These people, they have no beating heart, only fish-eyed stares. Cold, drilling out blame. Seeking dirt to dish, as they swallow in haste, what they...
He’s got a rat, Mango’s caught a rat! Mango can’t catch anything.. He was once hit by the Amazon van, It broke his pelvis, his back, his tail. Let it...
I like to think it wouldn't Insert. I would take pains to choose the best names for all the shoe designs. I have a list already and waiting. Luna are my favourite but we haven't got your size sorry, you'll have to take the Griseldas instead.
The was really interesting and enjoyable, thank you for sharing. 'The club' sounds like great fun and it's interesting how people used to make a real effort with their council homes and even tiny balconies, growing flowers. I don't know what's...
Hi Rhiannon, I think if you're somebody who gets overstimulated by detail then sitting such an exam at age eleven is so overwhelming. I remember the ticking clock at the front of hall getting right into my head and also the sight of the other...
So beautiful to watch the way they move, the little feathered visitors add so much to our environment. I love the way you've described their movements and how their colours connect to the environment. I think the sudden change in weather has...
I can really imagine young children singing this along with the actions Rhiannon. It's so easy to convince young minds that the autumn wind and rain is miserable but our seasons are so important and they all bring entertainment and something new...
Beautiful Rhiannon. Your poems are always so visual and full of texture, I can see those crops swaying, 'swells rippling' and aren't they so early this year. Walking around it feels as if we are a month ahead or more.
It does feel like there is a magical spell on all the land doesn't it. This weather has made everything look more like July than May and we are all slowing down but we probably needed to.
It's just really nice to see another face coming along the road. I always try to be the one who crosses or steps out into the road but my whippets often cause me to have some delay (they always embarrass me or me them) so the other people beat me...
I love this, it's like a full literary meal of a poem. I particularly enjoyed your description of fallen cherry petals, 'wind-lipped , pale and panpipe soft, there could be no better way of describing them. Every line is reminiscent of the walks...
We can positively hear
Posted on Tue, 12 Jan 2021
We can positively hear ourselves getting older during these months and we are drained of colour under these clouds. Thanks for your comment.
Read full commentPosted in The Edge of Colour
I like to think it wouldn't
Posted on Tue, 13 Oct 2020
I like to think it wouldn't Insert. I would take pains to choose the best names for all the shoe designs. I have a list already and waiting. Luna are my favourite but we haven't got your size sorry, you'll have to take the Griseldas instead.
Read full commentPosted in I Name that Shoe....
The was really interesting
Posted on Thu, 08 Oct 2020
The was really interesting and enjoyable, thank you for sharing. 'The club' sounds like great fun and it's interesting how people used to make a real effort with their council homes and even tiny balconies, growing flowers. I don't know what's...
Hi Rhiannon, I think if you
Posted on Mon, 05 Oct 2020
Hi Rhiannon, I think if you're somebody who gets overstimulated by detail then sitting such an exam at age eleven is so overwhelming. I remember the ticking clock at the front of hall getting right into my head and also the sight of the other...
Read full commentPosted in 11 PLUS
So beautiful to watch the way
Posted on Mon, 05 Oct 2020
So beautiful to watch the way they move, the little feathered visitors add so much to our environment. I love the way you've described their movements and how their colours connect to the environment. I think the sudden change in weather has...
Read full commentPosted in bird feeder
I can really imagine young
Posted on Mon, 05 Oct 2020
I can really imagine young children singing this along with the actions Rhiannon. It's so easy to convince young minds that the autumn wind and rain is miserable but our seasons are so important and they all bring entertainment and something new...
Read full commentPosted in The seasons' round
Beautiful Rhiannon. Your
Posted on Mon, 08 Jun 2020
Beautiful Rhiannon. Your poems are always so visual and full of texture, I can see those crops swaying, 'swells rippling' and aren't they so early this year. Walking around it feels as if we are a month ahead or more.
Read full commentPosted in Dream with the breeze
It does feel like there is a
Posted on Fri, 29 May 2020
It does feel like there is a magical spell on all the land doesn't it. This weather has made everything look more like July than May and we are all slowing down but we probably needed to.
Read full commentPosted in Here Comes The Sun
It's just really nice to see
Posted on Fri, 01 May 2020
It's just really nice to see another face coming along the road. I always try to be the one who crosses or steps out into the road but my whippets often cause me to have some delay (they always embarrass me or me them) so the other people beat me...
Read full commentPosted in Friendly Separation
I love this, it's like a full
Posted on Tue, 28 Apr 2020
I love this, it's like a full literary meal of a poem. I particularly enjoyed your description of fallen cherry petals, 'wind-lipped , pale and panpipe soft, there could be no better way of describing them. Every line is reminiscent of the walks...
Read full commentPosted in 28th April