In The Nick Of Time
By well-wisher
- 367 reads
Zarods rescue ship travelled through Time Time, faster than faster than light.
Time Time was the time it took to travel between different time periods or, in other words, the present of the time traveller whilst travelling into the past or future.
Zarod was who they called if a time travellers ship got stuck in a time warp or some other temporal disaster; kind of a lifeboat pilot for Time Travellers.
He would travel through a time travellers journey to the point where the Time Traveller got stuck and pull them out.
Ofcourse he wasn't always succesful and it was a risk for him too because if he appeared in their time machine even a second too late then he could end up sharing their fate.
Fortunately, he had a 5 dimensional viewer that set out their time journey infront of him like a movie reel and all he had to do was jump into the right frame.
Zarod looked down at his viewer and saw the last journey of Temponaut Norman Briggs. He saw him sitting at the controls smiling in one frame; looking down at his control panel in the next and then, in the next frame...
But then thats when Zarod appeared in the passenger seat beside him.
"Where did you come from?", asked Norman.
"Time rescue", said Zarod.
"Time rescue", said Norman, "I've never heard of that".
"Thats because it didn't exist in your time. I'm from the future", said Zarod, "I travelled through the time of your time journey".
"Well what are you rescuing me from?", asked Briggs.
"Well according to my marker...uhh... I'll explain about that later, but in about 20 minutes you're going to have a head on collision with your own timeship from the past", said Zarod, "And you know the rule of self-collision".
"No", said Briggs, "I'm afraid that must be something from the future aswell".
"The rule of self-collision states that if a future time traveller collides with a past self then the past self can't be destroyed, that would create a paradox, thus the future self has to be destroyed", said Zarod, "And you're the future self".
"Well what do I do?", asked Briggs.
"Hmm?", thought Zarod, "Can this old crate move sideways?".
"Sideways in time?", asked Briggs.
"Yes lateral timetravel", said Zarod, "It basically means you travel within the present so that you're in two places at the same time. If you can do that then only one of your present selves will be destroyed".
"Well I'm afraid this ship only goes backwards and forwards", said Briggs.
Zarod thought for a moment.
"There is another option but its risky", he said.
"Well any options better than nothing", said Briggs, "What is it?".
"You could jump over your past self", said Zarod.
"Jump?", asked Briggs, "And how do I do that".
"Well you need another time machine to do it", said Zarod, "Fortunately I always carry one on me".
And saying this, Zarod took out a small object from inside his pocket that resembled a toy timeship and, throwing it onto the floor of Brigg's control room it started to grow until it was a full sized, two seater capsule.
Then the transparent dome of the capsule opened and Zarod told Briggs to get in.
"You see, what happens", explained Zarod as Briggs was fastening his safetybelt and the dome was closing over them, "Is that we travel forwards into the future to after the collision happens".
"Mmm?", thought Briggs, "But won't you changing history by saving me cause a paradox?".
"Well thats why Time Rescue ships leave a marker", said Zarod.
"A marker?", asked Briggs, "Oh yes you mentioned that earlier".
Zarod pushed a button on the control panel of his ship and some kind of small projectile flew out of its front latching itself, as if magnitized to a wall of Briggs's control room.
"Yes", said Zarod, "When we find a marker in the future then we know that history has been changed and what originally happened, so then I go back in time because the marker says, if I don't, you will die".
"Wow", said Briggs, "You futurians have thought of everything".
But then Zarod set the tempochronometer, the clock that measured Time Time, on his ship for 20 minutes after the timeship collision and hit the ignition switch.
And, everything going black outside as they travelled faster than the artificial light inside Briggs's time machine, suddenly it was 25 minutes later and, round about them was the smouldering and floating wreckage of the machine.
Briggs looked at the wreckage solemnly.
"That could have been me", he said.
"No thats you", said Zarod pointing to another Time Machine that was passing them, from which Briggs's future self was smiling and waving.
But then, ship his round turning, Zarod and his passenger homeward, sped.
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