Growing Old Is Such A Bitch
By skinner_jennifer
- 2345 reads
It took me a long time to realize that half my life was like a dream and the other half relating to now would be reliving it in my mind with all the expectations of a bright tomorrow.
Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror I laughed out loud, shoulders bouncing up and down like they had a mind of their own, then pulling a ridiculously funny face knowing that to have a good giggle and smile even if things aren't so brilliant and health could be better would be the cheering up needed to start my day.
I manage to launch myself into the bathtub whereupon a wave of soapy, foamy bubbles swish around my feet and ankles. Finally sinking beneath and stretching out, my unshaven legs stare back at me, once those smooth dreamy limbs were fit for staring at as they flitted around on beaches, proud I was of my pins as they danced around in tights or stockings at the disco, but now they are becoming arthritic, old and weak like a once bendy branch of a tree becoming an aged limb that would crack if contorted in a certain way.
Yoga was all I craved at one point in my young life, turning my attention to those strange positions I would find myself participating in. Wrapping my legs around my head was easy even if I did look deformed, it felt good to be able to achieve this posture without any difficulty. Then there was the swan pose which would involve kneeling down, bending forward so that palms were firmly on the floor, then lifting knees which would come up and be pressed against the outside of elbows, oh what joy it was to think the skies the limit. Now I'm lucky if I can even get down on the floor, the last time I tried sinking down to meditate, I got stuck and had to crawl over to a chair using it as a lever to haul myself up.
Cleaning out the freezer is the hardest, why is it that everything including appliances appear to be at ground level, why can't they invent floating freezers and tumble driers, what a difference it would make. Perhaps those astronauts that float around in their space ships have got the right idea, gravity has certainly got a lot to answer for.
Anyway I've soaked in this bathtub long enough, so without further ado I'll twist over on to my front, then heave myself up onto my know I swear they once built baths for midgets. With a new day on its way I finally hoist myself out and towel down, though I often wonder why we dry ourselves when our skin is waterproof and would do the job perfectly well if left – but then it is understandably cold and Winter is so upon me.
Now the mirror is steamed up so I wipe it squeaky clean. As I open the window a gust of chilly wind blows through me. Brrr! Time to get dressed me thinks.
Goodbye yer all and thanks for listening to my rant.
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This is great Jenny, lively
This is great Jenny, lively and unflinching. Lots of excellent detail. I can understand the bit about arthritic tree limb. Two of my fingers have a bit of arthritis and I need one of them (left index) to play B flat, the chord I like least on my ukulele.
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Quite a 'musing' bath-time,
Quite a 'musing' bath-time, Jenny!
As for the creaks of aging, I'm thankful for the promise that if we trust in Christ's grace 'though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day' and that there will be a new body one day.
Your description of getting out of the bath reminded me of my daughter-in-law's tale of taking her 'grandparents-in-law' on a holiday as they were getting old, and hearing a kerfuffle in the bathroom and finding grandad was stuckin the bath, and gran (older and frailer) was struggling to help him out. She is an Occupational Therapist so was able to sort them out. But afterwards he was annoyed and wanted to complain in the visitor's book about the shape of the bath, and she had to tell him it wasn't really the bath that was the wrong shape … Rhiannon
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The Great Escape
Brilliant imagery and great theme . Having a bath can be the great escape sometimes ,
Empathically I agree with your words .
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Ha, Jenny. Happy to be a
Ha, Jenny. Happy to be a member of the same club. Got a big smile out of this one.
Rich x
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flying freezers on their way
flying freezers on their way soon from Amazon. Getting old is a bitch, but as they say the alternaative ain't great either.
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