Postcards From the Beyond - Chapter 9
By shiro
- 570 reads
Sebastian was fascinated by everything he saw as they were hurried through the ship, but there was no chance to stop or ask questions. Trying to get a response from Clump, who was escorting them, was like talking to a wall, he even looked like a wall! He hurried them into the depths of the Dusky Moon. As they walked through endless corridors Sebastian forgot his interest in his surroundings and suddenly realised how hungry he was.
The galley was a long room lined with row after row of tables and benches. At the far end glowed the fires of a kitchen. Clouds of steam rose from bubbling pots, filling the air with pungent smells. Clump indicated the table nearest the kitchen and they all sat down.
“Gin! Capt'n says you're to feed these rapscallions!” Clump growled into the fog of cooking smoke.
Shortly a slimy looking creature appeared. It had eyes on stalks like a snail and four arms, three of which were carrying steaming bowls. It placed a bowl before each of them stretching its slimy arm unnaturally far to reach Sebastian who was sitting furthest away.
“Welcome aboard, I'm Gin, ships cook.” Wattles of flesh down the sides of Gin's neck wobbled as he spoke. “That there is the finest Goblax Broth in the galaxy!” he said proudly. Seb and Maddy both peered into their bowls. “Go on, eat up! Looks like you young-un's could use fattening up!” Gin encouraged seeing their hesitation. Gileon was already greedily shovelling the broth into his mouth.
“Mmm! Very Good!” he complimented around a mouthful.
With a sideways glance at Maddy, Sebastian very cautiously prodded at the thick, slimy, lumpy, green broth with his spoon. He found he was not in the least bit hungry after all, but Gin was watching him eagerly, so he felt obliged to at least try it. He plunged the spoon into the bowl, but as he tried to lift it to his mouth he found it was stuck fast in the viscous liquid. It felt as if something in the broth were playing tug of war with his spoon.
“You have to be forceful with Goblax Broth,” Gileon advised, soup running down his chin as he spoke. Seb tried again. He pulled the spoon upwards with an almighty jerk, it resisted for a second, then it was free. Before he could stop to think about what he might be eating, Seb closed his eyes and opened his mouth.
He swallowed. It was delicious! Better than chocolate gateau, or candyfloss, better than a burger from his favourite fast food restaurant, or a proper roast dinner! It was better than anything he had ever tasted! His eyes popped open in surprise. Maddy was watching him with wide-eyed anticipation, she looked a little green and pale as she awaited his reaction. Sebastian broke into a grin.
“It's good!” he declared.
“Good?” Gin choked offended. Sebastian laughed.
“It's fantastic! Delicious! Amazing!” Seb elaborated. Gin grinned widely in satisfaction clapping his four hands together with a squelchy sound.
“It's ok, go ahead try it!” Seb encouraged his sister who was not at all convinced. “Just close your eyes, it's really nice.” It only took one mouthful to convince Maddy, and soon all three bowls were spotless.
They sat back with full, satisfied stomachs, Gileon licking at the broth that had stuck in his whiskers.
“Right! You'll be wanting a cuppa tea now,” Gin said wobbling back into the kitchen.
“Tea?” Maddy exclaimed, wondering what fanciful kind of tea they might be served.
“Don't worry, it's just like the tea you drink on Earth,” Gileon said casually. “Tea is a universal constant. It doesn't matter what dimension, or galaxy, or star system you're in, you can always get a cup of tea!” Maddy and Sebastian goggled at him in amazement.
Gileon seemed to have calmed down greatly now they had been released from the brig and he even seemed rather cheerful now he had a fully belly. He seemed to have forgotten entirely the danger they might be in.
Gin came back with the tea. The teapot might have been rather odd, but the tea that came out of it was indeed exactly like tea on Earth. The taste of it reminded them of home and Maddy felt suddenly homesick. But for Sebastian, it was comforting and familiar, it made him feel as if they weren't so far from home after all.
Thanks to everyone who has read this far and for all your comments. I'm also really chuffed that it's been cherrypicked on 3 occasions, thanks very much! :)
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It's so good you got in the
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I was totally engrossed in
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