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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryDonkey Kong Junior randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago
StoryEverybody deserves a second chance randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago

My stories

I Still Miss You Terribly

Even though you've been dead for two years, I still miss you terribly. While you were alive, I meant a lot to you and you meant a lot to me. You were...

Jar Jar Binks

I'm a Gungan from the planet Naboo and my name is Jar Jar Binks. Senator Padme put me in charge once even though I don't even have the ability to...

Christopher Lee

Something terrible has happened to the entire world, we've lost Christopher Lee. He was Count Dracula and he was also Saruman in The Lord of the...

Everybody Could Trust Her

When Mom died, life lost a lot of its luster. While she lived, everybody could trust her. Everybody could trust her because she was so good. She was...

Palpatine The Emperor

I'm the Emperor and my face looks like a prune. I have dark circles around my eyes which also makes me look like a raccoon. My name is Palpatine but...
