Have you ever gone away on your holidays and bumped into a foreign head of state? I’d often dreamt of sitting next to Joe Biden on a pensioners’ day...
When I’m settling up for what I owe when leaving a restaurant, disembarking from a taxi, admiring my newly coiffured curls in the mirror at Stanislav...
621 of my comments have received 648 Great Feedback votes
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It's called the wolf moon
Posted on Thu, 25 Jan 2024
It's called the wolf moon (valcha luna / вълча луна) in Bulgaria too. Mysterious and exciting it may be, but it makes our dogs think they are wolves too. Even though one of them is only a shih tzu they'll howl through the night tonight, and...
I have similar experiences of language classes, though as the student rather than as the tutor, and it's small children kept in the corner that require feeding instead of snakes. Whatever happens it's always a million times more enjoyable than...
They say that India challenges and excites every sense in the human body and your words reinforce that suggestion perfectly. I love those adventures packed with chaos and not knowing what's going to happen next....
Sometimes when people waiting on tour buses have shouted at me to hurry up and get back on the tour bus I have taken great delight in stopping and taking a photograph of them and the bus. A photographer can always justify the need to take one...
Your Cat Island sounds a bit like our house. Could all these beasts that beguile us in our kitchen every morning be the spirits of children we didn't know we had?
Exhausting but rewarding for the farmer and the sheep. The need of a lamp to see it through adds to the atmosphere without revealing which age it might have been in. Your poem describes the event extremely well.
I admire you for taking a crash course in Japanese (or was that just in the story?). A Chinese friend of mine here in Bulgaria tried to give me a crash course in Mandarin but in the end (well, after thirty minutes) my brain crashed.
It's called the wolf moon
Posted on Thu, 25 Jan 2024
It's called the wolf moon (valcha luna / вълча луна) in Bulgaria too. Mysterious and exciting it may be, but it makes our dogs think they are wolves too. Even though one of them is only a shih tzu they'll howl through the night tonight, and...
Read full commentPosted in Silent Mystic
I have similar experiences of
Posted on Thu, 25 Jan 2024
I have similar experiences of language classes, though as the student rather than as the tutor, and it's small children kept in the corner that require feeding instead of snakes. Whatever happens it's always a million times more enjoyable than...
Read full commentPosted in Los Danis
I read once that the magpie's
Posted on Sat, 20 Jan 2024
I read once that the magpie's name was an abbreviation of 'maggot pie' but your explanation makes more sense.
Your words of mystery describe the charachteristics of this creature of mystery beautifully.
Read full commentPosted in Pie
This is wonderful Paul.
Posted on Thu, 14 Jan 2021
This is wonderful Paul.
They say that India challenges and excites every sense in the human body and your words reinforce that suggestion perfectly. I love those adventures packed with chaos and not knowing what's going to happen next....
Read full commentPosted in The Haunted Fort of Bhangarh
Posted on Fri, 19 Jan 2024
Sometimes when people waiting on tour buses have shouted at me to hurry up and get back on the tour bus I have taken great delight in stopping and taking a photograph of them and the bus. A photographer can always justify the need to take one...
Read full commentPosted in Only Here for The Poets
Your Cat Island sounds a bit
Posted on Fri, 19 Jan 2024
Your Cat Island sounds a bit like our house. Could all these beasts that beguile us in our kitchen every morning be the spirits of children we didn't know we had?
A good read Paul. I very much enjoyed it.
Read full commentPosted in Enoshima (Part Two of Two)
Many thanks Ewan for the
Posted on Fri, 19 Jan 2024
Many thanks Ewan for the cherries and for the great comment.
I think if I was categorising myself I'd probably go for any old shite. It would be nice to be part of a niche market.
Read full commentPosted in Only Here for The Poets
Exhausting but rewarding for
Posted on Mon, 15 Jan 2024
Exhausting but rewarding for the farmer and the sheep. The need of a lamp to see it through adds to the atmosphere without revealing which age it might have been in. Your poem describes the event extremely well.
Read full commentPosted in Night Help
Thanks very much for your
Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2024
Thanks very much for your encouragement and support Di. The short answer to your question, I'm afraid, is that I can't be bothered.
Two things make me want to write. One is that younger generations of my family will have something to read...
Read full commentPosted in Lovely Palace, Must Fly
I admire you for taking a
Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2024
I admire you for taking a crash course in Japanese (or was that just in the story?). A Chinese friend of mine here in Bulgaria tried to give me a crash course in Mandarin but in the end (well, after thirty minutes) my brain crashed.
Read full commentPosted in Enoshima (Part One of Two)