The Man and a Boy
By Richard L. Provencher
- 513 reads
Why are people sad sometimes? came from the lips of a ten yr. old.
The question returned with another. Are you ever sad?
The boy had to think for a moment. I asked first, returned boldly.
If you plan to go swimming and it begins to rain, does that make you happy?
That is one way to answer your question, the man said.
Man and boy shared sitting on a grassy hump in the meadow. The sun was warmer than eggs frying in a pan.
The man stood, wiped his brow, and asked gently, follow me.
The boy began to walk in the tall man’s footsteps. It was like a game for him, as they criss-crossed a stretch of land,
The man’s hair was long and flipped about in the wind.
The boy’s hair used to be long, too long perhaps. Today he wore a short cut, almost bald.
Suddenly, up ahead. a bear stepped from a copse of spruce trees. It began to walk slowly, coming closer, closer. Then halted, looked them over, turned and returned to his habitat.
Man and boy were still as two cat-tails, not afraid but simply thrilled. The magnificence of the beast was such a pleasant scene.
Were you afraid? the man asked.
You’re an honest young man.
Thank you, sir.
Polite too.
My mom and dad taught me to be strangers, I mean.
You will discover soon, young man, we are no longer strangers. Friends okay?
Okay if I have a little sleep? the little boy asked.
Why not? We have been chatting for a bit.
As the boy lay on the grassy meadow, dreams followed. Of baseball games and hiking alongside a small lake, with friends. He felt at peace as a warm breeze surrounded him.
The sun was pleased to do its share.
And the man kneeled and said a prayer over him.
When the boy awoke the man had more questions. Do you remember yesterday?
No. It’s very fuzzy.
Who gave you the haircut?
Someone dressed in white, I think.
Let’s go fishing in that pond, the man suggested.
The boy agreed. He even caught two neat rainbow trout.
Well young man, time to join your parents.
The boy was incredulous. Here? Mom! Dad! he called.
They can’t hear you right now. But I’ll take you to them. Can you run as fast as I can? the man challenged.
As they took up start positions, he turned to the boy. By the way, call me by my first name – it’s Jesus.
Note: This short-short story is a surreal overview. It is in the aftermath of the worst rampage by one person who destroyed the lives of 22 people April 19-20, 2020 from Portapique to Elmsdale, Nova Scotia. Three of the victims included two parents and a child. The “perp” was brought down permanently by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
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