Dwellers of the New World Chapter Four ( Pt 7 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 3540 reads
Anise found a rock to sit on, watching the movement with fascination, the bushes rustled and shook, Anise was just about to go and have a look, when like a phoenix from the ashes, an owl flew out, wings flapping as it rose into the air.
The girl watched mesmerized, having never been this close to an owl before. She watched as it circled the sky, her mouth open as her eyes
followed the bird.
Then without any warning it flew down again landing right in front of her. Anise had gone from sobbing to smiling. She went to stand up, but then the owl backed away.
“It's okay owl...I'm not going to hurt you.”
The owl turned its head, then looked back at the girl, then he flew up into the sky once more, again coming to land in front of her.
Anise had the distinct impression the owl wanted her to follow him, so as the bird flew off again, she started to walk in the direction he was flying. She found herself walking back down the road in which she had just come along.
Not knowing why, but believing in her instincts, she put her trust in the bird. As she walked along, the owl would return every so often and stand in front of her, then fly off again. Anise had never seen anything like it before, she found it quite comical and found herself talking to the bird.
She actually thought he looked as if he understood every word she said. “Oh! Where are you taking me owl? You seem so familiar.”
As she ambled along, she caught sight of two hares up on their hind legs fighting, Anise wondered if the owl had seen them...'probably!'
she thought to herself.
The owl returned again, then flew off across the open land, where the hares were fighting. Anise was a bit nervous of leaving the road, she wasn't quite sure of what lurked in the long grass.
The owl circled above staring down at her, he seemed to notice that she wasn't following, so flew back down again landing in front of her, he hooted and turned and looked in the direction he wanted her to go.
“I cannot walk through that land owl...there could be dangers lurking there.”
Suddenly the bird flapped its wings, and flew up onto Anise's shoulder,
it startled her, but she had a feeling the bird knew what he was doing, so she said. “Oh al right my friend, but I hope I don't get bitten by anything...come on let's go.”
Stepping into the long wet grass, she wondered why she trusted this bird, then thought...'well at least I'm not on my own any more.'
Treading very carefully, being aware that there could be snakes lurking, she was glad of her thick boots, which would give her some
Leaving her shoulder once again the owl flew off, every so often circling to check the child was still following.
Anise noticed with each step she took, she was getting closer to the river, it was just in the distance. She had no idea how late it was, but was pleased the rain had eased off. Contemplating the need for cover,
she wondered if the bird would lead her to shelter.
Snakes did lurk in the undergrowth, they slithered their way through the grass, the child managed to avoid them, but she had no idea if they
were poisonous or not.
Spiders hung in their gossamer fine cobwebs, that were attached to the longest blades of grass, where they clung on tight, as she passed by.
Soon she reached the rivers edge, not quite knowing what to do next. The owl landed on the branch of an over hanging tree. For the first time, she noticed other birds and could hear their song, it made her feel a lot better, but she felt very hungry and tired.
“Please owl, if you understand me, can you find me some food and shelter please.”
The owl turned and stared at the river then hooted, but the girl didn't understand that the owl was telling her to catch a fish. Anise just sat on
the edge of the river, feeling lost.
'Would she ever get home?' she thought to herself. Starting to cry again, the owl came and landed in front of her.
“What am I going to do? I'm so afraid...please...please help me.”
The owl flew off again, so the girl picked herself up and began to follow, wondering where this bird would lead her and feeling very
scared, she pulled her hood back up on her head, realising it was getting darker and colder. 'This was the strangest day of her life, could it get any stranger?' she thought.
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Nice one Jennifer, you leave
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I too love the way you've
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Jenny I think the new phrase
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Hiya Jenny. I'm going to
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Jenny, I still love your
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Thank goodness
Anise is well, nicely written and leaves the reader wanting more, good descriptions well paced easy too read good job Ray
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