Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 185806 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
30 of my 361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 31 votes

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Kurt Rellians

My stories

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.11 : Dumis (Part 1 - Section 2)

Priestess Danella is impressed with the magnificent achievements of the Prancirians in their capital city Dumis, in architecture and culture. General Ravelleon finds the Priestess more adventurous in sexual matters than his wife. This is Section 2 of this Part.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.11: Dumis (Part 1 - Section 1)

Priestess Danella finds wonder and adventure in the invaders' capital city. Here she can observe the afflictions, cruelties and weaknesses of a competitive and harsh society.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.10: Love Grows (Part 2 - Section 2)

General Ravelleon has taken Danella as a mistress, but is obliged to accept that she still has the freedom to be a Priestess. He suggests that she return with him to his homeland for a period, when he is to be posted back in the capital city of his homeland. This is the second section of two. Set in an alternative world.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.10: Love Grows (Part 2 - Section1)

General Ravelleon has taken Danella as a mistress, but is obliged to accept that she still has the freedom to be a Priestess. He suggests that she return with him to his homeland for a period, when he is to be posted back in the capital city of his homeland. This is the first section of 2. Set in an alternative world.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.10: Love Grows (Part 1)

General Ravelleon becomes obsessed with Priestess Danella and she becomes his mistress. His infatuation can no longer remain secret. Set in Dalos, in the occupied part of the Empire of the Goddess.
