Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 1 ) Nearly There!
By skinner_jennifer
- 2947 reads
freezing temperatures and strong winds had the crew hugging bear skins around their bodies. They stood staring in wonder as the towering spectacle took their breath away. The Flying Fish continued to be swept closer to its destination, as the rock faces came closer, in the far distance were the great mountains of Wild Whistling Isle, with their peaks hidden from view due to the bad weather, it would have been such a threatening sight to anyone that had never been there before.
Bracus paced the deck, anxious to enter the huge mouth of the tunnel. Calling out for his men to light torches, his expression was one of anxiety, his leg was painful but he would not show his crew and prisoners any sign of weakness and so suffered in silence.
“What ails you Sir?” Said one of his crew members, who was lighting a torch and noticed his master's pained gaze.
“Nothing's wrong...just carry on with yer work. I'll do my job and you do yours.” He spoke in such a threatening manner, the man decided not to question Bracus any further.
The passage was the only way onto the Island, large enough for three ships to sail side by side with plenty of room, like the mouth of a huge starving monster, ready to consume the Flying Fish. It was naturally formed out of the rock which had created an entrance. As they entered and natural light disappeared, it was as if they were being swallowed by the rocks themselves.
After a short while darkness was the ship's only company, but for the torchlight which created ghostly shadows on the walls. The wind whistled down the vast tunnel giving rise to an eerie feeling. It was like a chasm, chiselled out of the huge boulders on either side. Going in deeper, bats could be heard high up in the eaves of the tunnel roof; squeaking and making a clicking sound as they were aware of the ship below...they would only leave the tunnel as darkness approached.
Varden was now up on deck standing to the side of Bracus, a smile came over his face as he felt glad to be nearly home. He reflected back on how far he'd come since leaving the Doom Chamber, then he remembered his friends who were still prisoners, 'but not for long!' He thought to himself. 'I'll get them out of that prison if its the last thing I do!'
“What you grinning about boy?” remarked Bracus, not liking the boy's smug expression.
“Oh...nothing, it'll just be nice to be nearly on land again.” Varden forgot himself for a moment realising he too was a prisoner.
The tunnel seemed to go on forever, as deeper and deeper the Flying Fish sailed on, dampness consuming the members of the ship as water trickled down the walls from the roof, and the wind continued to whistle down the passageway.
Some time passed and some of the crew thought they would never see daylight again, then all of a sudden a spot of light appeared faraway. Varden was the first to spy it. “Sir...sir!” he exclaimed in excitement. “Look, daylight in the distance.”
Bracus felt his spirits lifting, even his bad leg was all but forgotten in the anticipation of reaching their destination. “Well boy...you be right with your observations and I have plans for you.”
Varden thought under his breath, 'not if I can help it...I'll be long gone, you ain't ordering me around once I'm off this ship.'
The light continued to get bigger and bigger, until finally they were sailing out the other side, a vast river welcomed them with rock faces on either side. Below were pathways and along the paths were landing stages which were man made. The rest of the scenery was naturally formed. Trees stripped of their leaves, stood proudly along the footpaths, waving in the wind that continued to blow constantly, their roots almost lying in the mud as the waters lapped the edges. Tracks led into what looked like caves, in fact there were many entrances all along the rock face, some were quite high up, it was like a beehive of openings, with beacons at all the lower entrances leading into the darkness.
Further down river; two ships could be seen moored alongside two of the jetties, but there wasn't anyone around...in fact it had a ghostly appearance the closer they got.
“Ain't gonna be no welcoming reception here then boy.” Announced Bracus to Varden, the boy just smiled in anticipation.
“Is it al right if I just go below Sir...gotta get me a fur, that winds got me all of a shiver.” the boy announced, needing an excuse to go down below and inform Cinnamon to be prepared, but also in need of some warm clothing.
“Don't you be gone long boy...I need you up here on deck.” Bracus eyed the boy as he disappeared down below, he had his suspicions about Varden, his senses told him he was up to something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
Down in the hull, Varden ambled past Cinnamon, the girl eyed him as he discreetly put his arm down by his side and gestured with his hand in such a way, as to let her know he wanted her to follow him.
The girl came to standing, telling young Will to stay where he was till she got back, the boy nodded sheepishly, he'd grown fond of Cinnamon and felt empty when she wasn't there. As the girl and boy moved to the hold at the back of the ship, Varden dug out some furs for the three of them. “Here...take these and give one to Will...you'll need them, it's pretty cold out there,” he whispered.
“What about the other children?” announced Cinnamon, worried that they would freeze to death.
“Sorry...but there ain't no time,” Varden knew what Cinnamon meant, but for now he could only think of himself and the girl. “We gotta be selfish and think of ourselves for now.” Varden was worried he'd be caught conversing with Cinnamon. “Look I can't stop to talk, but get ready, we'll be landing pretty soon. There's some bread and apples, hide them in the furs...whatever you do, don't let anyone see them.”
Cinnamon agreed and took the apples from a barrel, along with some corn bread that had been packed in one of the crates.
“Quick! Someone's coming,” whispered Varden, as the sound of footsteps could be heard.
The girl picked up the furs and placed one of them around her shoulders, hiding the apples and bread beneath the wrap.
“Who's that down there,” shouted Brigs hearing voices.
The boy acted quickly, “It's Varden, I was just getting a fur for myself and this girl and her friend...they were so cold.”
“Who said you could come down here?” declared Brigs.
“Bracus Sir!” Replied Varden suddenly standing to attention, but not really knowing why...after all this man was just a crew member.
“Okay...but be quick and get back to the front of the ship.” He eyed the girl, as she began to move off not uttering another word.
Cinnamon quickly made her way out to where the boy Will sat. The other children looked on, wondering why the girl had a fur wrap and they didn't, talk was rife as she sat down next to the boy placing the wrap around Will's shoulders. All eyes were on them, the faces of children in despair, it made Cinnamon feel uneasy and she felt guilty, but knew there wasn't anything she could do.
As Varden started to leave, he decided it would be a good idea to mention about the other children getting a fur wrap each. “Sir!”
“Yes...what is it?” Brigs was getting impatient, pushing the boy on.
Varden turned to look at Brigs, a pleading expression on his face. “I think everyone of those children should have a wrap, after all if they're gonna be any use to Bracus, they need some warmth...don't you think?”
“You'll have to take that up with Bracus himself; it's not up to me, but if it was...I would say yes, they do need some warm clothing and there are enough down here for them.”
“Then I'll go ask him.” announced Varden, feeling happier that at least Brigs was a bit more understanding. “Thank you Sir.”
“Move along now boy and get up on deck.” Brigs was a different man to Bracus...he liked people and normally had time for them, but he knew what Bracus was like and how the man's mind worked. 'Bracus don't trust no one, that boy had better watch his back if he's to survive.' Brigs thought to himself.
Varden made his way up on deck, just as Bracus waved him over. “We've found a landing stage, so I want you tell the children to get ready to disembark.” The big man ordered.
“Right away Sir! But can I ask you a question?”
“What is it boy?” Replied Bracus getting impatient.
“Well I was just wondering if the children could get a fur wrap each? Only they're all shivering down there and there are plenty of furs to go round down in the hold.”
Bracus wasn't in any mood for being asked for favours, he knew the children would be cold, but it would be his decision as to when they would get warm clothing, he also knew they could run away if they were given any favours, he wanted to keep them on their toes and keep the fear in their eyes. “It's up to me if and whether the children have wraps...it's none of your business boy. Now get down there and tell them to be prepared.”
Varden walked away hating Bracus even more with every step he took, muttering under his breath. “I'll get my own back on you Bracus.”
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 2 ) Who Goes There? | ABCtales
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Jenny, this chapter is oozing
Jenny, this chapter is oozing atmosphere, especially the description of the journey through the tunnel, and then of the island itself. I was carried along by the ongoing story, and as ever with your writing, found I had vivid pictures of the scene inside my mind - such are your storytelling skills.
One tiny typo...about three-quarters of the way down, in the paragraph following 'The girl picked up the furs and placed one of them around her shoulders',should be 'Who's that down there' shouted Brigs, hearing voices.'
I am so glad you are posting these chapters again, Jenny. I have really missed them over the last month or so.
Very much enjoyed.
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Shall look forward to reading
Shall look forward to reading them, Jenny, more than you could know. Oh, and what you said about a mystery unfolding before your eyes...that's just how I write, too. What's that they always say about great minds??
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hugging (delete their) bear
hugging (delete their) bear skins around their body.
hugh towering (are much the same, delete hugh).
I sense insurrection.
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Hello Jenny, Well hello Jenny
Hello Jenny, Well hello Jenny,
It's so nice to have you back where you belong. It doesn't get any warmer on Wild Whistling Isle. I thought if I waited till now I needn't to pack any warm clothes, but I was frozen going through the tunnel such are your descriptive powers. Can only read one at the moment but will be back later today hopefully. Still enjoying.
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Bracus the brute
Really good descriptions, a real sense of cold caverns and the sea, good interaction between characters, nicelt done
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You welcome
Just posted another chapter, should be wrapping it up soon. Thank for reading Ray
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