
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 508 reads
A friend she has three cats. They are indoor cats, so they never go outside.
Her beloved elderly cat, became very sick and had to be put down. She was told, “It will cost £250, to put her down and if you also want her ashes back,” Which she did, “The total will be £400.”
That is daylight robbery! That greedy vets is one minute from my home. So, she had to leave her beloved cat there.
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It's emotional blackmail. The vets know that people with raw emotions will find the money.
We just bury ours in the garden. There's even a space for me. It's just beside the redcurrant bushes. I would have preferred to be beneath the walnut tree but there are so many roots it would be difficult to dig a hole. I don't want to put anyone to any trouble.
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The hole in the ground
Our garden is indeed very big. Friends tell us it is more like a park than a garden. We have hundreds of trees so maybe to be buried under one of the smaller walnuts will be a possibility, though I'd prefer the big ancient one that I often sit beneath on a bench to breathe in the atmosphere of Balkan village life or to write.
The only crematorium in Bulgaria is in Sofia, 230 kms away from where we live so the hole in the ground option is the best one in our circumstances. There's nothing to stop us being buried in the garden apart from the fact that it adds a few complications to selling the land in the future.
It's a custom here that people are buried within twenty-four hours of their death. This is mainly because of the climate and an almost total absence of refrigerated morgues, The only exceptions are when the police require an autopsy. At least my kids in England won't need to worry about writing a eulogy for me because they won't be able to get here in time for the funeral.
However, I'm quietly confident that there will be many more days of sitting beneath that tree.
But why TK Maxx? What do they sell?
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Yellow Stickers
Dear TR Maxine,
Do you realise that your latest comment is about ten times longer than your original story? That's impressive. Thank you for enlightening me though. I used to work near a branch of TR Maxx in Bristol but, suspecting that it didn't sell books or records, I never went inside the place. Now I know!
I didn't know your husband wrote for ABCtales. May I ask his username please? Is it MR Maxx? I'd be very interested to read some of his stuff.
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Machine Gun Etiquette
I read some of the work written by the Walrus. The very first thing that caught my eye was the line...
Just for you, here's a love song.
Please tell him that I'd like to add...
And it makes me glad to say
It's been a lovely day and it's okay
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