Win, Lose, Win (A dice and verbal game)/Plus: How to have a measuring tape race.
By well-wisher
- 306 reads
The game of Win,Lose,Win
1. Firstly a player says either, "Starting with Win" or "Starting with Lose".
2. They then roll a six sided dice.
4. Whatever number they roll they say "...Win, Lose, Win, Lose, Win..." that number of times, beginning with the word they declared they would start with.
5. For example, if I say "Starting with Lose" and I then roll a 5, I would have to say, "Lose, Win, Lose, Win, Lose", 5 words because I rolled a 5 and beginning with lose because I declared "Starting with lose".
6. If a player ends on the word "Win" they win. If they end on the word "Lose", they lose.
How to have a Measuring Tape race -
1. A measuring tape race is a game played with retractable measuring tapes and dice.
2. Each player has a retractable measuring tape containing a tape of the same length.
3. Between them they have a dice with six sides (Although you could play this game with other polyhedral dice).
4. Players all put their retractable measuring tapes behind a starting line.
5. They then take turns rolling the dice and extending their measuring tape the number of centimetres that they roll.
6. The first player whose tape reaches or goes over a chosen finishing line wins.
7. Penalty markings - To make the game more interesting, players could make some random markings upon their measuring tapes next to some numbers called penalty markings and if their tape, at any point in the race, reaches a measurement with a penalty marking on it then they have to miss a turn.
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