Princess And The Dwarf

By skinner_jennifer
- 5231 reads
Far, far away in the land of fairies a long time ago, a young fairy princess by the name of Caitriona, who had the most beautiful long golden hair and green eyes, was out walking in the palace gardens with her handmaid Isla, when she heard a rustling in the bushes.
“Psst!” Said a deep mysterious voice.
The princess putting her hand to ear was surprised. “Did you hear that Isla?” She whispered.
“Yes miss,” the handmaid replied looking puzzled. “Sounds like someone's trying to get our attention.”
The two young fairies moved closer and called out. “Who's there? Be ye friend or foe?”
The princess's giggling turned to shock when a dwarf climbed out wearing yellow breaches and a green waistcoat. His face was covered in warts and on his head he wore a flat cap. Upon his feet were the blackest, shiniest pointed shoes Caitriona had ever seen.
“I'm looking for the fairy princess Caitriona do you know where to find the beautiful young lass?”
Being the kind gentle fairy she was and not wanting to offend the dwarf, she asked, “prey tell me who's asking?”
Good morning to you both, My name's Balgaire.” He doffed his cap at the two blushing fairies. “I'm glad to meet you. I've come to wed the princess...if she'll have me that is.”
The princess flung her arms in the air. “What! I cannot marry a wee beastie like you. Be gone.”
Balgaire wouldn't be put off by her unkind words. “Ah, but all good things come in small packages.” Balgaire needed to convince the princess that he was a stunning catch, but was finding it harder than he imagined. “Look! I know I'm wee and stocky, but I'll make you the happiest princess in the land.”
“Me thinks not!” Cried Caitriona, putting hands to her mouth in utter disgust. “ gone with you before I call the guards and have you physically thrown out of the grounds.” Grabbing her handmaids arm, Caitriona dragged Isla away. “Come, I'm feeling quite queasy, the wee beastie has put me off my amble.”
As the two young fairies hurried away, the dwarf scratched his head and placed his flat cap back on. “If she thinks I'm giving up that easily then she's wrong.” Smiling to himself he whispered, “I'll be back tomorrow and the days after. Ye will be mine princess, that I vow.”
The dwarf kept his word and returned every day for a week, until finally the princess backed down and agreed to accompany him. Caitriona decided that maybe the dwarf wasn't such a bad companion after all. He seemed to know a lot more about the world than she'd ever imagined. His adventures fascinated the fairy princess, giving her an insight into an environment which was so different from hers.
The weeks and months past as dwarf and princess got to know each other better. Then one bright early morning in Summer the dwarf came with a ring asking if Caitriona would be his wife. The fairy princess didn't say no, but announced she'd think about it.
Balgaire was so excited he'd not been completely rebuffed. Grinning from ear to ear he threw his cap in the air and chanted, “my sweetheart loves me, this I know, she'll be my good wife before cocks crow.”
After talking about Balgaire to her parents, the fairy king and queen were horrified at the thought, but the more they insulted Balgaire, the more attractive the idea became for the princess. It was Caitriona's rebellious side coming out. “Mother, father, beauty comes from within, I don't care what he looks like from the outside.”
The king had never seen his daughter more determined and so it was agreed that if this was what she wanted, then they'd give their blessing. “Oh! Mother, father, thank you so much. I'll tell my wee beastie the good news when he comes to see me.”
The wedding day arrived and it was a joyous occasion, with flowers adorning the palace throughout. Fairies of the fairy hamlet were given a day off to celebrate. Hundreds of guests packed into the cathedral to join the happy couple.
Because the dwarf had been a roamer, rambling all over the country, he'd never got to know anyone properly and so was alone, but this didn't bother him at all, he was the happiest dwarf alive.
Balgaire waited at the front of the cathedral patiently, when the wedding tune began playing. Looking around he saw his beautiful bride to be walking slowly down the isle dressed in her long white gown. Four young fairies threw flowers from small wicker baskets. In their hair they wore garlands of yellow flowers, while Caitriona had a crown of baby's breath flowers around her veil.
Balgaire couldn't take his eyes off this beautiful vision. As she reached the alter, he was filled with so much love, he had to pinch himself to believe it was real. Caitriona smiled through her veil and gazed into his eyes. The moment had arrived as the vicar spoke.
There came a pause as the fairy priest asked if anyone should have a reason why these two shouldn't be married. There was silence as Balgaire breathed a sigh of relief.
This was the dwarfs final moment as he dropped to the floor of the cathedral. Caitriona gasped with shock thinking he was dead. “Beastie!” She cried. The princess fell to her knees and began to cry. “My wee sweet beastie, you can't die now, I love you.”
She brought his face closer towards her own and kissed him on the lips passionately. The kiss was so sweet and gentle stirring Balgaire's emotions.
As he came around the dwarf started to morph, his face changing slowly before Caitriona's eyes. Then as everyone in the cathedral watched his body began to grow, clothes splitting as wings began to appear. The fairy priest stood over the scene in shock and horror. “What's going on? Give this creature a robe before he becomes pure naked.”
Suddenly there before every ones eyes was a handsome fairy prince. “He must surely be an Adonis,” said a guest.
His blonde hair was the colour of corn, eyes the bluest of blue. His slim tanned body rippled with muscles. Pulling the princess towards him, he kissed her like she'd never been kissed before, as a choir boy arrived with a cassock looking slightly demure.
And so Balgaire explained to his princess, that a dark witch had put an evil spell on him, the only way it could be broken was to marry a princess who would willingly give herself to him.
The couple were very happy and had many fairy children, though Caitriona often wondered about the dwarf and how different her life would have been with a beastie.
The end.
A fairy tale in tribute to JoHn.
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All the ingredients needed
All the ingredients needed for a proper fairytale, and a lovely tribute. Well done Jenny
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The story flows easily, and a
The story flows easily, and a well-worked out twist on the beauty and the beast tale, and with a mixture of fairy tale language with down-to-earth statements! Well done! Rhiannon
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A lovely tribute, Jenny. Yes,
A lovely tribute, Jenny. Yes, a classic fairy tale. One tiny thing: maybe move "named Catronia" to before her description in the opening paragraph. At the moment, it seems her eyes are named Catronia. Which is a wonderful name for eyes nonetheless. ;)
A lovely story.
Parson Thru
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yes. Almost every one of his
yes. Almost every one of his I read has one of your comments :0) I am lucky that I've not read lots so I can keep dipping in if I'm feeling a bit low. I cannot think how he managed to keep writing so brilliantly even when he must have been so ill. I had no idea
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Hello Jenny,
Hello Jenny,
What a pleasant little story this is.. I don't think I've read any fairy stories on here before but, after reading this I will from now.on.. Thoroughly enjoyed this.
Moya x
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A really classic tale, Jenny,
A really classic tale, Jenny, just the sort of thing used to such wonderful effect in his own work. It's lovely that his memory is sparking so much joyful writing.
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