Leftover love
By utsukushi_kiseki
- 394 reads
You can give countless love to someone, yet they will leave you.
In so many ways.
Their lives can be short that you can't do anything.
Their lives can be long but you still can't do anything.
The only thing you can do is to care and to feel longed from afar,
Not knowing what to do with the love you have for them, especially after they gone.
You can still love someone not good for you, realising you need to go yet you still stay,
You can still love someone who doesn't even know you love them,
Love stories had so many paths,
You can love someone in so many ways, with different stories.
But at the end of the day, we bury the love we couldn't use,
To ourselves,
Until we are ready for something else.
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love ourselves first and best
love ourselves first and best then maybe we'll have someting to give.
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