Nature's Hideaway

By skinner_jennifer
- 4463 reads
The photo is my own, of a small wooded area we
created at the bottom of our garden, taken on
Saturday 4th December 2021 at 11.20 am.
It's one I'm proud of, being the first I've ever
taken on a mobile phone, with help from my son.
There's no order captured here in garden spinney,
wild gatherings only, those hidden limbs intertwine;
weaving branches undefined.
Fluttering wings brush air, as twitching heads
of visiting blackbirds and robins under naked
Japanese Maple hop on leafy carpet, where
fragmented leaves caught by passing breeze
descend, serving to restore fair unrestrained
pulsing earth's wonder.
Branches bowed In welcome of creatures passing,
a natural structure attained; this preparation
of twisty seclusion a sleeping wisdom
of contentment in hollow shelter,
where avoiding mocking brisk North wind;
I pause...and reflect. Jack Frost's mischief
whistles through gaps, yet does not disturb
mother nature; for she slumbers quietly
waiting patiently for Winter's passing.
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winter had just begun. Long
winter had just begun. Long wait. Hope to get to the end of it and not the end of things.
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I really like how you
I really like how you describe your wild place, exuberant :0) I bet the birds are so happy!
"no order captured"
" hidden limbs intertwine;
weaving branches undefined."
"twisty seclusion"
You have made a wonderful place, it sounds like the wood in Dartmoor you wrote of before :0) And well done with the photo!
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It sounds fab :0) Maybe we
It sounds fab :0) Maybe we have hedgehogs because it is very wet here? Do you have a pond or some water they could get to every night? That might also attract the sort of things they like to eat, which won't be a problem for you if you don't worry about flowers :0) Our hedgehogs sit in the middle of whatever they are drinking and often poo in it too, hopeless!!! so have to rinse out every day, but they are so funny. There were 4 the other night, but only one last night, I think it is getting too cold. It is wonderful you have created a wild space which in turn inspires your wild spirit, like a cycle of creative life mirroring natural world cycle? I remember the beautiful summer poem you wrote about the mother fox and her cubs playing, and the flower petals falling
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ours have one of those
ours have one of those biggest white plastic milk cartons, cut in half from top to bottom? It is very shallow which is good as have heard hedgehogs can't swim so drown if ponds etc have steep sides? But it does look scruffy! One of those big plant tray/saucer things would be more respectable :0) Something it is easy for you to tip out and re fill! Or even better, two, so if one hedgehog trips over getting out (or poos) there will still be something to drink :0)
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Like Di, I particularly liked
Like Di, I particularly liked that first descriptive stanza. Must be a lovely corner to follow through the seasons. Rhiannon
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This is a really nice poem
This is a really nice poem Jennifer, describing exactly my feelings towards the secret corners of my own garden.
I like your words;
this preparationof twisty seclusion a sleeping wisdom of contentment in hollow shelter
which is just the sort of place we all need to get away from the cut and thrust of the 21st Century.
And well done with the photograph. I would love to see more. Photography being my greatest passion.
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You should persevere with the
You should persevere with the photography Jenny. Don't panic and don't compare your work to that of other people. The more you practice the better, and the more confident you will become. I'm sure you'll come to find it enjoyable and relaxing. It's a creative pastime that takes a while to get to grips with, just like writing. You've already seen how satisfying it is to be able to put a photograph of your own alongside a poem or story on ABCTales.
I started taking photographs about forty years ago, though I'm still only an enthusiastic amateur. What I love about it is the fact that I now look at everything in my world much more closely. Everything is a potential photographic subject.
I hope you enjoy experimenting with your new phone.
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Beautiful, love the
Beautiful, love the connection to season and life cycles. :)
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This gorgeous and rich poem
This gorgeous and rich poem is our Pick of the Day. Do share on Facebook and Twitter.
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'Twisty seclusion' I really
'Twisty seclusion' I really enjoyed your poem and the accompanying photograph. It looks like a lovely spot for tapping into 'unrestrained pulsing earth's wonder'. I wish I had a bit more space for rewilding, it makes such a difference and it looks wildly wonderful too.
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Well done on taking the
Well done on taking the photograph! It's lovely.
This reminded me of my own garden in my old house. We had a bit behind some fruit trees that we left pretty much to itself, and the kids used to love going there - the trees screened them from the house and they felt as though they were on their adventures. We had hedgehogs and all sorts down there. It was also a good place for them to go and sulk when they felt like it! It was actually quite a small space, but it was a little world for them.
Thank you for posting this, Jenny, and a very well deserved Pick of the Day.
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Beautiful poem, beautiful
Beautiful poem, beautiful photo, Jack Frost still trying and failing to unsettle Mother Nature - it's an uneven contest really :)
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HI Jenny
HI Jenny
What a lovely poem about your garden, and a nice photo too. Well done.
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I had to go back and read an
I had to go back and read an older one that I hadn't gotten around to when it came out. This is great, of course. Congrats on the cherries. Nice pic too.
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