Little ginger
By WillSimpson
- 962 reads
There once was a Grace who was pretty in the face,
She li\/ed for the dream, and made a pleasant member of the team,
just once she entered, The realm of dementia,
A purposeful ad\/enture, one we will not mention,
Howe\/er this Grace,
Of whom we speak,
Had beautiful legs with beautiful little feet,
and one day as she walked,
Barefoot in the park
A little gnome spotted how her soul was somewhat dark,
"here ye my pretty, I see you like a laugh"
Grace looked round,
Wondering about the words,
"Who speaks to me in such a squeak?"
"It is I the gnome, who is sitting by the tree"
"I offer you a wish, but beware it comes with a price"
"One fair chance, a roll of my magical dice",
"If you win your wish is my command"
"But a fail on your behalf, means I get to take your hand"
"My wife you will be, with your beautiful feet"
"A desolate beauty always hungry to eat"
Grace thought for a moment,
Till her sense caught her mind,
"What if I just walk on little gnome, and lea\/e you behind?"
"Well my dear the choice is yours, a wish for a roll"
"or a life walking on by"
"A life passing opportunity, but what a twinkle in your eye"
\/erily she thought, how amusing was the gnome,
his little ginger head and buttons made of gold,
With tiny stained fingers he twisted his beard,
"Come on gracey, just one roll, you ha\/e nothing to fear"
now as I tell this tale, the wind still blows,
For it is a secret I keep that no one shall know,
Did she make a wife, or was it a lucky roll?
If you walk on by, know that he has ne\/er let you out his sight,
The next tree you walk past,
He could jump out and gi\/e you a fright,
For the little ginger gnome is a de\/il of the world,
If you remember, you first met him, when you were just a little girl.
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