The Dragon Prince
By well-wisher
- 413 reads
Once upon a time, a witch, plotting to seize a throne, married a king but, in order to inherit the throne, she needed to get rid of the kings only other heir; a prince named David and so confronting him in his chambers she turned him, with a spell, into a dragon.
Then, before the prince knew what had happened, the evil queen called out,
"Help! Help! The prince has been eaten by a monster".
Immediately, the palace guards came running with long pikestaffs and tried to kill the dragon prince and so fearing for his life but not wanting to kill the guards, the dragon prince flew away out of the window.
Infact, he flew off to hide in the forest and, finding a cave behind a waterfall made his home there.
But even though the princes wicked stepmother now had no obstacle to inheriting the throne, she couldn't risk the prince returning and so she hired a dragon slayer to hunt him and kill him.
The dragonslayers name was the red knight and he was a ruthless hunter who had killed hundreds of dragons.
But then, one day, while the dragon was in its cave behind the waterfall it saw a young maiden who was surrounded by a pack of snarling wolves and flying down infront of them it roared so loudly that it frightened the wolves away.
Now the maiden thought that the dragon was going to eat her but the dragon picked a flower with its teeth instead and laid it down infront of the maiden and she realised that it meant her no harm.
And after that, the maiden and the dragon prince became good friends, the dragon often letting the maiden fly upon his back.
One day however, the red knight came riding past the waterfall and, observing the maiden and the dragon together, hatched a plan to slay the dragon and, kidnapping the young girl he used her as bait, tying her up to a stake infront of the dragons cave.
"Come out and fight", he said to the dragon, "Or I shall kill the girl".
And so the dragon was forced to come out and fight the red knight but while the dragon and the red knight were fighting the red knight threw a spear into the dragons breast and the dragon pretending it had been struck fatally in the heart, fell upon its back and pretended to be dead.
Then, when the red knight thought that the dragon was dead, he let the maiden go but, as soon as she was free, the dragon rose up again and, swinging his long tail, struck the red knight with a devestating blow.
But then the maiden, seeing that the dragon was in pain from the injuries it had received in its battle with the red knight went to hug its kneck and console it and, as she did, she kissed the dragon on its nose and, immediately, the spell that had turned the prince into a dragon was broken.
Now the prince explained everything to the maiden and also asked her to marry him because, while a dragon, he had fallen in love with her and, thankfully, she accepted.
But the Prince knew that if he returned to his palace then his stepmother would have him killed and so he put on the armour and visor of the red knight and returned to the palace in disguise.
Then, when he was presented to the wicked queen, infront of his father the king who was seated beside her and all the courtiers, he removed his visor and revealed himself.
Then he told his father that his stepmother had turned him into a dragon.
As he was speaking however, the wicked queen took out a vile of dragons blood and, swallowing it, transformed herself into a huge black dragon, breathing out a torrent of fire upon the prince
Fortunately, the prince was dressed in the red knights armour that was resistent to dragon fire and also, because he had been a dragon himself, the prince knew the secret location of a dragons heart and hurling the red knights spear, he pierced the evil dragon deep in the heart and, collapsing, it died, turning back into the evil stepmother.
But then the prince brought the young maiden to the palace and, soon afterwards, they were married and lived happily ever after.
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