Foster Trecost
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I have 4 stories published in
0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 6244 times
and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 17 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
I write stories that are mostly made up and it all started here back in 2005. Since, I've been published over 100 times in various lit journals, both online and print. The pieces I post on ABCtales have all been published before, and I'll give a nod to the publisher with each (because that's what we're supposed to do).
Maybe I'll reconnect with some old friends (if any are still around), maybe make a few new ones...we shall see.
I occasionally tweet here: @fostertrecost
I live just outside New Orleans with my wife and dog.
Enjoyed this from start to
Posted on Mon, 08 Oct 2018
Enjoyed this from start to finish, excellent writing.
An early-on piece I loved: ...paint-spattered dungarees like a Pollock canvas
You have such a natural pace, you do the first-person very well.
Read full commentPosted in Will Peace (1)