The Monsters With Green Eyes (Parable inspired by a well-known logic puzzle)
By well-wisher
- 530 reads
Once upon a time a Witch came to a small village but because she was a witch people treated her badly; they scrawled "Witch go home" upon the wall of her house and shopkeepers even refused to serve her.
And so the Witch packed up and left the village but as she was leaving she said to the villagers, "One day soon, green eyed monsters will come among you and there will be panic and fear and when that day comes then you'll learn".
The villagers just laughed at her and jeered but then, the next morning, when they awoke, everyone in the village had green eyes.
Only none of the people could see their own eyes and so they each assumed that everyone else in the village had turned into a monster just as the witch had said.
And because everyone thought that everyone else was a monster so the rest of the witch's prediction came true; there was panic as people ran away from each other screaming or attacked each other or barricaded their doors and hid from each other.
Even parents hid from their own children thinking they had turned into monsters.
Until, eventually, one day, after they had all been hiding from each other for days, one smart person asked the question:
"If they're all monsters then why are they hiding from each other?"
Then it occurred to him that perhaps none of them knew they had green eyes and perhaps, just perhaps, even he had green eyes.
Thats when he also realised that there were no mirrors in his house. Somehow they had all vanished as if someone didn't want him to see himself.
Poking his head out of the door of his house, he shouted to the people in the neighbouring houses,
"I think the witch has tricked us".
"Shut up you green eyed monster", someone yelled back.
"But you have green eyes too", said the man, "Are you a monster?".
"You're lying", shouted someone else from their house, "I don't have green eyes. You have green eyes. You're the monster".
The man thought about this for a while and then said,
"Well since none of you know you have green eyes that means that none of you has any mirrors in their house. Ask yourself, why are all the mirrors gone? Why would someone steal all the mirrors if it wasn't to stop us from looking at ourselves?".
People are often slow to think, particularly when they are blinded by fear but, eventually the people in the other houses began to realise that the man was right.
And when they did, coming out of their houses, suddenly all the eyes of the people turned back to their original colours
Then they laughed about how foolish they had all been, hiding from each other but then, just as the witch had predicted, they learned something.
They learned not to be afraid of or hate others just because they're different; they learned that just because someone is called a monster it doesn't mean they really are and they learned to look at their own reflections before judging the flaws of others.
And then, sometime later, the witch came back to the town. There were no hard feelings against her. Infact, she found it a very warm and welcoming place.
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