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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryDonkey Kong Junior randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago
StoryEverybody deserves a second chance randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago

My stories

I Will Not Vote For Hillary

A bunch of allegations have come out against Hillary Clinton but people still want her to be President anyway. I've never heard anything so crazy in...

What Jesus Has Always Wanted

Jesus would love to see many people in churches but now a days many don't even bother. What Jesus has always wanted is to please his father. Since...

Dust Beneath His Feet

People are nothing compared to The Almighty God, we are dust beneath his feet. Without his influence, we can't have happiness and our lives can't be...

Not Drinking And Driving

Something happened to me a few years ago that was really bizarre. I was arrested for drinking and driving but I've never owned a car. I thought that...

He Married Herself

In the year 2019, a woman had a sex change. Then he traveled back in time and what happened was strange. He and his former female self got married...
