A Bookworm Reflects

By Rhiannonw
- 2432 reads
Text snapped by the retina
emailed to the brain,
recorded, considered, archived, and
when needed again,
hopefully retrievable
from memory’s vault
(if no technical fault).
Shelves stuffed with volumes
abandoned and dusty,
musty and fusty
ideologies jaded,
fictional, cynical, faded:
years spent in scanning
transferring, imbibing –
mind cluttered with tatters,
and clogged up with garbage –
and none of the gunge really matters.
Truth is a pearl
thrice purified draught
the gasping can grasp
– revived,
(so long since I’d smiled
or chuckled, or laughed!)
released from the burden
and boredom of doom,
and wearisome gloom,
which spewed from a whirlpool
of wondering, wandering,
wriggling welter of words;
when the rubbish I’d thinned,
sun pierced the smog,
and the muddle and fog
were all binned.
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Rhiannon, this is brilliant
Rhiannon, this is brilliant in meaning and in the entertainment of word play - sound, shape rhythm and rhyme. I just love the way it sort of snakes and tumbles, trips off the tongue and is great to say out loud.
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it's got a certain rhythmic
it's got a certain rhythmic quality that allows you to sink into the words. Not that we'll remember any of it or them, but forgetfulness is not a vice, it's just not very nice, but as we get older, the brain grows through our shoulders, hardens our veins and we can no longer remember like we did when we were wains.
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Hi Rhiannon
Hi Rhiannon
I too thought this was a lot of fun to read and think about. Comparing the brain to a computer makes me think mine needs a bit of maintenance these days. A spell checker would be useful, and a google function. And how nice when I can't sleep if I could just switch it off.
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What a wonderful whirlwind...
... of words! Just as a Bookworm would possess :-) Very Clever! Especially like the opening stanza equating the man-made computer with our gloriously faster and bigger brains... just wish less people were letting their brains live in sleep mode. Keep well! $
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