Dwellers of the New World Chapter Six ( Pt 7 ) Enquiring Minds
By skinner_jennifer
- 3288 reads
While the boys sat around talking of the escape, Dawson had other things on his mind. He was desperate to find out about the terrain outside, but sharp pains travelled through his body till he could stand it no more.
He tried walking around, but felt even with the immense expanse of the chamber he was beginning to feel like he was in a bubble, being eaten up and swallowed by the smells. The walls felt as if they were closing in on him, even though he'd not been there that long.
Varden appeared interrupting his thoughts. “What's up Mr Dawson? You look pale.”
With a pained expression, Dawson smiled. “I really need to clear my system, is there anywhere I can go that's private?” the pain was intolerable, he couldn't even think straight.
“Sure thing!” replied Varden. “You should have said something before, we can't have you at death's door, you're our only way out.”
A smile crossed Dawson's face as he moved to follow the boy. “You are mature beyond your years lad.”
Varden looked puzzled. “What's that mean Mr Dawson?” he led the man up some rocks which appeared to go nowhere.
“Well...it means that although you're a child, you can come out with some very wise words.”
“That's cos I ain't afraid of nothing Mr Dawson. You learn to be one step ahead at all times, when you're in my position.”
Dawson noticed the rocks appeared to be almost perfect steps, as if leading to a throne where a king might sit. When they reached the top Dawson was bemused, until Varden started to move a small boulder from out the wall, then another until finally there was enough room to crawl through.
“Come on Mr Dawson...follow me.” Varden went through first, while Dawson got down on his hands and knees ready to crawl through. The stench was even worse as he scrabbled into yet another small room off the chamber. “There you go Mr...you take yer time, let us know when yer finished.”
Dawson thanked the boy, as he watched him crawl back through the gap.There was enough room for him to stand, though it was a lot darker than in the chamber, which only had the light that came from the entrances with the mist. He wondered about the mist and how it had a brightness, that sent shafts of light throughout the chamber.
Another thought that crossed his mind, was that these boys had no fire to keep them warm, or even bedding to lie on. It all seemed so strange to Dawson.
Taking the torch from his belt, Dawson flicked the beam about him. He made out a step which led up to what appeared to be a well. Climbing up he pointed the light down into the hole. He immedediately regretted it. The sight that greeted his eyes made him want to heave. Setting down the torch, he began to loosen his belt and undress. He shivered in the cold. He was dreading what was to come next.
Meanwhile the boys were sat around discussing this new stranger that came out of the mist. “Do you really think that Dawson can save us?” said one of the boys, whose name was Vidar.
“Listen...we've every chance of getting out, Mr Dawson has a stun gun which the guards won't be expecting,” replied Varden.
“I wonder if we'll get any newcomers soon?” asked Vidar picking his nose.
Gideon was rummaging through the old bones on the ground looking for scraps. “Don't know about newcomers, but I wish they'd throw us some scraps, or even bones with a bit of meat on...I'm starving.”
All the other boys joined in. “Yeah...me too!” they all chanted, that is all but Sam.
Gideon realising that the boy still hadn't moved, walked over and climbed up to where he was sitting. “Hey Sam!” the boy looked up. “Are you hungry? I bet you are, you'll feel a lot better once you get some scraps in yer belly.”
The boy stared at Gideon blankly, then his face screwed up as he began to cry. “I want to go home...why am I here...where's me mam?” Then without warning, Sam grabbed Gideon's arm, his nails dug below the surface of the boy's skin drawing blood.
“Ouch!” cried Gideon feeling the pain.
Sam pulled back, like a cat who had just had his claws into its master's skin. “Sorry didn't mean it.” He put his head down once more and began rocking again, as Gideon sucked the blood from his wrists, the pain wearing off slightly.
Sam looked up once more, eager to speak his feelings for the first time. “That man looks like one of the guards that brought me here...he's a bad man in disguise.”
Gideon thought the boy was delirious. “What do you mean? I don't understand.”
Sam spoke again. “That Dawson man, he makes out he's trying to help us, but he ain't...he's one of them guards dressed in funny clothing.”
Gideon smiled, but not mockingly. “Dawson ain't no guard, he came through the mist, guards don't come through the mist.” At that moment Gideon knew it was no use explaining about Dawson, for he didn't really understand himself.
Varden's hearing was impeccable, as he heard the sounds of voices from outside the chamber vents in the roof, though the talking was muffled.
“Quickly!” said Varden speaking to Gideon. “Go...get Mr Dawson, tell him people are coming.”
Gideon made his way up the stone steps. Meanwhile Varden quickly approached the tunnel leading to the entrance. As he crawled through he tried to hear how many people were talking, but again the voices were too faint.
Dawson was feeling a lot better, he crawled back through the gap in the wall. Hearing Gideon's calls. “Mr Dawson...Mr Dawson sir, there be people coming. Varden told me to come and get you.”
Dawson followed Gideon down and across to the tunnel. Varden moved slowly and quietly back down to meet him. Putting his finger to his lips, so as to let Dawson know, not to speak to loud.
“What they saying?” whispered Dawson.
“Don't know...they're too far away.” replied Varden.
“What's the terrain like out there?” finally Dawson felt he could ask some unanswered questions.
“What do you mean...terrain? I don't understand.”
“Okay...what I mean is...what's the land like out there, what can I expect to see, if and when I get out?”
“Oh! Right, well there be moors full of fog, but we're near the ocean with a lot of caves. Then further on across the moors is the great forest, but I ain't seen it, just the edges, that's where the Master makes us work. He has many homes, one of them is actually on the moors protected by the fog, it can get pretty scary if you don't know where you are.”
Dawson was beginning to get deja vu, as if he recognised what the boy was describing, like he'd seen it before. “So Varden...where do you come from?”
“Me and the brothers come across the ocean in slave ships, we was kidnapped.” Varden felt a numbness as he explained.
“Across the ocean you say? So what's the name of the place you come from...and who are the brothers?” enquired Dawson.
Varden continued. “Well there's me – Vadar – Gideon and Gerrard. We all came across from the Wild Whistling Isle, they calls it that, cause the island gets really bad weather all year round, terrible storms blast across the land, booming and thundering, then the wind whistles through every nook and cranny of the island, sometimes almost blowing you off yer feet, gets really scary at times. Our families live in the caves that surround the island, only safe place to be. But bad men come and take children in the night, we gets sold for wood to build ships by the Master.”
Just at that moment the boulder to the entrance moved. Dawson went for his gun. “Quick...keep down Mr Dawson.”
But Dawson crawled inside the tunnel, with gun pointing at the entrance, ready and waiting for what would appear.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Six ( Pt 8 ) Mindless Revenge | ABCtales
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who's name was Vidar not to
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Hi Jenny gripping stuff.
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I'm still hanging on Jenny-
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Hello Jenny, I too am
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Still doing a fine job with
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Lots of info
Well written great dialogue, exciting developments, now that I have some background information it I have a much clearer picture of their world and their predicament, great read
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