Dwellers of the New World Chapter Four ( Pt 4 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 4164 reads
Much earlier that same morning, Father and son lay sleeping, curled up in their little alcove, it was not the greatest of places to sleep, but at least they were dry. Simon was the first to wake with a feeling of disorientation, he had been dreaming about Martha his grandmother, and being back at what was once their camp.
When he finally came too, he started to cry, tears running down his cheeks, thinking how he would never see his grandmother again. He tried to get up, but was so stiff that he could hardly move. Stretching his curled up legs out straight and disturbing the branches, he turned to his father, nudging him to wake up. “Father...father!” he called.
Brad stirred, suddenly realising where he was. Turning to his son, he noticed Simon was crying. “What is it son...why the tears?”
“I had a dream about grandmother, it was so vivid. We were back up North in the camp, she said she had something for me.”
“But that's a nice dream Simon, to dream of your grandmother, what did she give you?”
“We went to her wagon, it was exactly the same as it was in real life. We sat down at her table, and she produced a wooden chest from off the floor, opening it she lifted a smaller box out and gave it to me. Then she told me to open it, I raised the lid and inside was a carved wooden owl attached to some leather string. It was so beautiful. Grandmother told me it was a charm necklace, she told me to wear it at all times, and that it would keep me safe. Then she said, I would be wise to look deep inside myself over the next couple of days, prepare myself for many unusual situations. She
said I would be given a message, that would help me realise my destiny. Slipping the owl necklace over my head, she told me not to imagine that the world is a safe place, that sometimes people can seem okay, but that it could be a lure, to either tempt me to do bad things, or try to give the impression they're good when they're not. Father I remember the dream so well...it was as if she were really here, but then I woke up and all I felt was emptiness and there was no wooden owl.”
Brad put his hand on his son's shoulder saying, “I think you're grandmother was trying to communicate with you from the dead, you should heed her words, she was a wise woman. As for the wooden owl, well you have the real thing. I do believe Tawny will be your protector, always trust in him if I'm not here.”
“What do you mean father...if you're not here? Where are you going?”
“Son I'm not going anywhere without you, but if for some reason we get separated, always remember your grandmother's words.”
Simon wiped his eyes and they both crawled out of their sleeping spot. Coming to standing, they both stretched, feeling stiff. They found a place to relieve themselves. Then Brad said, “I think we need a swim in the river, before we dive for some fish, what do you think Simon?”
The boy agreed, as Brad wiped the tiredness from his eyes. Poor Simon was fed up with fish, but decided not to say anything in case his father got annoyed. Instead he asked about supper. “Father! Do you think we could catch a rabbit tonight? You said you would show me how to hunt.”
“Let's wait and see son, it's a lot easier to catch fish, but I suppose it would make a change to have rabbit.”
Simon gave a sigh of relief as they wandered down to the river, with wooden spears in hand. The mist hung in the air like a veil across the land, for Brad it was hard to see where he was going, but Simon had no problem, it was like he had a sixth sense...so he led the way and finally they reached the rivers edge.
The rain in the night, had brought many fish to near the surface. Simon stared down into the water feeling hungry. “Come on Simon, lets not waste any more time.”
Father and son got undressed, shivering with the cold, droplets of mist clinging to their bodies. Brad stared at the overcast sky, feeling that the sun would probably remain behind the clouds for the rest of the day. Their swim was invigorating and refreshing, as they swam and splashed around, Simon felt so much better and was raring to go.
Once they had their fun, it was now time for the serious business of spearing some fish. The boy was quite a strong swimmer for his age, he'd dived many times, but had only fished about twice, so trying very hard he decided the fish would be more enjoyable, if caught by himself. With spear in hand he took a deep breath, then another, on the third he held his breath and dived under. It took a number of goes, but finally he managed to catch his breakfast.
“Well done my boy...I'm so proud of you, we'll make a fisherman of you yet.” Brad patted him on the back, then they climbed back up the bank, as Simon felt elated and couldn't wait to cook his own food.
The cold water had actually warmed them up. As they got dressed, Brad stared off into the distance, he noticed birds suddenly taking flight, knowing this was a sure sign of movement or danger, but from what he didn't know, he carried on with what they were doing.
On the way back they collected some wood, which was plentiful. Once they were at the place where they had slept, Simon started to use his flints to make a flame, it took him quite a while, but with a lot of patience and strikes, he managed to get a fire going. When the embers were glowing nicely, they sat cross legged on the ground , turning the fish on the spears.
Their breakfast cooked and eaten, they put the embers out, despairing that they needed a hot drink, but with no container to drink out of, they would have to wait till they came to civilisation, so prepared to set off.
Further down river, a scuffle was breaking out. Bracus and the other men, had stopped to check on the children, when a squabble broke out. They started to argue about which family would be having the two boys and the girl.
Bracus was getting angry with the others. “Hey! Jason...shut your mouth up and quit arguing...you don't need any kids...we're here just to collect...understand?”
“Yeah! Well who made you boss Bracus? You're just the same as the rest of us...you ain't telling me what to do.”
“Look here you brainless idiot,” replied Bracus. “We ain't supposed to be fighting our own kin.”
Suddenly Jason's brother Varg butted in. “Hang on Bracus...you don't call my brother a brainless idiot. Anyway we need to have a discussion here and now. Me and Jason want the girl.”
Varg started to make his way over to the wagon, when Bracus called out...”touch that girl and your dead.”
Varg turned and smiled glaring at Bracus, he put his hands up. “Hey the big man wants to put me down.” Then he taunted Bracus. “Come on then big guy, show us what your made of, lets see your spirit, ha...ha!”
Bracus hadn't really wanted to retaliate, he hoped the men would come to their senses, but now to save face, he couldn't back down. Turning to face Jason, he shouted that his argument was with him and not with Varg, but the brother was having none of it.
“What are you...chicken or something?” Varg ran around in circles laughing and clucking like a chicken, while waving his arms around.
This then made Bracus enraged, the anger building up inside him. Without even thinking, he attacked Varg, Striking a blow to the stomach. The man fell backwards, doubled up in pain.
He managed to get to his feet running and leaping for Bracus, but the big man was too quick. He leapt aside, coming from behind, he grabbed Varg around the neck, the man was held in a head lock.
“Right my friend, your going to do as I say from now on, or I'll break your neck...you understand?”
Varg suddenly became tame. “Yeah! Okay, but I don't see why you make the rules...it ain't fair.”
“Someone's got to be in charge, otherwise you lot would run riot. Now get back on the wagon and lets go, we got a long journey ahead of us.”
The men did as they were told, but Bracus felt he hadn't heard the last of this argument.
As the men had been arguing, the girl in the back of the wagon had managed to break free from her binds. She was just in the process of untying the two boys, when the wagons started to move off.
“Quick!” said one of the boys, get out now while you can, this is your last chance of freedom.”
The girl stared into the boys eyes. “But what about you and your brother?”
“We'll be fine...look the wagons will pick up speed soon, so go now...please.”
The girl peered out of the covered wagon, their's was the wagon behind, so she said her farewells, then leapt out. As she landed she quickly crawled to some scrub along the dirt road, hiding out of sight, she watched as the wagons drove off into the distance and wondered what she would do now. She had never left the valley and didn't know where she was.
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Brilliant Chapter Jenny, for
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Excellent, Jenny... and I'm
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No niggles at all this time.
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I agree with jolono -
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Jenny, those cherries are so
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Nicely done
Exciting turn of events, clearly written fun to read i'm so glad the girl got away maybe Brad and Simon will find her, sure hope so good read Ray
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