Time is money
By valiswaverider
- 722 reads
Time is money in a literal way
Managing the accounts
Takes planning and care
You cannot extract what isn’t there
but a singular note can create growth
From this first innovation came cosmic inflation
A small asymmetry couldn't balance the books
And an exponential growth of the photon array
Created the spectrum in an economic way
Energetic particles fused together, the bonds of which
Paid for the spectrum, this grew continually without detection
As no conscious beings are around to see the invisible heat of history
It was too hot in for observers an anthropometric way
Until a couple of billion years before today
The transparency could now be seen
And energy transactions in nebulas became the mean
Gravitation had taken root
And to keep a check upon creation
Condensation around black holes, stored information
Optioned back out as Hawking radiation
On a planet called Earth an equitable type of bond called D.N.A
Allowed life too develop in an incremental way
The oceans photosynthesised and tiny microbes came to thrive
Circling within the sand they then grow feet and came on land
The average deviation could not be found to halt the growth of this synthesising compound
So it expanded out neurologically the golden spiralled way
And elegant mammal brains were developed in this way
The apes evolved to problem solve
A revolution of the mind to liberate the ties that bind
Through an oral transition to the next ambition
Relativism is an intellectual prism
Revealing truth with reflection it spreads like an infection
Their complex sums needed to be done on gravitation and this is caused no end of irritation
its hoped the large hadron Collider
For us can be some sort of answer provider
We may find which subatomic particles which created mass
Through this gigantic looking Glass
You can bank on the fact that the matter is complex
With answers not yet found in any written text
It is my hope this humble account doesn't fall short by a substantial amount
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