The Sauna
By threeleafshamrock
- 1001 reads
Let’s hit the sauna
Come on, you’ll enjoy it.
No, I won’t
How do you know?
I just know!
Have you ever had one?
Well, how do you know then?
I’ve never rammed a pineapple up my arse either but I instinctively know that I wouldn’t like it.
It’s good for you, brings all the poison out.
Cool, I’ll buy one on the way home, along with some lubricating gel.
Here, get your shorts off, grab a towel and come with me.
Sounds like one of Elton John’s chat-up lines.
Come on, don’t be a pussy!
Sounds like another one!
Fuck sake! It’ll stop you smelling.
I smell?
Fuck off!
How long do you stay in here?
About twenty minutes usually.
There’ll be nothing left of me after twenty minutes.
Rubbish, you’ll be like a new man.
Yea but my clothes won’t fit me.
You’ll feel fresher and cleaner than you ever have.
I feel dizzy!
Take a deep breath.
What’s up?
It’s…it’s like sucking on a fucking blowtorch.
Throw some water on the stones.
I can see how that might cool down my bollocks but how will that help my lungs?
Not your stones, the one’s in the grate.
My arse is sweating.
That’s a good thing; it’ll be as clean as a whistle.
I prefer ‘Andrex’ and I wasn’t planning on whistling through my arse.
Well you do a good enough job on talking out of it.
Very funny, I’m out of here!
Ok, ok, come on then, we have to walk through this shower. It’s a little bit….
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