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I have 35 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 30688 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

Caolan_le_Paddy's picture
Caolan McLaughlin

My stories

Unknown Love

I think of you and smile, And all the while, Shouting down the phone. Getting in the zone. I begging to say When I meet you, nay. When I hold you I want to say I love…

The Loveless poem

Thought I'd pratise with a different style, not really confident it's that good to be honest. Oh well.

For you on this day

From me to her.

Paul is shit in bed

I tried and failled, was requested by a mate to do this. Before people say anything, he ain't real. Unless you know someone who is called Paul and shit in bed.

Can't seem to get a girl

Poem I'm hoping to win my schools poetry slam with heh. Enjoy.
