Geoffrey Byars

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I have 11 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 3728 times

Geoffrey Byars's picture
Geofferson Ludwig

My stories

Childhood Lies

Hey Diddle Diddle played hot on his fiddle With that red riding hood gal on his lap, Then little miss Muffet so jealous for Diddle, Gave miss Riding Hood a good slap.

My Love of Love

My love of love, It feels and sees, And moves about the autumn breeze, Eclipsing, summer's lushly trees, The love I love does see. My love of love, It lurks to find,

Confused By Confusion

Wollering, hollering and jollying follying All the while ideling the widening gap, Between Politics, heretics, the all powerful fix,

These Nights Will Be The Death Of Me

These nights will be the death of me, a night like this indeed. The nights which others shout with glee, That night I am deceased. On a night like this I'll find my grave,

Cliches of the lovely kind

For the one who justifies me being both sappy and cliche.
