A teabag used to be just that A perforated paper bag That let flavour flood out. Then it became a technological masterpiece A heavily nuanced plastic...
They flash for a reason Those amber lights If no one’s coming You’re free to go Just a quick look And you’re off Getting closer to that place Looking...
66 of my comments have received 68 Great Feedback votes
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Just as beauty is in the eye
Posted on Tue, 27 Jan 2015
Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, sweet music is in the hands of the player. You never know, maybe she'll be the next Amy Winehouse, but I loved this piece on how innocent music has the power to remove us from worry.
Hi John. It's about how everything we believe to be true and hold dear is far from it and how we've been lied to to serve an agenda. They hardwire kids early these days to stop them asking questions. The circus can be found anywhere. We're all...
Great to read a poem that opens with a joke, curdles as it's stirred and ends with a whip round the midriff for good measure. The abattoir calls for the abortions of life that sit and stare in silent pubs the world over, and the state isn't...
Love the cheesy bit at the end and the dippy sauciness of thought throughout. The atheist idea that we were magically generated from the primordial fart of universal nothingness is funny and I prefer to think we were a heavenly experiment to see...
Lovely. I always get a shiver when I go into church, probably because I'm Satan first born, but I'd dearly love to see some fireplaces dotted around in there. Always found it strange that they don't have chimneys. They'd get a lot more people in...
Very good. Sounds like a lazy teacher, especially when I read a comment like Vera's. She's said it all, bar the fact that you've captured something here, carefully, that needs to be bottled/ taken upon board the good ship.
Absolutely brilliant! Jake's bee problem is an excellent analogy to the much more dangerous bee that buzzes around Eve's mind. It draws the reader further into Eve's literary dilemma, and the interaction between her and George is polished as well...
Sufferin' succotash, Blackjack. This has the perfect balance of measuredness and conscious flow, an unfettered diagnosis of how a man's battle to find and maintain spiritual peace can never be placated by the outside world. Citing the chap next-...
Just as beauty is in the eye
Posted on Tue, 27 Jan 2015
Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, sweet music is in the hands of the player. You never know, maybe she'll be the next Amy Winehouse, but I loved this piece on how innocent music has the power to remove us from worry.
Read full commentPosted in Girl at Piano
Heard this at the Wheatsheaf
Posted on Thu, 22 Jan 2015
Heard this at the Wheatsheaf last night and bowled over by it. A really thought provoking piece of blood over water.
Read full commentPosted in Meeting Tara
Hi John. It's about how
Posted on Wed, 14 Jan 2015
Hi John. It's about how everything we believe to be true and hold dear is far from it and how we've been lied to to serve an agenda. They hardwire kids early these days to stop them asking questions. The circus can be found anywhere. We're all...
Read full commentPosted in We're all puppets now
Great to read a poem that
Posted on Thu, 13 Nov 2014
Great to read a poem that opens with a joke, curdles as it's stirred and ends with a whip round the midriff for good measure. The abattoir calls for the abortions of life that sit and stare in silent pubs the world over, and the state isn't...
Read full commentPosted in not quite AA, but only 12 steps to the bar
Love the cheesy bit at the
Posted on Mon, 01 Sep 2014
Love the cheesy bit at the end and the dippy sauciness of thought throughout. The atheist idea that we were magically generated from the primordial fart of universal nothingness is funny and I prefer to think we were a heavenly experiment to see...
Read full commentPosted in I expect God will be there
Lovely. I always get a shiver
Posted on Sat, 19 Apr 2014
Lovely. I always get a shiver when I go into church, probably because I'm Satan first born, but I'd dearly love to see some fireplaces dotted around in there. Always found it strange that they don't have chimneys. They'd get a lot more people in...
Read full commentPosted in A Short Muse on Churches
Very good. Sounds like a lazy
Posted on Tue, 01 Apr 2014
Very good. Sounds like a lazy teacher, especially when I read a comment like Vera's. She's said it all, bar the fact that you've captured something here, carefully, that needs to be bottled/ taken upon board the good ship.
Read full commentPosted in Mynydd Carningli (for TP's parents)
Absolutely brilliant! Jake's
Posted on Sun, 02 Mar 2014
Absolutely brilliant! Jake's bee problem is an excellent analogy to the much more dangerous bee that buzzes around Eve's mind. It draws the reader further into Eve's literary dilemma, and the interaction between her and George is polished as well...
Read full commentPosted in A Question of Sanity: Prologue
Posted on Mon, 06 Jan 2014
Great dialogue driven along by a voice that grips and surprises.
Read full commentPosted in Decisions
Sufferin' succotash,
Posted on Wed, 29 Jan 2014
Sufferin' succotash, Blackjack. This has the perfect balance of measuredness and conscious flow, an unfettered diagnosis of how a man's battle to find and maintain spiritual peace can never be placated by the outside world. Citing the chap next-...
Read full commentPosted in The Man Next Door