bugs) of New York City.
‘’And I’m just not ready to go to flea Heaven!’’
‘’Hey!!! I’m not up in the sky, silly! It’s me! And you ain’t going anywhere!’’
‘’Me who?’’ The little flea swivelled round on his heels so see where the voice was
coming from, shielding his eyes nervously as he did.
‘’Up here! Look up here!’’ Giggled the soft and calming voice as his eyes rose
higher and higher. A pair of feet. Two, not six, like him but just two. And not feet like
those which he had ever seen before. No, they certainly did not belong to Big People
but had claws on the toenails, and skinny, orange ankles. And his eyes moving further
up, now took in the site of the most magnificent, white, fluffy…well, ball gown
I guess you could call it. One made of the most stunning white feathers, all pristine;
majestic looking you might go as far as to say. And then….then he saw
her face for
the first time, the face that met his eyes for the very first time too. And then, it
Something that young Fizz, in all of his eighteen years in this world had never felt
before. That warm, tingly feeling that you get when you fall in love. (And the one
that apparently makes Big People go all gooey and do really stupid stuff at times!)
Because standing right before his eyes was the most beautiful chick he had ever seen!
And she
was no ordinary chick! She was a chicken chick, with the most amazing, black, beady
eyes, he had ever seen too!
‘’Wow!’’ Began Fizz, as he took in the site of the apparition before him.
‘’You really are an angel aren’t you?’’
The chicken giggled, heartily.
‘’No silly billy! I’m not an angel! I’m just a chi..’’
‘’Oh! I er…well, yes, I mean…I know, you’re not an angel, angel as in…well you
know…’’ His voice trailed out as now he stood before her, a rather embarrassed little
chappie, his cheeks bright red. The chick, laughed some more, her voice all sweet and
girly as she tossed her head back.
‘’I know what you meant.’’ She began.
‘’And thank you. That really is about one of the sweetest things that anyone (or
any flea), has ever said to me.’’ Her beaked crumpling into a big, wide smile as she
batted her long, black lashes at him.
‘’Oh…no worries..’’ Continued Fizz, waving a dismissive hand in a matter of fact
kind of way. But it’s not every day a flea meets the chick of his dreams and a guy
has to be cool about these things, Right?
‘’Anyway.’’ Started the chick, plumping her feathers.
‘’That was only a little thunder storm! It ain’t anything to be afraid of!’’
Fizz stared at her for reassurance.
‘’What, you mean, these things happen like, all of the time?’’
‘’Why, sure they do!’’ She asserted batting her wing in the air.
‘’Jeese! I mean, I had no idea!’’ Little Fizz shook his head.
‘’Hey!’’ Laughed the chick.
‘’You lead a really sheltered life or something?’’
Fizz, paused for a brief moment.
‘’Er well….yeah, I guess you could say that.’’
And just at that point, the sun radiated out brilliantly, enveloping the world
with her magnificence as birds began to sing in the sky, upon the glorious
Manhattan skyline.
‘’Come on. Let’s walk a little’’ Beckoned the chick as Fizz bounced from
the doorway behind her.
‘’I guess if we’re going to be friends, I should really introduce myself.’’ She
‘’I’m Cindy, a chick on a mission.’’
‘’Really?’’ Retorted Fizz.
‘’Yep! Really, really!’’ She laughed.
‘’I’m Fizz, a little guy with big dreams! Fizz at your service madam Cindy!’’
He skipped along and saluted as the two fell about laughing.
‘’Come on. Let’s go grab a coffee! I think we have some catching up to do.’’
Asserted Cindy.
‘’Hop on my back if you like. You look like you need a ride.’’
And so a teeny Fizz, jumped up and nestled into Cindy’s wings and the
pair made their way to a local coffee shop.
‘’But hey! Don’t get used to it!’’ She teased!
‘’I’m not the sort of chick who carries passengers!’’
And so this is in fact how these two young love birds or one bird and one flea,
came across each other on a stormy Manhattan day. The chicken and the flea
who had moments before been little more than strangers, had a lifetime of catching
up to do.
It’s not so easy being a flea, or even a chicken for that matter, when it comes to being
served in a coffee shop. Most times, people don’t notice you’re there and when they
do, they tend to want to shoo you away for fear of being contaminated by something..
well…something dirty or itchy even. Or possibly both. But Cindy knew these streets
like the back of her wing.
‘’Hey! Hey Cindy! Wait up!’’ Yelled Fizz, still nestled in between her feathers.
‘’Hey, Cindy, we just passed the coffee shop! You’re going the wrong way!’’
‘’Oh, don’t you worry about a thing big guy!’’ She replied.
‘’I am a woman who can make things happen!’’ And with that, she swiftly
scurried along a side street, her feet going ten to the dozen as she went.
‘’Oh my! Oh my goodness me! Time to hit the breaks I think! Hold on Fizz!’’
SCREECH!!!! The pair skidded to a violent halt, thrown to and fro as smoke
ascended from Cindy’s claws, her feathers all ruffled, her beady black eyes now
wide with fear.
‘’Cindy! Cindy! What is it? What on earths wrong?’’ Cried Fizz.
And the little chicken, her eyes fixed straight ahead began to shake and quiver.
‘’It’s, it’s him!’’ She stuttered.
‘’It’s who?’’ Fizz now stuck his head out from beneath his private, feathered
seating area to observe. Now his eyes too were big, wide and filled with utmost
‘’It’s Mr. Menace. The boss from ‘Cute, Chickie Fried Chicken!’’ She cried.
‘’I escaped from his battery farm three months ago and just missed being squished
into the middle of a burger bun! With relish! ‘’
‘’Uh Oh!’’ Yelled Cindy.
‘’Uh Oh!’’ Yelled Fizz. And by the wicked glare in the eyes of mean, Mr. Menace
and the shiny glint of his carving knife, they knew he meant business!
‘’Uh Cindy..’’ Began Fizz, his voice more feeble than usual.
‘’Have you thought about like….’’
‘’RUNNING?!’’ The pair chorused as Cindy did an about turn, sparks flying
as she sprinted off through a maze of back alleyways; in one, out of the next.
Too late! Menace was behind them, his feet thundering long the sidewalk,
‘’Hey you! Chicken face! Stop right there!’’ He roared.
‘’I’d recognise that face anywhere!’’ Bellowed Menace.
‘’I’m gonna make you into a burger one of these fine days if it’s the last thing
I do, missy!’’
‘’Hold on Fizz!’’ Cried Cindy!
‘’What do you think I’m gonna do?’’ He yelled back.
‘’And why do people in movies always say that at the most ridiculous times?’’
But this was not a time for questions.
‘’Somebody stop that chicken!’’ Raged a voice behind them! But passers by
just ignored him as up and down the main roads they now raced. A moment later
as Cindy stopped for the briefest moment to catch her breath, Menace jumped into
a yellow cab.
‘’Where to?’’ Grunted the driver, not even bothering to look back at his passenger as
he pulled away.
‘’Follow that chick!’’ Yelled Menace, waving his knife in the air.
‘’Are you CRAZY?! I don’t see no chick up ahead!’’ Bellowed the driver
as the car came to a sudden halt.
‘’But there is, there IS!!! And I want it for supper!’’ Demanded Menace.
‘’With relish!’’
‘’Hey, whatever you’ve had, it ain’t doing you no favours! And whatever
problems you got guy, remember; this is NEW YORK! Get OVER it!’’
THUD! Wallop. Menace landed on the sidewalk as the driver slammed
the door.
‘’And there are better ways to get a broad than that! FREAK!’’
And with that, off went the yellow cab, as a puff of smoke chocked out
from his exhaust.
But for the two escapees, it had been a close call, safely hiding out in a refuge.
Well, refuse bag in all reality; a black, tatty refuse bag on a Manhattan side street.
‘’Well, you do know how to keep a guy on his six legs!’’ Remarked Fizz, when they
were sure that the coast was now clear.
‘’Yeah, I know. I’m sorry…I’m sorry that you had to get dragged into all of this.’’
Began Cindy.
‘’It’s just that….’’
‘’Hey! Don’t even think about it! That’s what friends are for, right?’’ He
beamed back the widest smile ever.
‘’I think you really are a wonderful flea Fizz! I mean, I see in you this real
air of determination. So strong and so manly. Just the type of flea who can
do great things with his life.’’ Cindy cocked her head to one side and once
more crumpled her beak in that cute way that she always did.
‘’You think so?’’ Said Fizz, blowing a stray hair from his eye.
‘’Sure I do!’’ She sat down for a moment to take the weight of her
‘’Well, funny you should say that! Because I do happen to be a flea who is
headed for big things!’’ Fizz stood assertively, as Cindy listened intently.
‘’I mean, I’ve always had this dream. Well, for many years now anyway.
A dream that there had to be so much more to life than Springville Town!’’
‘’Springville Town?’’ Questioned Cindy.
‘’Yeah, yeah,’’ Dismissed Fizz.
‘’Well, it’s kind of, erm, hot there….er…all year round, funnily enough’’
‘’Is it? Oh that sounds wonderful!’’ Cried Cindy.
‘’Er…um, maybe not quite as wonderful as you think…I mean there are lots of erm..
bugs there….yes! YES! That’s it! There are lots of bugs there…I mean millions!
TRILLIONS even!!! And people never stop scratching!!!! Would you believe?
Ha ha.’’ Fizz laughed an embarrassed laugh.
‘’Kind of makes you itch just thinking about it, doesn’t it?’’ Said Fizz, scratching
his arm as he spoke.
‘’EEW! Now that doesn’t sound nearly as exotic!’’ Stated Cindy, screwing up her
‘’No! No it’s not! Not at all! Trust me!’’
‘’So…what about your dream then Fizz? Tell me…’’ Beckoned Cindy as Fizz’s
teeny eyes lit up with excitement.
‘’Oh..yes!!! Well, see thing is, I want to be so much more than just an ordinary flea!
I want to be a flea with a voice!’’
Cindy stared curiously at him.
‘’But you already have a voice Fizz!’’
‘’A voice that can actually be heard I mean! You see…singing is my dream. And
none of us can realise their dreams if we just leave them right where they are.’’
He stood up on his back legs.
‘’Cindy, I want to be a star! I want to have a number one hit single and for my fans to
love the music I make. I want my voice to do something to people when they hear me.
And I want for people to see me as I truly am! Not to keep running when they see me
for fear I may bite them! I never liked blood stew anyways! Just the thought of it
makes me feel a bit icky!’’
Cindy giggled.
‘’Wow Fizz! That’s fantastic! Really!’’
‘’I want to wear dark glasses as I walk upon the red carpet donning Versace shades.
I want to ride in a chauffeur driven limousine and rub shoulders with the stars.
I want to show the world that little guys can be big! But most of all, I want to be Fizz,
King of Pop!’’ He punched the air with the pride and dignity of a flea who knew his
own mind.
‘’Well, whatever your dream big guy, I’d like to help you chase it!’’ Cindy
blushed a little and became a little nervous.
‘’You’d do that? You’d really do that, for me?’’ Fizz looked her right in the beady
‘’Of course I would! I think….’’ Her voice trailed off.
‘’What Cindy? What do you think?’’
‘’ I think that you are the guy for me, Fizz the flea!’’
Fizz beamed the widest smile.
‘’Well….I…I think you’re the chick I’ve been searching for my whole life Miss
And right at that very moment, the two knew that it was love. And that the only way
from here on in was up. And not just for Fizz, being born a little guy.
‘’But there is someone else I need to find too.’’ Began Fizz.
‘’There is?’’ Cindy patiently awaited his reply.
‘’Yes. I, Fizz Fleaman of Springville Town, am on a mission to find the one man
who can make big dreams happen. The one man who can push all of those buttons
and excel me to great heights. I need to find Simon Cowell. I’m going to be on the
X Factor Cindy!’’
Cindy’s beak opened. And then closed. And then opened again.
‘’But Fizz….I mean..’’
‘’You mean what? Ohhh…you mean that little guys like me cannot do this, don’t
you?’’ His teeny head now pointed to the ground.
‘’No….’’ Her voice faltered a little.
‘’No! Not at all! If you wanna do this thing Fizz! I’m right behind you, all of the
way!’’ She asserted.
‘’And we’ll do whatever it takes to find him!’’ The pair laughed heartily together.
‘’And by the way, Cindy…you know you said you were a chick on a mission? Well,
what exactly is your mission?’’ Fizz looked inquisitive.
‘’Oh…well..nothing as exciting as yours I’m afraid!’’ She began.
‘’It’s just that….just that I’d love to be able to fly.’’ She looked somewhat forlorn.
‘’But, but, you’re a chicken, right? And birds can fly, can’t they?’’ His voice now
edged somewhat with sadness for her as she slowly shook her head in despair.
‘’Well, no. Chickens can’t fly properly. And me? I can’t fly at all. Not…not after
Mr. Menace kept me locked up as a battery hen for all of that time. My wings just
don’t work properly Fizz.’’ She let out a deep, sorry sigh, her eyes filling with
‘’Hey, don’t be sad, Cindy! Come on, we’re, we’re a team now, right?’’
Encouraged her miniscule friend.
‘’Together, we’re gonna do great things, me and you.’’ He soothed.
‘’And if flying is your dream, then one day, you will fly! I promise. One day
you will fly high above the world! Because when you believe enough…and, and
take a leap of faith’’ He bounced up into the air,
‘’ANYTHING is possible!’’
‘’Yeah and pigs might fly, too!’’ She joked. And right at that precise moment,
Pedro the local farm pig, who had been working since forever on his ‘Plane Building
for Dummies’ kit, crashed his glider into the side of the moon. Good job his parachute
was in full working order as he floated gently to the ground. But Fizz and Cindy, still
engaged in deep conversation talked on, obliviously.
Cindy blinked back her tears, fixing her glassy eyes upon him.
‘’You think one day I really will fly Fizz?’’
‘’Sure I do!’’ He assured waving his hand in a matter of fact kind of way.
‘’Me and you chick, we’re gonna go places! And if there’s one thing you should
know about me, it’s that I’m a flea of my word!’’ A smile met the corners of Cindy’s
‘’And there’s one other thing.’’ She went on.
‘’It’s just that…’’She hesitated,
‘’Well, I was so lucky to have escaped from Menaces farm. But the other chicks.’’
Her voice trailed off,
‘’I had to leave them all behind.’’ Her head hung low.
‘’I managed to get away when Menace came to feed us all up. To fatten us for,
well, you know…..the ‘pan’ ’’ She whispered, shuddering at the thought.
‘’And when his back was turned, I ran for my life Fizz, I just ran and ran and kept
right on going!’’ Her voice filled with fear as she relived every, last moment.
‘’I left behind all of my friends. And, and even poor, old Margo!’’
‘’Margo?’’ Questioned the little flea.
‘’Yeah! She was an old, mother hen. Menace kept her for nothing more than
producing eggs and the poor girl, well she’s never seen the world Fizz! Spent
her whole life on the battery farm. Only slightly better than being squished in a
‘’With relish?’’ Said Fizz. Cindy nodded.
‘’But someday, someday I am going to go back for them all. Before it’s too late.’’
She pleaded with her wing.
‘’And before they, too end up…well…you know where!’’
‘’Hey! Don’t you worry about a thing honey! Together, you and me, we’ll
work this thing out! You’ll see! I promise you Cindy!’’
And the little chicken smiled a huge smile as her eyes lit up.
‘’Fizz, I’m glad I met you! That’s what I’ve needed for so long. A strong guy who
would look out for me.’’ She gushed.
‘’Well, you got him, cute feathers!’’ He replied.
And as darkness descended upon New York City and the moon shone down from a
night time sky, the world didn’t seem like such a big place after all.
‘’Night Cindy.’’
‘’Night Fizz’’
Their little eyes closing, as their adventures disintegrated into a land of faraway
End chapter Two.
From my book, 'Fizz, King of Pop' (for release 30th January 2010).
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