The farmer wasn’t keen on keeping a gander or even increasing his flock but one morning an egg rolled towards his feet and he was reminded of a quote...
481 of my comments have received 509 Great Feedback votes
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Ew that sounds eye-wateringly
Posted on Tue, 26 Sep 2023
Ew that sounds eye-wateringly painful, the intensity of the situation expressed so clearly in your piece. I remember the inner fire which drives you to do crazy things when you're young, whatever the consequences, the future didn't matter. I was...
Wonderfully done Jenny. There is no greater playground than the woods. I was fortunate enough to attend a primary school bordered by a strip of woodland which we were not supposed to enter but of course we did. Love, 'branches appear to stoop...
You went to King Edwards, holy grail of selective schools? I must say, A levels seem like hell and I refrained from getting emotionally invested in my kids' results.
You've built the a sense of both apprehension and rapid change in this...
I enjoyed this arrangement of words. It's very different and got me thinking about how writing becomes so natural but only after years of learning to spell, punctuate and the rest. To be both creative and articulate, you have to dig stonking deep...
It's a beautiful trubute to a beautiful flower Ed. You could never get bored of such a powerful colour. There are some plants that never seem to give up, often the ones you don't fuss over. Never give up, a positive token from the terrace....
A perfect ghost story, really enjoyed it. Stirring and charming in equal measure. So exciting exploring these places when you're a child although I get the impression it doesn't happen much these days.
I couldn't agree more with writing as a retreat and a way to harmonise, a release as in a cloud burst, only when you've got that flow though. We are so lucky to be able to express ourselves in words and understand each other albeit with many...
Thanks for reading Insert. I wonder if there was part of them that wanted Sandra to be eaten. On a serious note, there are a lot of dangerous dogs out there with irresponsible owners. A horror ending to the story could have been entertaining but...
This sounds like absolute heaven. Maria making use of every bit of space to grow plants, useful or beautiful. It's interesting the way people will add to rubbish if they see rubbish, I think it's the same with grafitti and bags of dog poo. What a...
Ew that sounds eye-wateringly
Posted on Tue, 26 Sep 2023
Ew that sounds eye-wateringly painful, the intensity of the situation expressed so clearly in your piece. I remember the inner fire which drives you to do crazy things when you're young, whatever the consequences, the future didn't matter. I was...
Read full commentPosted in Misguided In The Early 90s
Wonderfully done Jenny. There
Posted on Mon, 21 Aug 2023
Wonderfully done Jenny. There is no greater playground than the woods. I was fortunate enough to attend a primary school bordered by a strip of woodland which we were not supposed to enter but of course we did. Love, 'branches appear to stoop...
Read full commentPosted in Swathed In Nature's Beauty
You went to King Edwards,
Posted on Sun, 20 Aug 2023
You went to King Edwards, holy grail of selective schools? I must say, A levels seem like hell and I refrained from getting emotionally invested in my kids' results.
You've built the a sense of both apprehension and rapid change in this...
Read full commentPosted in Steve Mason and the Last Day of School (Part One of Two)
I enjoyed this arrangement of
Posted on Sat, 19 Aug 2023
I enjoyed this arrangement of words. It's very different and got me thinking about how writing becomes so natural but only after years of learning to spell, punctuate and the rest. To be both creative and articulate, you have to dig stonking deep...
Read full commentPosted in Catching Up
It's a beautiful trubute to a
Posted on Tue, 15 Aug 2023
It's a beautiful trubute to a beautiful flower Ed. You could never get bored of such a powerful colour. There are some plants that never seem to give up, often the ones you don't fuss over. Never give up, a positive token from the terrace....
Read full commentPosted in Nunca Te Rindas
A perfect ghost story, really
Posted on Sun, 13 Aug 2023
A perfect ghost story, really enjoyed it. Stirring and charming in equal measure. So exciting exploring these places when you're a child although I get the impression it doesn't happen much these days.
Read full commentPosted in "Hug-a-lass"
I couldn't agree more with
Posted on Wed, 26 Jul 2023
I couldn't agree more with writing as a retreat and a way to harmonise, a release as in a cloud burst, only when you've got that flow though. We are so lucky to be able to express ourselves in words and understand each other albeit with many...
Read full commentPosted in When All I Need Is Artistry
Thanks for reading Insert. I
Posted on Tue, 25 Jul 2023
Thanks for reading Insert. I wonder if there was part of them that wanted Sandra to be eaten. On a serious note, there are a lot of dangerous dogs out there with irresponsible owners. A horror ending to the story could have been entertaining but...
Read full commentPosted in Blueberry - Part Three
This sounds like absolute
Posted on Tue, 25 Jul 2023
This sounds like absolute heaven. Maria making use of every bit of space to grow plants, useful or beautiful. It's interesting the way people will add to rubbish if they see rubbish, I think it's the same with grafitti and bags of dog poo. What a...
Read full commentPosted in Rakia Maria - Part One of Two
Thank you for this.
Posted on Sun, 23 Jul 2023
Thank you for this.
Read full commentPosted in Blueberry