Plato and Ayn Rand and other things
By Steve
- 612 reads
Plato believed in the primacy of the idea.
Ayn Rand, in the primacy of the thing.
cultural producers have an idea
and they make the thing, the product.
it is mass produced for the people.
how can the cultural producers live
without the people buying the goods,
do they not produce the goods
for the people?
Man and superman
the lion and lamb
cannot live without each other.
"One rule for the OX and the Lion
is tyranny of the people."
William Blake.
The primacy of the things simply means
things exist
it's a disguised existentialism
existence precedes essence
by culturally producing things,
the culturally producers existentially help
create identities.
Plato believed that ideas existed as real entities
somewhere i have never travelled.
so it goes well with religion
which stresses that we are creatures born from an idea of God.
Plato also believed that city-states
a larger soul
so sublimation becomes easy
car advertisement with sexy women on front
our basic instinct is sexual desire
but we must work for the sake of sex?
simplified sublimation
but it does produce a social good,
but ideally
the community should be a picture of your soul
so desire not the sexy woman
but your community.
in your soul
there is
1. the superego - the community of respected role-models, God, etc.
2. the ego - your taste and personality formed through a repetition of experiences that can be deconstructed by a psychological deconstructionist.
3. id -- your primordial animal part that possesses an "extraordinary" or "mythic" consciousness.
4. alterego- your better or worse half.
5. anima - the part of your soul that produces female archetypes.
6. animus - male architypes.
7. eros - basic instincts of desire.
8. thanatos - destructive urges and the protective will.
9. Libido - pure life energy.
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Crikey, this one's deep. I
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