Strange Baby part 2
By Seeker
- 885 reads
At seven thirty sharp they wait before the front door of number 34, shivering a little in the evening chill, shadowed in the porch against the failing light, the Autumn sun having fled to cheer up others. Gail looks around with schoolgirl anticipation, Angelica is already half asleep, holding out for the promised snap of gin. They’re both in their twenties yet emotionally worlds apart - Gail, wide and naive for the most part, Angelica more mature and consequently slightly more cynical. The best of friends, envious of each other in the most polite way, sometimes on the same wavelength, most times working with acute angles. Angelica enjoys playing the older and wiser, whilst Gail tumbles happily around the dotty and loveable. Many times in late evening gin-pools of sentimentality, they profess that each is the sister whom the other never had. Such a solid friendship, with its roots in mutual uncertainty and cut price Spanish holidays, is not to be trifled with.
Madam Gorgel is more or less what Angelica had been expecting. With such a name, you try to keep an open mind, but with the medium standing in the doorway, Angelica’s fears are confirmed.
She’s either highly gifted or a complete nutter... could easily be Frankenstein’s cleaning lady.
High cheek bones, sunken eyes the colour of a muddy frog, Elastoplast lips enveloping chipped plastic teeth, Madam Gorgel seems in a permanent state of Halloween; greeting them in a sexless baritone, then guiding the two girls into the front room where the seances are held, wriggling as she walks, as if some spotty schoolboy has peppered her long woollen dress with itching powder.
The room is spacious with a high ceiling, sparsely furnished, as far as Angelica can see; the only illumination coming from a large globe lamp hovering above a great round table in the middle of the room. The girls take their places under the eerie light, Angelica frowning at Gail’s wide eyed enthusiasm.
They are not alone.
Three other companions in the evening adventure are already seated.
Mr.Gossop (spectacles and beard).
Mr.Cuttals (chubby and balding).
Miss Babels (lank hair plus prominent nose).
All of them middle aged...all of them hollow eyed, briefly introduced by Madam Gorgel, instantly forgotten by both newcomers. The medium places herself carefully between the two gentlemen, opposite Angelica, looking even more garish under the sharp light. Put a couple of cross bone around her neck, the young sceptic observes, and she’s perfect for a pirate’s flag!
‘Exciting isn’t it ?’ Gail pants, breaking her friends musing.
‘This had better be good,’ Angelica hisses back, ‘or I’ll make it a triple!’
‘Welcome, welcome everyone.’ Madam Gorgel’s dark voice hums through them. ‘And especially to our new friends,’ aiming a slanting look at the two girls. ‘Gail has already told me that she wishes to con- tact her beloved Aunt. And you Angelica, is there someone you would like to greet?’
Angelica squirms, not expecting to be put on the spot. ‘I...I’m only here for the fu...for the experience.’
‘I hope you won’t be disappointed. I understand that you have great doubts about the... authenticity of our proceedings.’ The medium’s candid remark earns Gail a prod in the shin from her embarrassed friend.
‘Never mind.’ Madam G. grins toothily. ‘Let us begin. I can feel impatience and anxiety all around me. We shall now join hands to complete the circle.’
Hands, grubby, sweaty, stubby and indifferent are duly clasped. ‘Once the circle is made, it must never be broken until I give permission.’
Solemn nods all round.
‘And I must have absolute silence whilst I am making contact with our spirit friends.’ Madam Gorgel bows her head slowly.
‘Is it starting?’ Angelica whispers.
‘Yes.’ Gail whispers back. ‘Sandra told me all about it. She’s going to get in touch with her spirit guide.’
‘What’s that?’
‘Someone who helps her make contact with the dead.’
‘Might be quicker with “Yellow Pages”.’
‘I said absolute silence!’ A bass voice suddenly booms. It takes the shaken pair a moment to realise that the shout had come from Madam Gorgel, sitting bolt upright, eyes wide, seemingly in a trance.
‘I am pleased once more to be among you.’ The voice rattles the table, nicely resonating with the girls’ trembling knees.
‘Ah, I see we have some old friends and some new blood.’ Madam G.’s gaze rounds on Angelica. ‘I hope that this evening won’t be as “Mickey Mouse” as some of us fear? And now to business.’
Another silence...a shuffle of feet...then...
‘Reggie?’ A timid female voice drifts around the circle. Mr.Cuttals immediately clutches Angelica’s hand so hard that his fingernails stab into her skin. She tries to pull away, but he grips even harder, crying ‘Where is it?’
‘Oh Reggie, I’d hoped you might have calmed down a bit by now.’
‘Where is it you bitch? Where is the money?’
‘I can’t tell you,’ the voice replies flatly. ‘You know I can’t. You have to learn.’
‘It’s my right!’ he rants, unheeding. ‘I earned that money. I looked after you all those years, waited on you, hand and bloody foot. Tell me where you’ve hidden it!’
‘I knew you never did it for love,’ the voice sighs sadly. ‘That’s why I made sure you wouldn’t waste it all with your stupid gambling.’
‘You cheated me!’
‘It’s for your own good Reggie. You have more than enough to live on.’
‘I’ll find it, even if I have to tear the house apart!’
‘You won’t find it there. It’s hidden in a place you could never think of...unless I tell you.’
‘This is some sort of revenge isn’t it?’ Reggie fumes. ‘Well, if you think I’m going to beg you, you can shove it!’
‘Anger won’t help you Reggie. You’re still too far away...too far...too far...’ the voice trails away.
‘Come back. Come back you bitch. Tell me...tell me!’ Reggie blubbers into silence, all the force in him spent, his hand falling limp in Angelica’s. She looks at him curiously, not knowing what to make of it all, simply relieved that she can feel her fingers again. An awkward pause follows, interspersed with under breath curses from Reggie’s corner. Madam Gorgel lowers her head, as if in waiting. Then she stiffens, regarding them once more.
This time Miss Babels tenses. ‘Graham, is it you?’
‘Yes Linda, I’m here,’ the leaden voice moans. ‘And you know why.’
‘But I told you before, it was an accident.’ Miss Babels rocks to and fro with agitation.
‘Your words...not mine.’
‘But it was!’ The desperate young woman looks uselessly to the others for their assurance. ‘It all happened so quickly, there was nothing I could do.’
‘Remember Linda...remember why I’m here.’
‘Why won’t you believe me, why?’
‘Graham don’t be so cruel,’ tears stream down her face. ‘You know it wasn’t my fault! Please...please...’ her pleadings dissolve in anguished sobs. Angelica shakes her head, perplexed by the whole business. This isn’t a seance, it’s a nut house. God knows what the other one will do...hang himself from the ceiling at this rate. She turns to her equally bewildered friend. ‘I suppose Sandra forgot to mention the hysterics and bone crushing!’
Gail shrugs her shoulders. ‘Must be an off night.’
‘Gail...Gail...are you there?’
‘Hello love, how are you?’
‘Fine thanks, how are you ?’
‘Well, all things considered, not too bad.’
Angelica hangs her head to hide a smirk, deciding instantly that Auntie is just as simple minded as her granddaughter.
‘Auntie...what’s it like being dead?’
‘A bit like trying to get your Granddad to make up his mind...lots of waiting. He’s here too, by the way. And all his pigeons. God know how they got here. Oh and Scruffy, you remember our dog Scruffy...he was run over by the greengrocer’s van...he’s here too.’
‘Sounds like you’re having a good time, Auntie.’
‘Mustn’t grumble. I do miss the telly though. It seems the signal doesn’t reach this far. Never mind, I’ve always got my knitting.’
‘Must be difficult getting the wool?’
‘Now it’s funny you should say that, I...hey...wait a minute, you don’t have to push.’
‘What is it Auntie?’
‘You see Gail, even here there are people with no patience and no manners!
‘Who is it Auntie?’
‘Stop shoving you brute!’
Madam Gorgel’s eyes round with terror. ‘No...not you!’ she shouts. ‘You have no place here.’ Wrenching her head from side to side, as if trying to shake off some repressing force. ‘Go back...go back!’ then with a mournful cry collapsing face downwards on the table.
Nobody moves.
Nobody speaks.
The circle remains intact.
Finally Angelica whispers hesitantly, ‘Is this part of it?’
‘I...don’t know.’ Gail stammers. ‘I don’t think so. We ought to do something, but I don’t know what.’
‘By the look of it, call an ambulance.’ Angelica mutters, jolting sharply as, without warning, an electric charge races round the table, locking their hands together. Madam Gorgel moans, slowly raising her head.
‘That face!’ Angelica cries. ‘It’s the face from my dream!’
Indeed, in place of the medium’s crumpled features, there glows a ruddy, gum-grinning baby face, eyes slanted demoniacally. Angelica tries to gulp down the panic rising in her as cold menace thickens the air.
‘Wha...what’s going on Ange?’ Gail’s hands shake violently. ‘What is it. What’s it doing here?’
Her friend makes no answer. She can only stare helplessly at the yellow moon face.
‘A right bunch we’ve got here,’ it chuckles, looking around at the terrified faces. ‘Losers Anonymous. What you lot need is livening up. Looks like I got here just time.’ The moon shines eerily upon Angelica. ‘Hello Mumsy, glad you could make it. You won’t believe the trouble it took to get you here, but the show wouldn’t be the same without the star guest.’ The face swivels round like a mechanical doll. ‘In fact I’m so glad that I feel like celebrating; and you all know what it takes to make a celebration complete?’
Immediately a lighting charge arcs left and right through them all, except Angelica whose hands are jerked free from the rest.
‘Some thing’s happening!’ Gail screams. ‘I’m getting warm!’
Angelica stares in disbelief as her friend and the others start glowing.
‘Ange I’m me...I’m getting hotter!’
They’re all wailing, glowing fire-red, a cacophony of agony. Angelica cannot move; something pins her down, clamping her arms on the table. The cries tear into her ears, but she is helpless. Suddenly, with a collective shriek, they burst into flame, filling the room with the sickening smell of burning flesh. Angelica screams in horror, her eyes smarting from the foul air and her own terror.
‘Dear God, they’re incinerated yet still screaming!’
She tries frantically to pull free, coughing uncontrollably in the black smoke, but the weight will not lift. Squinting tearfully through the Hades mist she can see the director of this agony chuckling away.
Why aren’t I burning...why have I been spared...what is it saving for me? She turns to Gail, now an unrecognisable blur of flame in the Hellish nightmare.
‘This can’t be happening! It just can’t be!’
Choking in the foul air, wrenching with all her might against the brutal weight, her heart pounding, tears streaming down her sooty cheeks, panic screaming in her head.
Is this its suffocate me, then let me burn like the rest?
Through the sickening smoke she sees baby face rise, revealing the charred hulk of Madam Gorgel. Higher and higher into the murky night, then vanishing. Angelica looks desperately around, blinded in all directions. ‘What now? What now you bastard?’
From out of nowhere, the grinning face looms before her.
‘Give us a kiss.’
Angelica is thrown from her chair onto the floor. On her feet running, running for her life, the grinning gargoyle pursuing, torching everything in its path. Into the hallway, the kitchen, upstairs, the whole house now a blazing inferno...collapsing exhausted onto the bathroom floor. Angelica choking, panting, praying in her last moments, as her chubby predator moves in for the kill.
‘Whoops-a-daisy!’ it shrieks as something pushes her skirt up, rips her tights and knickers off, spreading her legs wide open. Angelica gasps, perplexed. The face swoops down at her like a blue eyed Man-in-the-Moon.
‘Pucker up girl, here I come.’ It hovers momentarily above her, transforming into a silver javelin then, with a Devilish cackle, spears into her vagina!
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Wow, didn't see that coming.
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