Jane Hyphen

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I have 347 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 547553 times and 433 of my stories have been cherry picked.
434 of my 2,396 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 461 votes

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My stories


Don't Look at the Sheikh

‘A small number of you have been selected to work in the VIP tent. This is a very important location and you will be representing the college,...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week

This Cannot Be Our Home

We are not earthly, we cannot thrive here without all our rags and shoes, dry shelters, heated, cooled. We all need padded cells. There is so much...

Junk Jewellery

Come upstairs with me, I’ll show you my junk jewellery. Overflowing from a box which looks like leather. Gold and shiny, sparkling, like something...

Nil by Mouth

I don’t want the blood to flow I never want to see it Feel the pull inside Grasping claws, organs entwined Just an apple and an egg Lemon water, a...

Parables of Clippety (15) - The Overworld

There was a tense silence with both women wondering why the receptionist looked so concerned. A very short man with a hooked nose walked over very...


434 of my comments have received 461 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Reading this is akin to a

Posted on Sat, 30 Apr 2022

Reading this is akin to a butterfly kiss. I love how the length echoes the length of a butterflies visit and 'soft as forgetting' is genius. They are magical little creatures.

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Posted in butterfly moment

1 Vote

'the pumpkin with bad hair',

Posted on Sat, 23 Apr 2022

'the pumpkin with bad hair', that's a common look since Donald Trump made fake tan mainstream. I also really enjoyed the pub scene, a thing of the past now. And the enduring school bully, acting like a respectable member of the community, shifty...

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Posted in Ugly Puggly 10

1 Vote

So much freedom demonstrated

Posted on Sun, 24 Apr 2022

So much freedom demonstrated here in your words Jenny. There is the part of us that gets old, tired and limited and then this side where anything is possible. 'Hitching a ride on ever changing winds', as long as we can do that, there's a reason...

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Posted in Fly Like An Eagle

1 Vote

This is brilliant and it made

Posted on Wed, 20 Apr 2022

This is brilliant and it made me laugh a lot. Uggly Puggly and his weird mate/lover. I love UP's quirks and the way he is capable of anything, including having too much electricity.

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Posted in Ugly Puggly 7

1 Vote

This is beautiful Di. The

Posted on Thu, 24 Mar 2022

This is beautiful Di. The bright yellow against a blue sky is a wonderful tribute. The way you've described the scent of gorse brought back memories for me, of being in Wales near a beach when my children were small and we couldn't get over how...

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Posted in Win

1 Vote

There's something intense

Posted on Mon, 18 Apr 2022

There's something intense about hands, our mother's hands in particular, hands that kept us alive as infants. A very moving poem.3

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Posted in These Hands

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That's pretty much it, in a

Posted on Fri, 15 Apr 2022

That's pretty much it, in a nutshell. Very scary that so few people have so much power and so much wealth, following the same pattern as everything else, big businesses taking over small ones, countries seeking to overpower smaller ones. What's...

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Posted in two men

1 Vote

You've summed up just how

Posted on Thu, 14 Apr 2022

You've summed up just how much everything has changed over the past week Jenny. The air feels different and spring seems to have burst out of its seems all of a sudden. I love 'not being a pigeon expert', made me smile. The birds bring so much a...

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Posted in Passing Time

1 Vote

She still gets excited about

Posted on Sat, 09 Apr 2022

She still gets excited about smelling them - that's so sweet. It's hard to control your emotions, knowing what's ahead but by feeling sad about it you're depriving yourself some of the joy of still having them next to you. I know it's hard to be...

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Posted in Pet Sounds

1 Vote

Fulfilling to read, such a

Posted on Thu, 07 Apr 2022

Fulfilling to read, such a treat Di. I love 'bird song chips clear air', because they do, also love 'smelting life from light'. You've crammed so much quality in that I think I'll need to go back and re-read. 

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Posted in April shower
