December Christmas Acrostic — 'X' [and previous]

By Rhiannonw
- 1743 reads
X – a crucifixion cross for which he came,
X – wrong thought, if thinking there’s another saving name,
X – no, not just a kindly man,
X – marks the spot, where, in Bethlehem it all began.
‘X’mas celebration, sing
‘X’ must stand for Christ, the King!
Awaiting hope eternal, bright,
Advent of One with truth and light
Announcement – Christ will mediate,
Arrival we will celebrate,
abundant joy for Christmas songs.
Birth astounding – God has come,
become a human baby son,
born to help the destitute,
bear the blame as substitute,
bringing joy for Christmas songs.
Celebrate his quiet advent,
counting it world’s key event,
come and hear of kindness clear.
Christmas songs throughout the year.
Day of wonder – God on earth,
deigning to experience birth;
doing good, and all respect him,
dying – living, life to bring!
delivering grace in our distress,
disappointments, weariness,
darkness defeated: Christmas songs.
Ever thankful, sing his praise.
Enter life, led in his ways.
Embraced by him who formed the earth –
Eternal Son, and from his birth
encouraging exuberant steadfast joy.
Friendship divine he loves to bring,
freedom from guilt and power of sin,
Father in heaven to guide and protect,
follow his will, his wisdom’s correct:
faith and repentance brings feast to the soul.
Gospel – good news – from Bethlehem trace:
gladness whenever we realise his grace.
Guilt has been pardoned, strength given for the race,
growing in faith as life’s trials we face.
God’s goodness and guidance our comforting base.
How can families foregather without a row,
having fun without an alcoholic drunken flow?
His love, forgiveness share,
happy to try to understand, be patient and forbear.
He hears the softest cry, within the heart,
holiness and happiness he can impart.
Illuminations light-up dark December skies.
Inward ignorance enlightened, making wise.
Inside my heart, joy warms, ignites a song –
I want to tell of God who came,
incarnate, God and man, and soon in peace will reign.
Jesus placed to lie in manger.
Jerusalem a place of danger.
Justice denied in human court.
Joy in his suffering, knew he had bought
judgment’s acquittal for all who’ll receive –
joining his family, they
joyfully sing what they believe.
King eternal comes to earth,
knows the price he’ll pay in death,
keys he owns to shatter evil’s grip,
keeps his flock from folly’s slip:
kiss the Son, and join to sing –
kill-joys mock, but love and mercy he can bring.
Learn of this love that sent us a Saviour,
Lean on that love that offers such succour,
leave all that promises fun, but brings but harm,
lose rubbish and lies for peace and calm,
light to see clearly the pathway to heaven,
love shared with others as we are forgiven,
life of the spirit through trials will sing.
Mighty this Babe, now a King who will come,
miracles showed his great power, God’s Son,
mystery to our comprehension –
man and God come to save – such condescension,
moving to awe for the kindness he’ll bring
many rejoice at his wisdom and sing.
Novelties abound for Christmas merriment,
nice amusements lift a family event –
nothing lasting, but a moment’s lightness,
needs of the heart are deep for joyfulness.
Now is the time to think of Jesu’s birth,
name that’s forgotten often on this earth,
news of his majesty, kind mission, supreme worth
never surpassed, the Source-of-all came down:
nature and we should sing of his renown.
One event the crux of history.
Only the Maker could get victory
over the schemes of Satan’s hate –
our lostness and confusing state:
orally we’ll sing the Saviour’s substitution
opening the door of restitution, reconciliation:
on Christmas Day remember, praise with joy.
Prince of glory in a manger;
poor his family – and danger;
powerful Herod wants to kill,
plot was foiled, Christ would fulfil
purchase of those seeking pardon,
people brought to life and freedom:
ponder, sing that evil’s fortress
plundered now, good God victorious.
Quietly the gift was given,
qualified to be the Ransom,
quells and quashes, quenches quarrels.
Queries, questions bring for answers –
quest for life eternal –
quickly turn to him, request
quickening to life, the best,
quitting mutiny: conquest!
Quite delighted singing, blest.
Religious ceremonies multiple do not
reach the pardon we’ve not got –
reconciliation, love of God, but see
redemption bought at Calvary.
Remember how he came that day,
royalty of heaven come down to make a way,
rejoice, now friendship and forgiveness can be known,
real the Babe, and real the work he’s done.
Ring the bells of song this Christmas time.
Saviour coming to our
scene, remembered at the Christmas
season – light into our darkness dour;
suffering to come, but purpose
sure, and first he grew, what treasured words he
said, light that we should understand:
sing of all he taught us and
salvation full that soon he’ll bring.
Time for presents, time to share,
tense relationships repair,
tender praise to Christ, and pray,
treading back if gone astray,
truth is pure: relief and joy.
Unique event unusual.
Urgent appeal – be
utterly loved to the uttermost,
understanding the inconceivable.
Ugly betrayal by Judas.
Unquestionable kindness, bringing
usefulness of life, through new birth –
unity of good purpose for all his people.
Verity is truth. So many doubt it can be known.
Vivacious festival, his rescuing salvation shown.
Vain so much that tries to entertain at the closing of the year.
Valuable treasure neglected, though so very near.
Veneers of veneration shown, but void within.
Victory of Bethlehem and Calvary, true joy to win,
vocal Christians gladly of this offered gift will ever sing.
Who will come, with God to feast?
Why refuse, such menu missed,
when you hear his kindly call?
What else satisfies the soul?
Wonderful the news he brought,
weary world weeps – such waste wrought,
wisdom follows him that came,
worship, for he soon will reign.
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difficult to put into words,
difficult to put into words, but you succeeded. Merry Christamas.
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feel it's wrong to choose lines out of this as favourites, but ...
veneers of veneration void within
is great
and I liked
utterly loved to the uttermost
like a cup full up to the very top so you can even see the maniscus over the brim
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