Weekend at Nans
By valiswaverider
- 53 reads
The dog comes to greet me wagging its tail frantically like it has nt seen me in forever
Friday night line up
Come on down the price is right
Higher , lower , higher , lower we call out at the TV
Then dynasty I have a crush on Cathrine Oxberg the English rose
Trash tv not like at mum and dads
The tv is an not educational tool at Nans but a vehicle of escape
Saturday afternoon Tiswas has finished and wide world of sport is coming on.
I like the airplane with the banner flying behind it but Dickie Davies is a boring grown up not like Chris Tarrant and Sally James
Grandad “I am going for a Chinese “
Bring back one for me about 19
I am allowed to rent a video from Bond Street video I pick a Star Trek one, never shown on British TV says the box and grandad picks Rocky 3 which has Mr T in so I ll watch that to.
drive down to the canal to walk the dog
Safe to let Henry off the lead
We come home to Nan making gravy before the table is set for Sunday dinner like a small religious ceremony
Mike Tyson is fighting Frank Bruno on tv
Go on Frank
The events are close and distance at the same time
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I remember some of that
I remember some of that (Tyson v Bruno) but differently, of course.
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it's good to keep these small
it's good to keep these small memories alive - thanks for sharing yours
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